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Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Printable Version

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Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Tenacity - 07-02-2009

I dont think the ship cost needs changing, but armor cost definitely does... Cap Armor should not cost more than the ship itself.

I mean, even with my cap 4 or whatever armor on my carrier, I spent 50 million credits on the armor, and I only get 0.5x more armor than I would with the 15 million credit mk8 fighter armor... on top of that it takes up more cargo space.

I honestly think the price on cap armor (and fighter armor even) should be cut in half, at least. Then again, I also think there should be a disadvantage to using armor... it should reduce your ship's manuverability significantly due to higher mass - that would cause some people to think twice before putting armor on their ships, and we may end up seeing fewer people with cap 8 upgrades.

Maybe reduce turning rate and acceleration rate by the multiplier of the armor. I.e. fighter mk8 armor gives a 2.5x increase, so have it reduce fighter manuverability by 25%. Cap 8 armor gives a 4x increase, so have it reduce manuverability by 40%.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Derkylos - 07-02-2009

Once-upon-a-time, I was going to buy a battleship...then I saw how much it was going to cost and scrapped that idea. Now, I own one gunboat (access to 2 others+a BS that never sees the light of day). I'd love to RP a capship crew, but the simple fact is that I don't have the cash to do it, and, as such, will stick to fighters.

Meh, most faction battleships are purely used as PvP tools, anyways...I can barely remember the last time any of my factions deployed a battleship (I think someone pulled the Pendragon out to scare an indie lolcap ages ago). They are rarely, if ever, used as RP tools...

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Cosmos - 07-02-2009

haha, reducing the Battleship cost will only harm the community.

everyone will fly battleships with Solaris and flak setups with 1 HM.
There will be groups of about 10 Battleships fully armed with that setup just waiting for someone in something lower than BS too come along.

on another note,
Admiral.Tripster is a corsair legate that has full solaris that only kills fighters and bombers when they are alone, Kill him with your LULCAPS please?

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Quorg - 07-02-2009

It's the disco tradition to increase the price of any and every large ship with each successive mod.

It doesn't seem to have reduced the lolcappage.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Cellulanus - 07-02-2009

That pole is really close right now, looks split right about 50/50.

That normally means that nothing will be changed.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Monk - 07-02-2009

I always wanted a BS. In 4.83 I'd started saving for one. Then prices went up in 4.84 and I decided I'd rather play the game rather than grind. Now that the amount of time I play on Disco has dropped to the odd hour or two every other week I mostly only do trading. At that rate I should have a BS in like 2 years.

I've always had a lot of great ideas for running a BS RP but price has kept me out of that market. IMO, stronger restrictions should be placed on the use of battleships. Fore example, they cannot go offensive unless it is part of a big event. The skirmishes that comprise most casual RP-PVP should not include a BS at the head of the offensive. However, I think battleships taking up a defensive position in key areas while monitoring passing traffic is a much more logical situation for them.

I agree with Eppy here.

EDIT: I guess the big question we have to ask ourselves is, has increasing prices reduced the number of offensive OORP battleships?

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Jacob S. - 07-02-2009

I'd like to see Armor reduced, but the price of the ship itself is pretty good in my book.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - triple88a - 07-02-2009

' Wrote:on another note,
Admiral.Tripster is a corsair legate that has full solaris that only kills fighters and bombers when they are alone, Kill him with your LULCAPS please?
What are you talking about sir? When they are alone? Yesterday that character got ambushed by 6 or 7 ships. Bombers and gunboats... he killed 4 men. Eventually the men that were left fled.

I find the ship prices good as well. I would like to see more upgrades though just like the armor upgrades.. energy upgrades, shield upgrades, weapon mount upgrades.. (adding more weapon mounts...) I like the prices of the armor. It makes people actually work for it.

I like to see more expensive upgrades.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - geohxx - 07-02-2009

I Think NO

I just get one BS, but, the RP its more hard in this ship, you need a commander, pilot, engineers, crew, a wing of pilots with you when you go to battle.
If you want a big ship, you must do RP, all time, so you only can do RP when you learn to fly and interact with other pilots, you must get the money trading, smugling or pirateing, as you want but you must get the credits, yes those 2 billions for buy the ship, armor, guns, and one big bank account for repairs and maintenance.

I was one year in disco working for learn to play according the rules, i was a noob, i learned to write in english for RP ( yes, i know, very bad, but i learned), so, was a hard way, but finally, i got the BS, was something as one medal, prix, because was a goal for me, now, finally, i have the ship, looks nice, sound nice, but need a high RP sense.

Nobody can get one BS if he havent enough experience in game, i think the price may be more high, above the 1 billion for one of these ship

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Agmen of Eladesor - 07-02-2009

Quote:It is really a matter of the lesser of two wevils, would you like to have PvPwhoring BSs everywhere, and 'lol ima pwn u' being heared every 5 seconds in highly populated systems but have your BS and be a veretable 'bastion of RP in a PvP world', or go without your sweet capital ship, which would no doubt help enhance the RP of whatever faction let you have one, in the name of RP and general sanity?

I agree with the Corsair cannibal, er, sorry, the esteemed Montezuma (even if you didn't tell us where the Tundra was tonight). One of the reasons I enjoy being in my cruiser is that it gives me the opportunity to role-play. When it's time for us to fght, depending upon the ship, the Battlecruiser is good enough to live. And more importantly, most of the time I don't worry too much about the npc's causing me fits when I'm trying to talk.

Quote:But no matter how you get your BS, be it not by getting prices reduced. It's meant to take awhile. Lower the price and the powertraders will simply get it in one week instead of 2.. Trading enough to get the BS shows determination, and after investing all of that time, the owner is likely to put more effort into what it is he does with that battleship. If it gets increased, that's fine. If it stays, that's fine too. But not lower.

Dab is exactly right here, as well. When I wanted my cruiser, I put in the time to get the money to get it. Okay, it just so happens that I put in enough time that I can basically buy just about whatever ship I want, too, but hey - that's part of RP'ing as a trader, too. Those of you that find it boring should perhaps put some thought into the character and get into the mindset.

Quote:I dont think the ship cost needs changing, but armor cost definitely does... Cap Armor should not cost more than the ship itself.

Ah, good, I was so concerned that I had agreed with Tenacity once that it was going to happen more often. Glad to see that we're back to totally disagreeing.

Because he's wrong.

Ever equip a vehicle? Maybe put in a custom sound system? You know the chassis and engine on the car may have only cost $5,000 for that heap - and then you see the $10,000 worth of stereo equipment in it. Again (as was pointed out in a previous thread on this subject) you'll see that putting the armor into a vehicle costs MUCH more than the base cost of the vehicle. - Click on some of the details. A Ford pickup - for only $185,000, or a Chevy Suburban for $156,000. They even mention that they'll do a Toyota Tundra for $65,000 - plus the cost of the vehicle - so the armor cost THREE TIMES the base cost of the truck.

Personally, if you want the Cap8, which is supposed to be the very best, then you should have to pay through the nose for it - and you do. I do quite well with my Cap6, Cap5, Cap4 armors - not nearly as expensive, and work quite well for game purposes.