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Buccaneers NPC faction - Capt. Henry Morgan - 08-21-2009

I'm not really interested in a system, unless it becomes the only way to get a base of our own. The system I've got in mind is a completely dead system who's star long since went nova. It'll have no usable resources, and be chock-full of natural dangers. As for the base there, it'll be a long-abandoned research station that Cambridge University used to study the after-effects of a supernova, then abandoned when the funding dried up.

As I said, though, that's a backup plan in case we can't get bases any other way, though.

Buccaneers NPC faction - swift - 08-21-2009

I wouldn't say that the Buccaneers should ever really get a system, for many reasons, one of them being that no system can stay a secret forever, and they could never survive a straight on battle with such a fleet like the Bretonian one.

They should operate out of hidden bays, not out of strongholds.

If the Buccaneers get an NPC faction, which I still claim is way too early for it to happen, despite them seeming to have a lot of potential and good people, it should be linked to one base hidden somewhere in Bretonia. Two at the very most.

But anyways, my main beef with anyone getting an NPC faction early is that they might drop into inactivity. I believe that someone who got an NPC faction all to themselves should maintain the RP of it, and not let it deteriorate, become a roll call only faction, or one which is seen rarely.

Hopefully, this will not be the case with the Bucs, but we cannot know that now, hence time.

Buccaneers NPC faction - Zeltak - 08-21-2009

' Wrote:NPC tag, id - Yes
Bases - Yes
NPC pilots - Maybe
System - Not in any near future.

After reading a few arguments in this thread I fall into the same line of thinking as Bjorn.

Buccaneers NPC faction - jammi - 08-21-2009

' Wrote:While I would support a base and a NPC faction for the Buccaneers, I think the idea with the own system is not the best.
They should definetly NOT have the technical expertise to colonize remote systems or planets.
A while ago we were bouncing ideas back and forth in the Buccaneer chat, and with the system the general concensus was if we got one it'd be in the blank area to the left of Bretonia that you can see on the map. Possibly in the red nebula that you can see on most Bretonian system's starboxs out in that direction.

The system itself would be such a hell-hole and so full of natural hazards and devoid of resources that Bretonian explorers would have had a look around, and simply given up with the term "screw this" hanging from their lips. We were thinking radiation, gas pockets, the works. Possibly rare Buccaneer installed weapon platforms scattered around the place to discourage new explorers.

There would be one base in the entire system, which I suppose could either be an old outpost abandoned by the explorers, or a dig-in built in a large asteroid. There was a joke going around about having a scrap-metal radiation shield built.

When thinking of a prospective Buccaneer system, think a really really hostile version of Omega 41.

@swift: Seeing as you posted as I was writing, I'll address some of your points. Gorilla fighters in the Middle East avoid being crushed by doubling back to positions that have been previously written off as abandoned. It's still a stronghold, but no-one suspects it is, so no-one cares. Similarly, there's no worries about explorers stumbling over the above system, because they already have and charted it as a dead end.

You'd also have to be mad to send a fleet into that kind of terrain. The BAF sent a fleet into the Southampton Debris Field to root out the Buccaneers in the past, and paid dearly for it (although we still came out worse), but the point is, that ground is a lot friendlier than what we're proposing.

And gaining an NPC faction would herald the 'exponential growth' period - it would be a fully fledged NPC faction, not just a unique IFF for a single group (that needs clearing with Glenn though) which would somewhat bypass the chance of the Buc|'s going inactive. I'm sure there'd be indies cropping up for us to oppress before long:P

Buccaneers NPC faction - reavengitair - 08-21-2009

In the end, I am going to go with NPCs, however, not too many. Just around patrolling a base.

Buccaneers NPC faction - darthbeck - 08-21-2009

personaly, i think that you should wait awhile before asking for this. mainly because you are new.

but i would support you getting a base, and iff.

Buccaneers NPC faction - Turkish - 08-21-2009

I think a broken and abandoned station model retrofitted with some dock HPs wouldn't be a bad start.

Buccaneers NPC faction - reavengitair - 08-21-2009

Quote:I think a broken and abandoned station model retrofitted with some dock HPs wouldn't be a bad start.

Actually a very good idea. I've always liked the idea of abandoned bases.

Buccaneers NPC faction - Sprolf - 08-21-2009

' Wrote:Bretonia really needs a strong unlawful group.


And, more importantly, an unlawful group that is not idealistic.
Both the Mollies and Gaians have an agenda, and those types of factions can't really fill the roll pirates like Rogues do.

Buccaneers NPC faction - reavengitair - 08-21-2009

But then again, Kusari and Rheinland don't have a "pirate faction"

Are you going to create them too?

Then again, Kusari has the hogs/fa..