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Liberty rogues, Artifacts, Cardi and Outcasts and Corsairs. - Blodo - 09-02-2009

What about Rogue smuggler Ashcroft then?

Liberty rogues, Artifacts, Cardi and Outcasts and Corsairs. - Klaw117 - 09-02-2009

' Wrote:Stick to the Status Quo.

*Chases Eppy while wielding a baseball bat*
ARGHHHHH!!!! I hate High School Musical!!!!!

' Wrote:What about Rogue smuggler Ashcroft then?
I think the Rogue-Hacker-Outcast Alliance is pretty new, signed around 811 or 812. Before that, the Rogues were pretty much neutral to both the Outcasts and the Corsairs. I voted no for making them neutral, but I'm starting to change my mind. I don't really see why the Rogues or the Hackers should be allied to the Outcasts. However, I know the Outcasts only wanted to ally with them for the expansion of the cardamine smuggling. Other than that, I think the Outcasts kind of dislike the Rogues and the Hackers. I know there was an old vanilla NPC rumor on the Rogue base in Cortez that an Outcast once shot a Rogue for nearly giving him away in space. The Outcast-Hacker relations are a bit better since the Outcasts like that the Hackers can hack the trade lanes to see what ships are coming and what they're carrying, which aids both the Hackers and the Outcasts in their pirating. However, the Outcasts feel they could do without this, meaning they don't really need the hacking skills of the Hackers. They usually just pirate whatever while the Hackers go after the wealthy, high-ranking ships.

Liberty rogues, Artifacts, Cardi and Outcasts and Corsairs. - Dusty Lens - 09-02-2009

I've long appreciated the idea of Rogues returning to their original roots, I could dare say vanilla, by operating as the largest pirate group in the core of Sirius. Namely: Not giving a toss who you are or where you come from if it ultimately profits them. Artifacts? Yeah fine great. Cardamine? Sure sure whatever. Slaves? Leave the pretty ones here and get the rest out of my pens.

Rogue diplomacy might receive a slight tweak in that case, but large changes, such as neutrality with Xenos, would remain on the level of player interaction I imagine.

Liberty rogues, Artifacts, Cardi and Outcasts and Corsairs. - Pinko - 09-02-2009

' Wrote:Well... Its a difficult question.
I see no problem in LR taking artifacts from Junker bases and smuggling it onward. LR would smuggle their mother if they could profit from it imo.

But neutrality alliance with Corsairs, no way.
I dont want LIBERTY rogues in Corsair space on daily basis, they're too much of criminals and tension. Besides, OC would frown on that heavily.

As far as diplomacy go, i see Liberty Rogue groups as terrorist cells.
Like you have terrorist cells in... lets say England, you have more of them. Together they are terrorists of england, but they do not even have to work with each other, just get out of each other's way.
IMO every LR faction thats official or starting as young should have their own diplomacy chart.

As for Corsairs in liberty, I have nothing against corsair smuggler in liberty. Not pirate, not gunboat, but smuggler. Escorts are allright, in small numbers, but deffinatley no "MASS LANDING ON MANHATTAN LOL"

Soooo, you're saying YOU can enter LIBERTY, But LIBERTY rogues can't enter YOUR space?

Cheap man, cheap.

Liberty rogues, Artifacts, Cardi and Outcasts and Corsairs. - tansytansey - 09-02-2009

Deffinately. Rogues by in large aren't soldiers, they're pirates. There are also no Corsairs in Liberty, so I don't see a reason for the Liberty Rogues to be hostile to them.

Maybe with this we can also put a stop to the Outcast Cruiser/Gunship swarm running amok through Liberty as well.

Liberty rogues, Artifacts, Cardi and Outcasts and Corsairs. - DarthCloakedGuy - 09-03-2009

' Wrote:Rogue diplomacy might receive a slight tweak in that case, but large changes, such as neutrality with Xenos, would remain on the level of player interaction I imagine.
Err... why would Rogues be the only people aside from the Zoners and the Xenos themselves that the Xenos didn't hate with a blind wrath?

Liberty rogues, Artifacts, Cardi and Outcasts and Corsairs. - tansytansey - 09-03-2009

Rogues have always been enemies with Xenos. They're like rival gangs, and if there were to be a ceasefire between the two Liberty would get pretty boring. Corsairs and Xenos aren't allied either, so becoming neutral with Corsairs won't effect their stance with the Xenos.
Personally I like that the Liberty Rogues have a rival unlawful group.

Liberty rogues, Artifacts, Cardi and Outcasts and Corsairs. - Ayem - 09-03-2009

I can't see anything wrong with Rogues dealing in artifacts. Outcasts are on one side of Sirius, Corsairs on the other. Half a galaxy away in either direction. Rogues have the opportunity of a free market, a free black market. Anything from anywhere.

With this they have a great deal of power. In Liberty they can make things happen, things the Outcasts and Corsairs both need if they are to support their existing trade, or develop it as Cardamine/Artifact production and distribution rise and fall.

One thing I would not like to see is my fellow Outcasts threatening to launch a military invasion of Liberty to pull the Rogues into line. It's not necessary from a business perspective. A strong, Liberty Rogue-organised black market in Liberty is in the interest of Outcasts and Corsairs. An invasion, or unforgivable threats made against the Liberty Rogues could lead them to wonder why they help the Outcasts at all and push them closer to supporting Corsairs.

In short, Liberty Rogues have the advantage in Liberty, but a single commodity market is a fragile one. Cardamine, I would say, can't be the only thing that is sold.

Liberty rogues, Artifacts, Cardi and Outcasts and Corsairs. - teschy - 09-03-2009

The Liberty Rogues get their stuff either from Hudson, Bering, Cortez or Magellan. They work with the Junkers, Hackers, Outcasts and even the Unioners. They don't go any further, so they do not interact with the Corsairs. The Corsairs are a rather large criminal organization, that doesn't do trade. They rather let Junkers, Zoners or other Independents, buy their artifacts directly from Crete, in return for food rations.

On the other hand, they do keep a friendly relationship with the Outcasts, because they're obliged to. The Outcasts, aren't like the Corsairs. They smuggle, some of them bring the merchandise directly to Liberty themselves, through Bretonia. Of course, the Junkers are in the business too, and they smuggle them through Rheinland as well.

Liberty rogues, Artifacts, Cardi and Outcasts and Corsairs. - tansytansey - 09-03-2009

' Wrote:One thing I would not like to see is my fellow Outcasts threatening to launch a military invasion of Liberty to pull the Rogues into line. It's not necessary from a business perspective. A strong, Liberty Rogue-organised black market in Liberty is in the interest of Outcasts and Corsairs. An invasion, or unforgivable threats made against the Liberty Rogues could lead them to wonder why they help the Outcasts at all and push them closer to supporting Corsairs.
They can try, but at the end of the day their closest base is in Bretonia, Newcastle. An invasion into hostile territory with a supply line that long against an enemy with home-ground advantage and allies is suicidal, even for the Outcasts fighting the Liberty Rogues. They can smash wave after wave of Battleships into the Badlands, but against the Barghest it's not going to be worth a whole lot. Also, if the Outcasts attack the Rogues, then the Cardamine market is shut down and Malta has to find a new market for it's drugs.