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(Semi) Serious suggestion - Printable Version

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(Semi) Serious suggestion - elgeeko - 08-21-2009

To me, powertrading is trading that happens;

1; with a minimum or total lack of role play
2; sometimes in an OORP fashion as to the ship/route/ID
3; often happens with the intent to avoid piracy at all (including f1) costs, or at the very least the player dislikes participating in interaction with pirates strongly.

So to me, trading for a great deal of money is *not* 'powertrading' if the player role plays well and his route/ship/Id fall inside the bounds of RP, and if this players knows and understands the risks posed by pirates and just tries to enjoy the RP.

My trading character is alot of fun for me actually because the route he travels, while legitimate for his background, is very interesting and somewhat meandering. It puts him in potential contact with all kinds of great characters and its that interaction that makes the long trade runs so much more enjoyable.

If we had to have a 'powertrader' Id here is my suggestion for it;

Powertrader ID;
Holder of this ID may trade and trade only.
Allowed ships; "Power Transport" a ship with triple the cargo of an adv train, but no guns and no armor slot.
Powertraders are an exception to the capital ship pirating rule.
Powertraders are not required to role play, but they must sill follow server rules and not speak in an OORP fashion.
Pirates may destroy Powertraders without warning or demands.
Powertraders may not carry contraband of any kind, only legal cargoes.
House Police have the right to hold powertraders suspected of smuggling without probable cause, and to destroy them if they refuse to respond.

So yes, that was a joke, in short we should try to eliminate 'powertrading' in favor of real trading that fosters Role Play and interaction.

(Semi) Serious suggestion - AJBeast - 08-21-2009

I would support this ID only if pirates are obliged to pirate powertraders for 10x the regular amount. 20 if you are carrying a "2mordai Pirate ID".

ololol much ?