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Apologies - marauder - 01-30-2007

Didn't you know?

As far as most of the new players I've seen lately are concerned it is a PvP server.

RP doesn't exist as far as their concerned.

After all, why else would someone have a titan with a freelancer ID and a police tag?

Not to mention the transport turret that was mounted on it, just because you can mount a weapon doesn't actually mean that its worth it.

Or the guys who are quite happy to fight 2 on 1 but run like bats outta hell when the odds become 2 on 2.

I'm starting to think romer was right about finding another game...

Apologies - BestFlyerHere - 01-30-2007

My God, Marauder, i just realized how right you are!!! I'm considering opening up a server with a password, the Discovery Roleplay Server 24/7. For the vets that like role-play. Just an idea...

Apologies - TankTarget - 01-30-2007

I'd join it if I got reimbursed, and marauder right you are.

Today I took on TWO Avengers in Frankfurt that used bots and bats and ran when they didn't I was also being shot at by an RH BS patrol. And they had civilian IDs, Buckshot, Hornvipers, Firekiss, chainguns and a few other things....

Apologies - Nightfall - 01-30-2007

Tank, and not only you, a lot of others also, I'm trying to help you learn something you already have, but you can't see it yourself, I don't want to give advices nor 'teach' anyone anything.

Btw, I'm dead serious about the money, every school has it's price.

Apologies - TankTarget - 01-30-2007

Well this was not a school course that I signed up for...kinda like public school you don't have to accept it you just get drafted... And if you had made your point instead of all this cloak and dagger stuff...

You're trying to teach to me a player not for myself but for Discovery? And to get my people together and add something to community. (that's what it looks like and you're not getting 400mil..200 at the most)

Apologies - Dab - 01-30-2007

Basically what I do when confronted with a pvper is deny them the thing they want most. I RP, and if they completely refuse and not even attempt to themselves, they aren't likely to get a fight with me. Unless its in Theta and they are breaking laws, I'm likely not going to fight them without some type of RP going on.

If everyone did this, the pvper's might grow a brain stem and learn they will be denied what they want if they don't do as everyone else.

Apologies - romer - 01-30-2007

Quote:the pvper's might grow a brain stem and learn borrow a saying from Marauder...

About as likely as a snowball surviving in hell...

Apologies - JonatanRaven - 01-30-2007

' Wrote:Didn't you know?

As far as most of the new players I've seen lately are concerned it is a PvP server.

RP doesn't exist as far as their concerned.

After all, why else would someone have a titan with a freelancer ID and a police tag?
I'm sorry to have to state the obvious, but:
  • Because they're not aware of the fact that it is an RP server..?
  • Because they don't even know what roleplaying is?
' Wrote:My God, Marauder, i just realized how right you are!!! I'm considering opening up a server with a password, the Discovery Roleplay Server 24/7. For the vets that like role-play. Just an idea...
And disappear among the other innumerable servers around: No players online most of the time, 5 players online when you and your approved 5 closest friends get on. That would benefit Discovery..

' Wrote:About as likely as a snowball surviving in hell...
And the leniency on new players continues. When are you going to drop the gloves and really deal with this problem? <-- IRONY

Now, before you post comments on my post let me say this. This thread belongs in the flood forum or some other off-topic/ooc/trash-forum. If you've read any other posts by me, you know my opinion on the matter. Why did I even bother posting here? Because your attitude sucks.

Grow up! (oh, yes, I did check your age on your profiles but that's not what I'm referring to)

Apologies - romer - 01-30-2007

Quote:I'm sorry to have to state the obvious, but:
Because they're not aware of the fact that it is an RP server..?
Because they don't even know what roleplaying is?

Really, is it that hard to figure out from the console messages that flash across your screen in-game?

Or do you not bother to read those? It blatantly says that this is an RP server. I suppose we're expecting too for people to actually read and understand that very simple concept.

It's ok Jonatan, I know your type...the devil's advocate...more like a simple smart-ass who just likes to argue... so you're going to be the new champion to stand up and defend the idiots....bravo!!!

Apologies - Dab - 01-30-2007

Jonaton, the server has RP in its freaking name. If they don't know what RP is, or do and don't do it themselves, than they should stay the hell off the server. I'm about to add my vote to those wishing to put a password on the server, then hiding it somewhere in the rules thread. Preferably somewhere in the role playing part of the rules.

Its getting rediculous. There are CONSTANT reminders everywhere in the game that it is an RP server, not pvp.

Also, if we made an RP-only server with a password, most of the veterans and heavy-RPers would play on it. We are the ones getting sick of the "Wanna pvp? Do you wanna? Comon," blah blah blah crap. People either harass you until you fight, or shoot with no warning, least of all REASON, whatsoever.

My AW capship, a dreadnaught was shot at yesterday. It was a ZONER ship, AW is a ZONER faction. The guy was a Corsair, who are NEUTRAL to Zoners. He had my shield 3/4 down before I had opened Freelancer. He knew I was afk, and underequipped with no armor upgrade. He attacked anyway, hoping to kill me before I got back. After I fought him off twice, he asked a TBF bomber to come help him. A bomber and fully loaded Talarca vs an Outcast dreadnaught who's hull damaging weaps consisted of a whole 5 MKII Order BS Turrets.

I know if Kane found me AFK and with my ship like that, he would ASK before attacking me, to make sure it was okay. Same would happen with Virus and Korrd if they found someone in that position.

These new pvpers don't get a rat's ass about honor, or dignity, or fair play.

Zypher and Skylanzer have been here for a month or more, and yet they STILL haven't done a single bit of RP. They fly around in little uber-bombers and shoot everything that moves. Half the pirates don't even demand cargo/money from traders anymore. They just shoot on sight and destroy the guy.

Heck, Spellbound, with a CORSAIR tag, in a TALARCA (Sold on BD base, so he had to have neutral with them, not to mention Corsairs are hostile to BD..) tried to order a PHANTOM out of ALPHA, which is the OUTCAST system. As he was doing this, he and his Corsair-tagged friends were docking MALTA. That is the OUTCAST PLANET. The one planet a Corsair should NEVER step foot on. I've seen this done constantly. Corsair after Corsair docking Malta, with Outcast neutral or even green. They don't care about reps, or RP. They just want the best of the best in ships and equipment, and go around shooting everyone, everywhere.

7 out of 10 players have the Rheinland or Taiiden bomber, because they can easily kill capships, and can also kill fighters. And until recently, could literially slaughter transports.

What I say to those with no interest in RP, is to get the **** out. You aren't wanted here on a ROLE-PLAYING server.

I'd rather have a maximum of 15 people on server at a time, than 45 where only 5 RP. Thats the situation right now. Only the people who have been here for 3+ months RP at all, except for a few exceptions, such as Osorojo.