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Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Printable Version

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Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Cyberanson - 08-12-2009

Arrrw.... moment, let me think and give some arguments for joining ALG and using 5k transports.

We can travel to every house freely. Unlawful groups in Rheinland don't see us as important enemies and normally let us go without demanding very much or even without robbing us.

We can pass the Liberty-Rheinland embargo with Toxic Waste.

Xenos and other terrorists let us go when we carry dangerous stuff.

We can haul nukes through Bretonia and Rheinland legally.

We have 5k transports.

We use some jump holes.

We have the Golem.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Benjamin - 08-12-2009

Yeah, ALG get more-or-less pirate immunity in Rheinland!

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Janus - 08-12-2009

There aren't any pirates in Rheinland.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Fletcher - 08-12-2009

In RP I can only see the Adv. Train going to corporations, which Indie traders are not really a part of. Just work for a corporate ID and work their routes.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Janus - 08-12-2009

If and when Slavers get a cargo limit imposed, this join a corp stuff might have some merit.

Another suggestion - Both Kusari and Bretonia have 4.2k trans. Smugglers can use the 4.3k train.

I think dropping slavers to 4.3k, rasing Indy traders up to 4.2 and introducing 4.2k house trans for Rheinland and Bretonia would be a reasonable compromise.

Junkers can fly a Shire but an independent Bretonian can't? Is that in any way reasonable?

Edit: Possibly 4.5k, those that want to indy powertrade can use the Heavy train, those that want to fly the flag for their respective house can use the 4.2k house trans.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - darthbeck - 08-12-2009

dont fix it if it aint broken.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Janus - 08-12-2009

Personally, I think slavers using 5ks when smugglers can't is broken. Especially as a number of slavers don't run slaves.

But, you know, I can get an ATrain and a Slaver ID same as everyone else, right?

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Wuselkobold - 08-12-2009

Technically, slavers aren't allowed to use 5k's. Why? They are not allowed to dock at the bases where the ships are sold. They can't buy it with a freelancer ir indie trader ID because of the cargo limitation, and the Bases selling 5k's don't sell Slaver IDs.
So, in theory, every slaver who flys an A-Train, Shire, Rheinland Train or Luxury Liner has broken the rules.
Does anyone care? No.
Either Slavers get limited too, or the indy traders have to have access to those ships as well.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Cellulanus - 08-12-2009

Last time I checked, doesn't the Large Train and Advanced Trains infocards specifically say they were designed for and are only used by corporations?

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - 11of10 - 08-12-2009

Large Train

As the name indicates, this class of ship was developed by corporate entities and their holding companies to carry ridiculous amounts of cargo.

Advanced Train

Pushing the upper envelopes of contemporary engineering, the grandest configuration of the vulnerable "Train" class vessel plays deft host to a chain of incredible mass, threading the fortunes of companies between asteroids and firefights alike with a finesse not easily believed until seen. While weight must be spread somewhat uneconomically to maintain structural integrity, hence the question additional pods, the relative compact nature of the ship belies the sheer tonnage she hauls. As such the vessel is a common sight across the houses, used by all.