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Aoi Iseijin Faction Proposal - Feedback please - Printable Version

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Aoi Iseijin Faction Proposal - Feedback please - Ayem - 09-03-2009

This is a splendid idea and I'm glad it is ripening well. I read through the proposal and refreshed myself on the pdf. I'm sure you'll be seeing Kenzou.Tenma soon!

To the people concerned with the feelings of the traders passing through Kusari; I would like to remind you that the infected aren't pirates. They are enigmatic and operate on a different set of moral rules, often different, from my experience, in each of them. The Kusari Wilde will probably be fighting pirates as often as they do traders and KNF. Or not fighting, as the case may be!

Anyway, I'll stop gushing.

*fetches mop.*

Aoi Iseijin Faction Proposal - Feedback please - Monster - 09-03-2009

I think that Discovery Freelancer Mod already has enough factions and systems and bases.

I think that the next mod should contain mostly upgrades.

A lot of bases still have the wrong background image and wrong bartender.
A fix in the rep system.
A battleship,destroyer,gunboat,cockpit fix.There is a topic on this.
I personally would like a rogue battleship and custom equiptment.
Some systems are still pretty empty.

Aoi Iseijin Faction Proposal - Feedback please - komet - 09-03-2009

I'm going to try to help answer some people's questions here to make things easier for the Iseijin members. Let me know if I'm not helping, please.

' Wrote:I like it. Seeing an infested Raba running around could lead to all kinds of fun:)

My concern is that someone from The Wild will come along with a "NO U" as they did when people were trying to get a Division 18 faction going.

Word on the street is Division 18 was scraped originally because things got out of hand, not because the Wild (or Wilde) wanted any kind of exclusivity.

Just wanted to throw that out there...

' Wrote:Oh come on, kusari is already overpirated, now this...

Although the Iseijin are Nomads (terrorists) and I'm sure they are hell bent on causing destruction, that is not the only thing they could be focused on.

I believe Zapp posted some unwritten rules about terrorists before (in the thread about Phantom feedback), one of the last things you should ever do when you run into a terrorist is rev up your cruise engines and try to escape. All terrorists want is some decent roleplay, maybe they might start shooting at you, but that's when you need to start RPing.

' Wrote:I think that Discovery Freelancer Mod already has enough factions and systems and bases.

I think that the next mod should contain mostly upgrades.

A lot of bases still have the wrong background image and wrong bartender.
A fix in the rep system.
A battleship,destroyer,gunboat,cockpit fix.There is a topic on this.
I personally would like a rogue battleship and custom equiptment.
Some systems are still pretty empty.

The Iseijin are not really a new faction addition to the game. The player faction is based off the original game's Kusari Nomad faction (as it says in the OP). As it is, the faction doesn't really require any special ships, weapons, or systems at the moment, although I'm sure they will, at the very least, get a home/guard system to make things easier for them. Right now the Iseijin use Tekagi's (sp) Arch in Tohuku as a base of operations, so I don't think they will be asking for very much other than a guard system.

Aoi Iseijin Faction Proposal - Feedback please - Zapp - 09-03-2009

' Wrote:.....
I personally would like a rogue battleship and custom equiptment.

No thank you, and I'd personally prefer it if the Destroyer wasn't there at all (seeing as the Rogues have no real need for it...). But this isn't the place for that discussion.

Edit: Indeed Komet, here it is...

Interacting with traders/miners:
  • If they show no RP, blow them up
  • If they try to run without a word, CD them and blow them up
  • If all they do is rules lawyer, blow them up
  • If they RP back, RP with them and give them a way to escape

Aoi Iseijin Faction Proposal - Feedback please - Jokoro - 09-03-2009

My only complaint: I'm not on the roster.

What the hell, Nath?:P

Aoi Iseijin Faction Proposal - Feedback please - NixOlympica - 09-03-2009

Looks like pretty cool idea. I'm very interested.

Aoi Iseijin Faction Proposal - Feedback please - Tabris - 09-03-2009

I like this, it helps bring people to Kusari with new RP (or old that sparked again) and who knows, perhaps we'll see more people in Kusari wanting a peice of them.;)

Perhaps it'll also expand on The Wild story. ^_^

Aoi Iseijin Faction Proposal - Feedback please - seamus - 09-03-2009

The proposal looks nice and Professional.

I support the Idea,
The whole bringing more people into kusari is a great idea aswell.


Aoi Iseijin Faction Proposal - Feedback please - Magoo! - 09-03-2009

As some of you know, I'm not really a fan of the Nomad-Player... Ness. Each encounter has been... Lacking, for me. Generally, I don't get the chance to RP with one of your ilk before I'm choking on purple then tasting vacuum. So that bred bad feelings...

Good story, I suppose, but I still can't shake the elitist stigma attached to these types of factions, regardless of whether or not its based on in-game recruitment. See above for why.

Hint: The stationary ship never says anything before its vocal chords get burned.

Anywho, what will you do? More cliche "Destroy All Humans, provide for hearth and home, oh, P.S. Admiral Akbar approves of our strategies" or... I don't fully understand what you'd do. Trap people? Marvelous. Trade, it seems. Hunt things. Long term RP goals probably include taking over Kusari, but I think a lot of us are of the opinion that that's just crazy/RP jargon and would never happen so...

Ehm. In short, it seems like a rather... Shallow concept? And yes, I did read the whole post, in case I missed something.

Oh! One final note, I think that perhaps if you're one of the people (like me) who consider an IFF to show up on your ship's 'display' or whatever you like, that flashing WILDE! is sort of counterproductive to the stealth aspect... As well as the,
Quote: hopefully, people will act according to what they see and not what they can read on our IDs.
I don't think the ID's would be the problem, but rather flashing signals of known Rheinland infected. But I also get that factions must have a matching IFF. Just an anomaly I found. Perhaps unavoidable, but with the unanimous support of this community's heavy hitters (as is inevitable), something could probably be made understood.

Aoi Iseijin Faction Proposal - Feedback please - Exile - 09-03-2009

Think of the Aoi Iseijin as a huge human eating baby. It's small, it's hungry, what does it eat? Humans? And why does it eat Humans? To grow.

In other words, the AI are currently quite small, and in order to regain their former strength they need what? 'People' (well, their bodies anyway.) Infest the humans, send them out on assignments, infest leadership, get high, higher, highest. Have win.

The AI will reflect this goal ingame. If you read the task descriptions, it shows that only one of the groups actualy actively hunts humans. The others are all focused on expansion and deceiving. So, nope, no full out war like Das Wilde are doing in Rheinland/Omega.

P.S : @Magoo ; If you have any bad experiences which were Keeper/Morph related, please let me know. Trying to, naturaly, keep the bad experience count to a minimum.