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Admin Notice: Those who leave... - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Those who leave... - Encheta - 07-22-2009


Are you serious? Holy crap...

Normally I try not to post in these sort of threads, but from what you've contributed to the mod and the forums as admins it's going to be very hard to get used to them not being around.. I sincerely wish you guys all the best and hope that once things have settled down you can come back.

If you wish to come back...


We haven't been that bad, surely?


Admin Notice: Those who leave... - Elsdragon - 07-22-2009

Not at all unexpected. Sad to see burg go, Never knew Kane,And I really dont care about xoria, I know he put alot of work in, but i dont really like how he handeled things.....

Still, we lost three great men today. May there Memory live on forever more

Admin Notice: Those who leave... - Athenian - 07-22-2009

Thanks to all three of you for devoting so much of your own time freely to this great hobby.

Admin Notice: Those who leave... - Birdtalon - 07-22-2009

Bye guys sad to see you go!

Good work you have done for the community

Admin Notice: Those who leave... - swift - 07-22-2009

[font=Palatino Linotype]Not entirely unexpected, from the common sense of nobody being a deity capable of eternally committing to such duties, but you three have performed them admirably for a long time.

So I thank you for that, as everyone else here should.
I wish you the best of luck with your endeavors, both on and off the "line", and I hope you'll still find time to play the game on occasion.

[color=#CC6600]Thank you
again, and fare well. (But not farewell.)

Oh and, special kudos to Marburg there, my favorite out of the bunch. A cool and no nonsense attitude, or a humorous one, depending on the necessity. You did well.

Admin Notice: Those who leave... - Weedalot - 07-22-2009

its a shame to see them leave.

Admin Notice: Those who leave... - Seth Karlo - 07-22-2009

My best wishes to them.


Admin Notice: Those who leave... - Eppy - 07-22-2009

Unexpected? Looool.

Special thanks to Marburg, for being sane and a right out swell guy.

Admin Notice: Those who leave... - Exile - 07-22-2009



Admin Notice: Those who leave... - AJBeast - 07-22-2009

Hrm ... okay ? Good luck with RL and all that magguffin. I hope now we can get some fresh blood on the admin team. Heh.