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PC's... are they going to be.. - Printable Version

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PC's... are they going to be.. - Divine - 10-04-2009

' Wrote:(1.) PC gaming looks like it's on it's way out.

(2.) Don't get me wrong here, but it seems that there are less and less games being made for PC's and then ported to the consoles.

(3.) These days it seems to be going the other way, with 'computer games' being designed to run on consoles and then being ported to PC's or as seems to be the more often these days, not even being released for PC's.

(4.) Granted, there will *always* be people out there that primarily use their computers for games, apart from e-mail and whatever else, but we, the computer using people, will end up with only 'homegrown' games or old games that are highly moddable and therefore have a more or less unlimited lifespan, as long as people stay interested in them, like Freelancer.

(5.) What do you think?

1. Thats what they always say.
2. Thats a 'trend'. See 3.
3. Because its way easier to produce games for a setted hardbox like whatever console where you as programmer can work with fixed parameters to gain the best in graphics (and thats about what it mostly is these days) and not being needed to think about multiple variations of several different component configurations of hardware like with a Personal Computer.
Console games are easier to produce/develop, cost during that progress less money and sell in the end for more money as any computer game, the profit margin is massiv with them.
4. The Personal Computer is on its run for victory since it was the first time created, and this progress will likely not stop. And no Console can keep up with High-End-PC's, was never the case, isnt the case, will never be the case.
5. Personal oppinion? Personal Computer is/was/and will be the main multimedia and working platform for any ambitious and honest programmer/coder/gamer/multimedia-freak.
No Console can keep up with the flexibility a PC can provide.

PC's... are they going to be.. - Enko - 10-04-2009

I cant be bothered to quote everyone but I will address basically everyone here.

First of all, games are coming out slower these days due to the amount of work being put into them, more so than your average film, so its going to take awhile before things come out, and yet more time again for a game you like (unless you happen to like every single game that comes out). The internet thing about streaming is a possibility, though most people like to own their own games and their own things. However that is only going to work out with pure fibre optic cable going all the distance, even then the junctions between the cable lengths have to be very fast, but its quite possible to get low ping over huge distances provided the signal can be re-amplified at each junction along the way in a fast manner. Speed increases for computers, exponentially in fact.

Eventually you will not need to have various speed PCs as the actual speed of them would be high enough to run everything you want several times over. This sort of power would bring on (what can already be made available if you pay enough) a mainframe system that could be for instance installed into every house, and with technological advances in years to come could be smaller and cheaper. At this point you wouldnt need to have a computer as such, drive space could be partitioned to various stations around the house if you have a big family for instance, such as a family PC, your own personal PC and perhaps your brothers PC. Most people I talk with have wireless networks in their own homes already, so laptops would be smaller towards this general idea, enough to work on their own and then hook up with the wireless to use the extra space and resources. Essentially you would have a console and computer all in one, either on your TV connected up to the mainframe or your keyboard, mouse and monitor on your desk.

Im in favour of this happening more so than internet hosting, seeing as you can do that anyway if you want to.

PC's... are they going to be.. - Mickk - 10-04-2009

Nice to see that this thread still generates a little bit of traffic now and then.

Odd how the thread has kinda gone from Games, to networks, to pc ability vs console ability and so on, but it's all good because it's all related!

Consoles used to be a 'one trick pony', they did one thing (played games) and that was it. You had a games 'cartridge' that you plugged into a hole and away it went. ( I still have a few games cartridges floating loose here )

Then CD's came along and they let consoles do several things (play games, music, movies) and *still* be better at it than most comparable priced computers, because they only did those three things.

These days you can get a 'games' console for less than $500 (australian!) that will play games, music, dvd movies (and blu-ray yet!) and allow you to connect to the Net so you can play vs other people. I'm not sure what other capabilities they have, mostly because I don't have and don't want a console.....well not yet anyway.

What it comes down to is the $$$, a game console is almost always going to be the cheaper 'alternative' to a PC, particularly if the person buying it knows they are going to use it play games and the games developers have worked that out ages ago, so there are more games coming out on console first, then being released to the smaller (?) PC market.