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The player list experiment - Printable Version

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RE: The player list experiment - Czechmate - 07-12-2024

(07-12-2024, 08:13 PM)Levenna Wrote:
(07-12-2024, 08:10 PM)Czechmate Wrote: snip

Nobody goes out of their way to reactionary log against new players.
They do. Just because they are part of faction XYZ.
Or because of bounty boards, remember Couden?

RE: The player list experiment - Levenna - 07-12-2024

(07-12-2024, 08:16 PM)Czechmate Wrote: Or because of bounty boards, remember Couden?
Which faction?
And yes, I do remember the man who got perma'd.

RE: The player list experiment - Jayce - 07-12-2024

(07-12-2024, 08:15 PM)Czechmate Wrote:
(07-12-2024, 05:58 PM)Fab Wrote: An alternative method would be replacing player names with IFFs:

this would be less frustrating to use, for sure
This is the ideal solution if possible to be done.

Right now metagaming bittervets have the advantage of knowing who is who anyways very fast. There have been trading groups even keeping spreadsheets with pirates - this method is MUCH more beginner friendly and levels the playing field.

I keep a spreadsheet of your characters so I can avoid you as much as possible.

RE: The player list experiment - Czechmate - 07-12-2024

(07-12-2024, 08:22 PM)Jayce Wrote:
(07-12-2024, 08:15 PM)Czechmate Wrote:
(07-12-2024, 05:58 PM)Fab Wrote: An alternative method would be replacing player names with IFFs:

this would be less frustrating to use, for sure
This is the ideal solution if possible to be done.

Right now metagaming bittervets have the advantage of knowing who is who anyways very fast. There have been trading groups even keeping spreadsheets with pirates - this method is MUCH more beginner friendly and levels the playing field.

I keep a spreadsheet of your characters so I can avoid you as much as possible.
Well yeah, and I very much appreciate that, but not all people who use the player list go out of their way to be nice to others like you are.

At the end of the day, the player list is pure metagaming that favours metagaming vets and should be adjusted if staff find a sensible way that can be implemented.

RE: The player list experiment - Nodoka Hanamura - 07-12-2024

(07-12-2024, 07:45 PM)Ecclesiarch Wrote: Wonder why...
If you have never been ganked, it means you have never taken a proactive position on a controversial issue. Any fool knows how to fight against everything bad and for everything good. Although, considering that you are ready to threaten to leave in order to protect your interests, this says a lot about your loyalty to the project and manipulation skills. I agree with you: it's cheap, but it will work. Perhaps it helped you survive before. Perhaps this provided you with protection from ganks. I don't know, I don't care. Just think about what you're saying. Not all people are stupid.

I have been ganked, thank you very much.

And my 'manipulation skills' and 'loyalty to the project'? Really? Argumentum Ad Hominem must be the flavor of the day, huh.

How about we teach these poor SOBs who keep getting their ass handed to them to fight back - and incentivize the guys who do gank to play fairly. I and Locksmith took on a Liberty Archer-class the other day, and we only won because he and I were more experienced then the newbie who went and put himself in a cruiser, with minimal experience in capital-on-snub fighting, constantly running away instead of turning broadsides to get all guns on us - I can tell you right now, had he been a bit better with those flaks, and didn't just run away with afterburners, he probably could of whacked Locksmith, since he was in a VHF.

I'm not going to point fingers, or blame any faction here - but we collectively, the more experienced of us, need to teach these people - How do we know if something is going on in say, Dublin, or Penn, or for old time's sake, Omicron Delta, if the player list only says 'BRETONIA' or 'LIBERTY' or 'EDGE WORLDS'. Your answer is likely, "Log in and find out", yes? That'd work - if travelling between systems was not a time-consuming process - Liberty spans 8 systems. Running a dragnet search for a player in Liberty would take about an hour, and by that time the player has had a smoke, done their business and likely eff'd off. And even then, one could predict where a ship is at based on region changes and other factors. If they leave Bretonia and go into the Taus, they're in Tau-31. Leave Bretonia and go to the LIbero-Bretonian independent worlds, and they're in one of four systems, one of which is Edinburgh, which links up to Gallia. Set up BARCAPs (Barrier Combat Area Patrol) like me and Locksmith did with a Gunboat between jump gates and holes to Liberty, we have quite literally set said party up for an attack.

Where there's a will, there is a way.

The majority of our players are people who have been here for more than 2 years. Some have been part of the community for over *ten*. You want to hemmorhage players? Be my guest - watch as Discovery goes the way of YSFlight and Activeworlds. I'm here to finish a story and enjoy playing with my friends. I'll be here until, again - I see no reason to stay or I feel I have done all that I wish to do. And putting in ideas like this is a step in the former direction, given I've already seen some things that don't exactly engender the idea that things have improved since I left.

Addendum: I am in favor of the alternative idea, where player names are obfuscated in lieu of ID/IFF - maybe if we have ship type too. It's.. a bit better, but I still am uncertain about it.

RE: The player list experiment - Enko - 07-12-2024

This would put people off more than promote anything. In theory I like the idea but only if we had enough players to fill that density which we do not.

If anything it would widen the spaces that players stop. Anyone in the Tau's that look dodgy? Don't go in. Anyone who is in Bretonia as a Lawful? Possibly camping Dublin so can't use it.

Among many other reasons for it. Overall I would like to see the cloak potentially expanded to use the forum list as well and could see how that goes, it would give a risk reward system for those trying to sneak around.

RE: The player list experiment - Czechmate - 07-12-2024

The anonymous ID IFF list would encourage interactions much more than the current system. And it would remove the OORP element.

Only people who would suffer is those who want to force interactions onto others, by either abusing beginners and people who just play the game without metagaming the player list, or by using changing alts to stay "sneaky"

Instead it would be transparent what IFF is where, but the player names would be hidden

RE: The player list experiment - Venkman - 07-12-2024

I would much prefer if we got rid of Arriving/Departing Player option from the launcher. That said, with the player count that we have today, doing what you suggested would just make things more difficult when it comes to "finding" other players... maybe 6-7 years ago it would've worked.

RE: The player list experiment - Czechmate - 07-12-2024

(07-12-2024, 08:44 PM)Venkman Wrote: I would much prefer if we got rid of Arriving/Departing Player option from the launcher. That said, with the player count that we have today, doing what you suggested would just make things more difficult when it comes to "finding" other players... maybe 6-7 years ago it would've worked.
Second proposal makes it much easier. Now you can't tell what faction is flying where, with ID/IFF and anonymous players you could, without knowing what players is behind it - this is geared much better to small server numbers than current system

RE: The player list experiment - Emperor Tekagi - 07-12-2024

(07-12-2024, 08:44 PM)Venkman Wrote: I would much prefer if we got rid of Arriving/Departing Player option from the launcher. That said, with the player count that we have today, doing what you suggested would just make things more difficult when it comes to "finding" other players... maybe 6-7 years ago it would've worked.

It's quite literally not feasible in this day and age.
Oh and Ennk, cloaks should already display only region on forums too now iirc.

As for the ID/IFF approach, how does it change anything? Oh no, instead of a faction tag I see a pirate/lawful ID in that system. It would even harm the indies currently flying with no visible faction indicators. As for the traders have spreadsheet arguments, dude, that is because they literally minmaxx powertrade and hate interacting with anyone. They are getting mad at lawfuls for scanning them for 5 secs, such people do not have any place in game changing discussions tbh