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Okay, That's It! - Monk - 08-11-2009

' Wrote:Heres a tip:

When you hear "incoming missile", cancel cruise. Then when the CD hits, you don't have the extra 5 seconds that you have to wait.

So you can just cruise... cancel. Cruise... Cancel, until they stop spamming you.

Also...if you have the time you can thrust e-kill and fly backwards...its like NPC kryptonite

But still...this is a hassle and NPCs should at least have the number of CDs reduced

Okay, That's It! - Friday - 08-11-2009

I made a suggestion in another thread:

Let Liners use Gunboat weapons - they will be limited by their much smaller powercores as to what they can use.

Really, let all Transports use Gunboat guns if they want to - it is the powercore that will restrict them.

If there is any class of ships in this game that should be spammed - it is Transports!

Okay, That's It! - Belco - 08-11-2009

i really like how the Democritus Luxury Yacht has a slot for a gunboat turret as well as 4 transport ones. because of it's powercore, i cant fire razors or missile turrets, and i think i can drain all my power for 1 gunboat pulse cannon shot, but i've mounted small transport turrets and the beefy looking bretonian gunboat turret and it fires fairly well, very rarely running low on power.

If something could be set up on liners allowing a few level 8 mounts, i think it'd be more realistic (they are big ships), and distinguish them from transports a bit more, the one thing we dont want to see is razors being mounted on liners, not their job at all.

im in favor of scaling down the cargo bay slightly if need be to deter power trading in liners, because as i see it, liners are strictly RP.

TCD on npcs? i've never had a problem, but i do find Liberty to be so relaxing as you can just cruise away from npc's as none of them have CDs
maybe if they had their ammo cut down to 1 or 2 CD's? still enough to annoy you, but you could escape pretty quickly

Okay, That's It! - Eppy - 08-11-2009

Here's an idea. Don't nerf the liner. Buff it in every way, and then make it special RP request. Therefore, I can have the trading cruiser I need, there is no spammage, the NPC Titans will go the hell away, AND I MIGHT MAKE SOME MONEY.

Liners SHOULD be difficult to crack and require teamwork from bombers and gunboats (why should fighters have a chance? I've not been fighter-pirated since 4.83). Liners SHOULD be very, very profitable. Liners SHOULD be rare. It all fits.


EDIT: Also, those class 8 guns need to come with a bigger power plant...Gunboat Razors are useless on a Liner because, let's face it, the damn things are longer than the gun's range. Missiles, people, missiles, flak, Solarii, Wave Motion Guns, Jesus, these ships are billion-credit investments with the only priceless commodity in Sirius, and they should be able to match it (especially since they get chased and hunted by every one of you damn dirty pirates).

Okay, That's It! - Robert.Fitzgerald - 08-11-2009

Liners should be stationary making money from passengers and prisoners aboard them, perhaps other things for different liners. I don't see why they specifically should be trading goods to and from stations, and if they are, they must be comparable to other transports. The day liners become stationary to make money will be the day I'll approve of major defense/offensive buffs to their stats.

Okay, That's It! - Eppy - 08-11-2009

' Wrote:Liners should be stationary making money from passengers and prisoners aboard them, perhaps other things for different liners. I don't see why they specifically should be trading goods to and from stations, and if they are, they must be comparable to other transports. The day liners become stationary to make money will be the day I'll approve of major defense/offensive buffs to their stats.

They don't trade. They carry people. They're huge, and most pirates assume that they're absolutely loaded and relentlessly hunt them down. They can barely hurt NPCs.

Okay, That's It! - Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever - 08-11-2009

*grabs spitball shooter * *repeadetdly fires at eppy's face*

Train CD's should be lowered to like hornets or mosquitos or the original one. or a lower ammo count.
I never see prison liners, luxury liners are by far the most common, with Royal Liners being low also.
However i do not think we want a repeat of several versions ago by making liners giant gunboats.
Maybe one or two gunboat slots, it would add variety. However, it should have a specialized power plant to
allow it not to fire Razors or Pulses, but a missle turret would be effective for vs. bombers/fighters.

Okay, That's It! - Robert.Fitzgerald - 08-11-2009

Well if you can't handle pirates with over 10 transport turrets, then thruster to a nearby base (very handy if you're on a house route) and dock. If you're up against overwhelming odds, like two gunboats or three bombers, then you're going to lose quickly in any transport.

Against lone or disorganised pirates on routes with trade lanes, simply get some good armour and thruster to nearby bases if they are baying for your blood. This works with supertransports, container transports, any transport really. If you're coming up against organised and/or numerous pirates, get some escorts or pay up.

Okay, That's It! - Jinx - 08-11-2009

i d be honest - i think that buffing liners is something i d not support..

when you say about nomad assassins that "now thats nomad space, liners do not travel" - i d counter with.... ever seen a liner where Titan NPCs are? - hawai is the closest a liner gets to the edgeworlds.

i do respect your roleplay. - but when you take a civilian ship into ETA, a warzone, - you can as much complain as a zoner taking his whale into omicron-iota.

wehre liners are supposed to fly ( core worlds, civilized and explored space ) - there is absolutely NO danger for them from NPCs.

in general - we re discussing traders in general ( you might have noticed athenians thread, too - where its about feedback about traders ). such things don t go unnoticed.. but i daresay it doesn t necessarily involve exclusivly ships with thousands of cargospace, almost as much armour as a cruiser, dozens of gunturrets.

yes, i know it is your roleplay. - but if it was ANY other person, i d tell him to frelling use a pirate transport or a pirate train. - these ships are much smaller, rather nimble - but even those ships have trouble in .... a warzone like ETA. ( concerning palermo )

so the only traders you might see in the edgeworlds are :

- zoners, who are naturally neutral to the factions they trade around
- factionized pirate traders, who - if entering hostile space - should have at least a wingman for NPC distraction
- madmen, whos lifespan is usually rather short.
- freelancers, that have made diplomatic ties to the factions they trade around

Okay, That's It! - El Nino - 08-11-2009

/signed here with Jinx...

WHAT THA HELL ARE YOU DOING in ETA! Get a pirate train, or something.

You are taking that liner where a liner should not be going and getting hurt like a liner should not be hurting....

Though, I do agree on some bitts, like the price, liners cost as near as makes no diffrence, 200 milion credits. And that's Cruiser money. I would have nothing against them having gunboat turrets and gunboat shields. (And heavy gunboat powerplants) You think ship builder would be able to bring such power on to a ship, for basicly 10mil, (that's what them powerplants should at maximum cost).

NPC's are tough, they fire them train CD's at you when you go the wrong way,....

And again, trial by forum,:DEppy my man, you are part of devs we are discussing things like that as we speak, why not discuss it there?