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The Lane Hacker Mission Archives - Howard10 - 12-18-2010 data...
Mission 9 : Phase 2 : Gather intelligence on 2 or more Coaltion ships, specifically: Weapons, equipment, ship classes and statistics. At least one of these ships should be a gunboat class vessel or larger.

Earlier today, while scouting on the other side of the Leeds jump hole, I caught wind of some merchants raising a general uproar about the varied communist forces of the SCRA. Apparently, one of their larger warships was running amok in Dublin. A Molly confirmed this tale. I immediately set course for the system, being of the mind that while traders are likely to fall on you at the most or least opportune moments anyway, SCRA warships were a rarity that required scanning. Naturally, I prioritised the mission objective.

Upon jumping in, I flew a circuit of the system in vain, finding nothing save mercenaries and miners who were not overly interested in me. Looping back towards Arranmore for refuel, I happened across the Omega 49 jump hole, where I found the warship in a stand-off with a BPA Hussar, a Bretonian Gunboat and a Bretonian Battleship. All four were content to ignore me, so I settled down to get some scans. After a short period the Hussar left, and a second SCRA warship jumped in.

A very short firefight later, all present Bretonian forces were decimated, with no loss to the reds. After a few short minutes of dialogue, they jumped back into the Omega systems and vanished. I was content with the scans, and correlating the data with the USI system and Neural Net search processes, discovered I'd happened across a 'Typhoon' class destroyer, and an 'Osiris' class battleship. In depth scans appended. That's all from Dialectus. (In addition to Milton's work, that's Phase 2 done, right?)

The Lane Hacker Mission Archives - Lost Highway - 01-12-2011 data...

Mission 9 Phase 3:

To complete this mission objective, I simply went directly to the source. I simply pretended I was a member young of the member of the media starting his own socialist journal.

[Image: TotheSCRA.png]
[Image: TotheSCRA2.png]

Highwayman terminated...

The Lane Hacker Mission Archives - Reacher - 02-03-2011 data...

Mission 1:

To complete this mission I had to tread lightly as the Navy were distracted while combating the Nomads in New York...

I must say their ships are all relativity small and agile... It took numerous amounts of fighters to take down the largest ship presnet. Take a look:

Now this next one was REALLY small and agile... and lasted a heck of a lot longer than the other one

Now I wasn't able to get good visuals of the ships because I had to stay so far back due to the heavy Navy presence battling the nomads. I notice when those ships turned and fired... man did they let loose and do some damage... also note that neigthor ship carried cruise disruptor... Only what appears to be Mini Razor type weapons. I really would not like to have to face either one in battle. terminated...

The Lane Hacker Mission Archives - Dexter. - 03-18-2011 data...

Good day.

I have completed Phase 2 of Mission 10. (A copy of this transmission will be forwarded to the professorship).

I had spotted potential prey in the Galileo system, so I waited and watched near the Galileo Gate in the Colorado system, on board the Lawsuit.Impending. When my prey emerged from the jump gate, it was a bumblebee-class transport. I immediately ordered it to hold, cut engines, and I fired a cruise disruptor. This bumblebee-class transport was not intent on talking or fighting - it ran. Initially, I was going charge this ship a bit of a fee. Since he didn't coperate, I decided it was a corporate weenie attempting to save his pennies, and thus should be treated accordingly. I offered him one chance to drop 1000 units of robotic components. He continued to run. He became well aquianted with the guns on the Lawsuit.Impending. When he was down to his last shreds of hull, I offered him a final chance to drop the 1000 units. He stopped, jettisoned, and ran.

I then took the robotic components to Cochrane Depot. Mr. Pistols was awaiting me there in the LH~R&R vessel. I delievered the components successfully.

[Image: RoboticComponents.png]

Murik out. terminated...

The Lane Hacker Mission Archives - Crusader4 - 04-03-2011 data...

Subject : Completion of
Quote:Mission 10 : Phase 4 : Secure 10 quantum multiplexors

Hello there fellow hackers, its me again... *Smiles*

After a long and exhausting day of extorting traders, capturing dumb "lawful" pilots and adjusting reputation among our allies...I finally found what I was searching for weeks...Its funny how fate or luck interfered in this *Laughs*

I was flying back from Galileo system back to Mactan base when I bumped into something that seemed like a hard working civilian.

I hacked his engines and made him steal some Quantum multiplexors from a nearby base.
These are the records of our conversation.

Quote::Rak:: Do you wish to live civilian?
Cpt_Calrious_J_Stone: Everyone does right
:Rak:: Then...Do you see that base over there?
Cpt_Calrious_J_Stone: Aye Hacker
:Rak:: *points at Hamilton Station*
:Rak:: Alright then.
:Rak:: Go and steal full cargo hold of multiplexors...
:Rak:: For me.
:Rak:: *Laughs*
Cpt_Calrious_J_Stone: Or you kill me is it?
:Rak:: That is correct, I will destroy you on a molecular level.
Cpt_Calrious_J_Stone: Bloody Pirates!
:Rak:: Of you go then.
:Rak:: I'll be waiting here.
Traffic control alert: Cpt_Calrious_J_Stone has requested to dock
:Rak:: Alright then, drop them over here.
Cpt_Calrious_J_Stone: Cargo dropped hacker.
:Rak:: Than you for helping the Hackers achieve their goals.
Cpt_Calrious_J_Stone: Always willing to work for my life
:Rak:: You may go now, I won't harm you.
Cpt_Calrious_J_Stone: Then I will be on my way
Traffic control alert: Cpt_Calrious_J_Stone has requested to dock

Here are the guncam shoots of the pick up

Later on, I finally arrived to Mactan.

Quote:Traffic control alert: :Rak: has requested to dock

And those multiplexors got safely stored inside our base.

With this, I hereby declare Mission 10>Phase 4 officially completed.

See ya on next assignment. *Waves* terminated...

The Lane Hacker Mission Archives - Nilson - 04-23-2011 data...

This is Technician Greene reporting in.

I have completed Phase 5 of Mission 10.

A curious vessel appeared on my scanners near Rochester, in the New York system. I approached to Investigate and to my suprise it was an small AI vessel. I promptly conducted scans of it's weapon systems and shield emitter. The vessel was compliant and co-operated while I scanned it's systems. It obviously deemed me as no threat. The vessel had a great deal of Weaponry for such a small ship. Scans show that the AI Weapons are extremely energy efficient, This could warrant further investigation by the Weapons Division of the Hacker R&D department.

I shall forward a copy of my scans to the Professors immediately.

[Image: screen163-2.jpg]
[Image: screen167.jpg]

Here are the results of my preliminary scans: AI Vessel Data. & Data.2

I shall continue looking for the larger AI entities.

~~~Close Transmission~~~

The Lane Hacker Mission Archives - Brutus Clay - 05-10-2011

[Image: decrypt.png]

This is Brutus Clay reporting mission completion.

As ordered I traveled to Omicron Minor to meet the Order and to conduct diplomatic negotiations regarding information on the Nomads.
I first met Order agents in the orbit of Toledo in order to arrange a meeting with members of their High Command. Commodore Golanski and Fleet Admiral D'Souza were my main interlocutors.
During the negotiations I used Freeport 11 (Omicron Delta) as a staging point.
Here are the complete logs for the whole mission : uploaded...

I also met members of an association called "The Cincinnatus Guard", some sort dissident faction with a poor sense of hospitality. Details of the encounter can be found in the logs.

The rest of the negotiations were conducted via Neural-Net private messages. uploaded...

Summary :

* The following goods have been delivered by me to the Order as requested by admiral D'Souza (see Private Messages for more information) :

The captured pilots were transferred in the R&R. The Vanquish was used for the rest of the supplies.
Smuggling goods through Alaska is from now on my new favorite activity.

[Image: pilotse.png]

[Image: delivery1.png]

[Image: delivery2.png]

* In exchange, the Order granted us material and informational support in the form of a complete science team and a some Nomad remains. I took them to Cochrane.

[Image: cochrane.png]

Here is the full list of information and data the Scientists brought with them.

- Accurate data on Nomad ships :

[Image: report.gif]

- Flight logs of the Order carrier Bastet, information on supposed Wild and Nomad bases.

- The main course : Full and up to date data on Nomads. This document represents most of what the Order knows regarding the Nomads. Interrogation protocols were enforced in order to obtain this classified informations from the Scientists.

* Attached video files :

Conclusion :

Supplies were delivered and data was transfered. All in all, I think the deal was interesting for both sides. With any luck, this starting alliance will last.
On a side note, I would like to thank the current Professors for their trust. I am glad that I helped to further the goals of the Lane Hackers.

End of report.
This message will self-destruct in 5 seconds.
[Image: enceypt.png]

The Lane Hacker Mission Archives - Paco.Pistols - 05-10-2011 data...

Good day gentlemen, I have completed the mission 13. It has been successful, the rumored activity by the Wild in Kusari seems to be real. I've done my best to retrieve as much data without any loss of Lane Hacker resources or putting my self in danger. First step was to obtain docking right on friendly unlawful base. While I was following the routes of Blood Dragon and Golden Chrysanthemums I explored couple of system in Kusari. My first encounter with any of unlawful friendlies didn't grant me much rights. I've discovered hole to blood dragon system along with exact sector of their base, unfortunately docking rights weren't granted and nearby pilots escorted me out of system. I took a liberty to interrogate these pilots about rumored wild activity in Kusari, but they seem to have no information about this.

I've decided to explore more of a Kusari, so I traveled around New Tokyo and Shikoku to get familiar with places and bases along with patrol patterns to remain undetected. I've managed to spot Hogosha vessel on my scanners and make a direct contact with them, I've managed to get some information from them along with docking right on their base during my presence in Kusari. They asked nothing in return,but they were interested in our artifact/software trade. I suggest we establish direct communication with them for this trade, as I found them to be very helpful. I'll put scans of their vessels which use Corsair technology along with transcripts of conversation we had.

Communication transcript between Lo.Wang and me.

Quote:[20.03.2011 17:59:50] Paco.Pistols.: Mr.Wang
[20.03.2011 17:59:58] 2011-03-20 18:00:02 SMT
[20.03.2011 17:59:58] [|]Lo.Wang: huh?
[20.03.2011 18:00:05] 2011-03-20 18:00:09 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:00:05] [|]Lo.Wang: a Hacker?
[20.03.2011 18:00:16] 2011-03-20 18:00:20 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:00:16] Paco.Pistols.: Yes, could you spare couple of minutes
[20.03.2011 18:00:24] 2011-03-20 18:00:28 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:00:24] [|]Lo.Wang: it depends...
[20.03.2011 18:00:54] 2011-03-20 18:00:58 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:00:54] Paco.Pistols.: Well there is a specific thing I would like to talk with you about
[20.03.2011 18:01:03] 2011-03-20 18:01:07 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:01:03] Paco.Pistols.: But it would be nice if we could move from lawful station
[20.03.2011 18:01:12] 2011-03-20 18:01:16 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:01:12] [|]Lo.Wang: fine...
[20.03.2011 18:02:15] Paco.Pistols.: So Mr.Wang, you are familiar with our trade agreement ?
[20.03.2011 18:02:47] [|]Lo.Wang: unfortunately not. Maybe it is because the ones who know are in a higher rank
[20.03.2011 18:02:56] 2011-03-20 18:03:00 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:02:56] [|]Lo.Wang: than me
[20.03.2011 18:03:11] 2011-03-20 18:03:15 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:03:11] Paco.Pistols.: Well, we have artifact/software agreement, but tell me. Is there anyone with higher rank I could talk to ?
[20.03.2011 18:03:43] 2011-03-20 18:03:46 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:03:43] Paco.Pistols.: Since I presume it will be needed for my request
[20.03.2011 18:04:23] 2011-03-20 18:04:26 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:04:23] [|]Lo.Wang: Try Sapphire.Dragon, Midnight.Sun or someone else
[20.03.2011 18:04:50] 2011-03-20 18:04:54 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:04:50] Paco.Pistols.: Could you tell them I need to speak with them ? Are they around ?
[20.03.2011 18:06:58] [|]Lo.Wang: ok Paco. [|]Midnight.Sun awaits your more secured call. He's in the same system as we are
[20.03.2011 18:07:11] 2011-03-20 18:07:15 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:07:11] Paco.Pistols.: Understood, which sector, or should I follow you ?
[20.03.2011 18:07:28] 2011-03-20 18:07:32 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:07:28] [|]Lo.Wang: he opened his comms
[20.03.2011 18:07:35] 2011-03-20 18:07:39 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:07:35] [|]Lo.Wang: send him a direct message
[20.03.2011 18:07:42] 2011-03-20 18:07:45 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:07:42] Paco.Pistols.: Will do, thank you

After that I established a direct contact with the leading ship on private communication system.

Quote:[20.03.2011 18:07:56] 2011-03-20 18:08:00 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:07:56] Paco.Pistols.: Good day sir, I was hoping we could meet and have a few words
[20.03.2011 18:09:01] 2011-03-20 18:09:05 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:09:01] [|]Midnight.Sun: *she smiles* Sure, except the first part
[20.03.2011 18:09:02] 2011-03-20 18:09:06 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:09:02] Paco.Pistols.: Mr.Wang told me I should contact you about it
[20.03.2011 18:09:10] 2011-03-20 18:09:13 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:09:10] Paco.Pistols.: Oh, I deeply apologize
[20.03.2011 18:09:24] 2011-03-20 18:09:28 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:09:24] Paco.Pistols.: You can not know who is in the ship by its name unfortunately
[20.03.2011 18:09:39] 2011-03-20 18:09:42 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:09:39] [|]Midnight.Sun: Hai, last female Kumicho of the Society was 300 years ago
[20.03.2011 18:09:53] 2011-03-20 18:09:57 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:09:53] [|]Midnight.Sun: No need to be sorry sir
[20.03.2011 18:10:07] 2011-03-20 18:10:10 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:10:07] Paco.Pistols.: Its a pleasure to meet you then miss...?
[20.03.2011 18:10:21] 2011-03-20 18:10:25 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:10:21] [|]Midnight.Sun: *bows* You too
[20.03.2011 18:10:36] 2011-03-20 18:10:40 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:10:36] Paco.Pistols.: Could you please provide me with a location where could we meet ?
[20.03.2011 18:11:22] 2011-03-20 18:11:26 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:11:22] [|]Midnight.Sun: 30 clicks behind planet Junyo?
[20.03.2011 18:11:36] 2011-03-20 18:11:40 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:11:36] Paco.Pistols.: All right, meet you there then
[20.03.2011 18:11:45] 2011-03-20 18:11:48 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:11:45] [|]Midnight.Sun: I will come alone, do the same
[20.03.2011 18:14:09] 2011-03-20 18:14:13 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:14:09] [|]Midnight.Sun: I am here

And a meeting that took place when we met which in the end granted me docking rights on their base.

Quote:[20.03.2011 18:14:46] 2011-03-20 18:14:50 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:14:46] [|]Midnight.Sun: *bows*
[20.03.2011 18:14:56] 2011-03-20 18:14:59 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:14:56] Paco.Pistols.: Good day once more miss
[20.03.2011 18:15:03] 2011-03-20 18:15:06 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:15:03] [|]Midnight.Sun: To you too senor
[20.03.2011 18:15:26] 2011-03-20 18:15:30 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:15:26] Paco.Pistols.: So, I know our organisation didn't have many dealing besides the artifact trade on Leiden
[20.03.2011 18:15:47] 2011-03-20 18:15:50 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:15:47] [|]Midnight.Sun: I saw some reports about it from past times
[20.03.2011 18:16:14] 2011-03-20 18:16:17 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:16:14] Paco.Pistols.: Same as me I must say, I only know usually someone drops of artifacts and leaves with our software
[20.03.2011 18:16:24] 2011-03-20 18:16:28 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:16:24] Paco.Pistols.: But it's very lucrative bussines
[20.03.2011 18:16:53] 2011-03-20 18:16:57 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:16:53] [|]Midnight.Sun: and you wish to re-open it hai?
[20.03.2011 18:17:28] 2011-03-20 18:17:32 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:17:28] Paco.Pistols.: We never actually stopped it, but yes I'll be glad to see transport from time to time. But it's not the reason I come to you
[20.03.2011 18:17:29] 2011-03-20 18:17:33 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:17:29] Paco.Pistols.: today
[20.03.2011 18:17:55] 2011-03-20 18:17:59 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:17:55] [|]Midnight.Sun: Very well
[20.03.2011 18:17:59] 2011-03-20 18:18:03 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:17:59] Paco.Pistols.: I'm in need of a...we could say a favor, but I can of course arrange something in return if needed
[20.03.2011 18:18:10] 2011-03-20 18:18:13 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:18:10] [|]Midnight.Sun: What kind of favor?
[20.03.2011 18:18:38] 2011-03-20 18:18:42 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:18:38] Paco.Pistols.: I have some business in Kusari space, nothing that would get in your way. I would like to use your station for that time
[20.03.2011 18:18:53] 2011-03-20 18:18:57 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:18:53] Paco.Pistols.: In other words, I came to see if you could grant me docking acces
[20.03.2011 18:19:30] 2011-03-20 18:19:34 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:19:30] [|]Midnight.Sun: May I ask what do you seek in Kusari?
[20.03.2011 18:20:12] 2011-03-20 18:20:16 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:20:12] Paco.Pistols.: I'm investigating nomad activity, there is a rumor about it in Kusari, so I'm simply exploring more then anything
[20.03.2011 18:20:34] 2011-03-20 18:20:38 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:20:34] Paco.Pistols.: Maybe you could tell me more if you know something about it
[20.03.2011 18:20:59] 2011-03-20 18:21:03 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:20:59] [|]Midnight.Sun: Nomad activity? Those things are always dangerous
[20.03.2011 18:21:08] 2011-03-20 18:21:12 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:21:08] [|]Midnight.Sun: There are rumors ...
[20.03.2011 18:21:29] 2011-03-20 18:21:33 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:21:29] Paco.Pistols.: They truly are, we had some strange activity of nomads in Liberty so far
[20.03.2011 18:21:41] 2011-03-20 18:21:45 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:21:41] Paco.Pistols.: Could you tell me more about these rumors ?
[20.03.2011 18:21:58] 2011-03-20 18:22:02 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:21:58] [|]Midnight.Sun: Some people say that ... they are possessing human bodies
[20.03.2011 18:22:48] 2011-03-20 18:22:52 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:22:48] Paco.Pistols.: Interesting, I haven't heard of it so far. Hmm so they use human bodies as mask to get into society un noticed ?
[20.03.2011 18:24:08] 2011-03-20 18:24:12 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:24:08] [|]Midnight.Sun: It's very wild theory and might not be truth ...
[20.03.2011 18:24:20] 2011-03-20 18:24:24 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:24:20] [|]Midnight.Sun: But hai people speak of it
[20.03.2011 18:24:53] 2011-03-20 18:24:57 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:24:53] Paco.Pistols.: I see, is there anyone specific who maybe knows more about it. Maybe someone you heard these rumors from ?
[20.03.2011 18:27:21] 2011-03-20 18:27:25 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:27:21] [|]Midnight.Sun: People don't like to talk about it
[20.03.2011 18:27:37] 2011-03-20 18:27:40 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:27:37] [|]Midnight.Sun: They belive they are ghost from past who came to punish their sins
[20.03.2011 18:28:25] 2011-03-20 18:28:28 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:28:25] Paco.Pistols.: Makes my investigation harder then hmm. So tell me is there a posibility I could get docking right for my time being in Kusari
[20.03.2011 18:30:22] 2011-03-20 18:30:26 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:30:22] [|]Midnight.Sun: Hai
[20.03.2011 18:30:36] 2011-03-20 18:30:40 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:30:36] [|]Midnight.Sun: I wil tell officers to let you dock
[20.03.2011 18:30:51] 2011-03-20 18:30:55 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:30:51] Paco.Pistols.: I highly appreciate it miss, thank you
[20.03.2011 18:30:53] 2011-03-20 18:30:57 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:30:53] [|]Midnight.Sun: but try to keep low profile
[20.03.2011 18:31:21] 2011-03-20 18:31:25 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:31:21] [|]Midnight.Sun: Yuki Ayaka *she bows*
[20.03.2011 18:31:43] 2011-03-20 18:31:47 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:31:43] Paco.Pistols.: Paco Pistols, even if my transponder says so *he mumbles*
[20.03.2011 18:32:24] 2011-03-20 18:32:28 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:32:24] [|]Midnight.Sun: Anything else you need senor?
[20.03.2011 18:32:39] 2011-03-20 18:32:42 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:32:39] Paco.Pistols.: Nothing more, thank you for your time
[20.03.2011 18:32:50] 2011-03-20 18:32:53 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:32:50] [|]Midnight.Sun: My pleasure
[20.03.2011 18:33:01] 2011-03-20 18:33:04 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:33:01] [|]Midnight.Sun: I will look on that Laiden logs
[20.03.2011 18:33:24] Paco.Pistols.: Sure, I know there has been a communication on our diplomatic channel
[20.03.2011 18:35:09] 2011-03-20 18:35:12 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:35:09] [|]Midnight.Sun: Right, safe flying
[20.03.2011 18:35:18] 2011-03-20 18:35:22 SMT
[20.03.2011 18:35:18] Paco.Pistols.: Likewise, have a nice day

This was my home for next couple of days of my investigation.

Soon as I got some rest I continued with my mission. While talking to some people around Kyushu which didn't get me any useful information I have been contacted by the captain of a smuggling vessel who I met a while ago in Liberty. I was contacted by casual conversation but I used it as opportunity for getting some information since captain of the ship travels trough Kusari on weekly bases. The information gathered from this conversation was crucial for my investigation, in return I have agreed the ships from her little company won't be extorted.

Quote:[21.03.2011 22:10:20] DRS;TRA|The.Vespasia: Deschaines: Why hello there Paco. Quite a sight we just witnessed.
[21.03.2011 22:11:34] Paco.Pistols.: Oh greetings miss, and what would that be ?
[21.03.2011 22:12:31] DRS;TRA|The.Vespasia: Deschaines: A small skirmish line of Blood Dragons combating a contingent of Naval forces, and Hogosha- is all.
[21.03.2011 22:13:15] Paco.Pistols.: Tell me, maybe you can help me. Have you heard any rumors of nomads around Kusari ?
[21.03.2011 22:13:43] DRS;TRA|The.Vespasia: Deschaines: Rumours? They're more than that.
[21.03.2011 22:14:08] Paco.Pistols.: So you know more, great. Could you tell me what you've seen on your voyages around ?
[21.03.2011 22:14:08] DRS;TRA|The.Vespasia: Deschaines: But that's not something that should be discussed- especially over distanced communications.
[21.03.2011 22:14:29] Paco.Pistols.: I completly agree ,maybe we could meet soon ?
[21.03.2011 22:15:02] DRS;TRA|The.Vespasia: Deschaines: Aff. I could catch a shuttle from Helgoland and meet you somewhere in Kyushu, if you'd care to.
[21.03.2011 22:15:28] Paco.Pistols.: I would really appreciate it, I'm doing some research and any information would be helpful
[21.03.2011 22:15:36] DRS;TRA|The.Vespasia: Deschaines: I believe the UIMMD has a vessel on assignment nearby.
[21.03.2011 22:16:09] Paco.Pistols.: UIMMD ? I'm not familiar
[21.03.2011 22:16:19] DRS;TRA|The.Vespasia: Deschaines: Of course. I'd be happy to help.
[21.03.2011 22:16:51] DRS;TRA|The.Vespasia: Dechaines: UIMMD. Unified Independant Mercantile Mercenary Division.
[21.03.2011 22:17:13] Paco.Pistols.: I see, I hope they're no on Liberty payrole
[21.03.2011 22:17:43] DRS;TRA|The.Vespasia: Deschaines: There was some hubbub earlier on back when we were the IMMD, so we've taken steps to unify and
[21.03.2011 22:18:01] DRS;TRA|The.Vespasia: Deschaines: Solidify divisions. Less independant, more coherent now.
[21.03.2011 22:18:49] DRS;TRA|The.Vespasia: Deschaines: As for Liberty parole, the UIMMD plays a lot of sides- but we keep more of a tenuous neutrality with them.
[21.03.2011 22:19:27] Paco.Pistols.: Interesting, if you ever decide to share feelings toward Liberty goverment we have, and if you're into bounty business I would
[21.03.2011 22:19:36] Paco.Pistols.: Be happy to see you apply on our board
[21.03.2011 22:19:38] DRS;TRA|The.Vespasia: Deschaines: The only direct military contracts we take are with the Armed Forces. And you can trust we'd not take up arms with
[21.03.2011 22:19:51] DRS;TRA|The.Vespasia: Deschaines: The hackers, or their allies.
[21.03.2011 22:20:18] DRS;TRA|The.Vespasia: Deschaines: As for that, I'd have to mull it over. It's definitely an idea. Though, I'd prefer something more formal than
[21.03.2011 22:20:35] DRS;TRA|The.Vespasia: Deschaines: Simply taking bounties, if such a thing were to come into fruition.
[21.03.2011 22:20:59] DRS;TRA|The.Vespasia: Deschaines: Regardless- we've docked. I'll see to a shuttle and meet you in person shortly.
[21.03.2011 22:21:19] Paco.Pistols.: All right, I'm on kyushu will wait for your comm contact
[21.03.2011 22:24:39] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: This is the UIMMD Freighter Galerie, Commander Johnathan Holt here. High Commander Deschaines would
[21.03.2011 22:24:49] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: Like to speak with you.
[21.03.2011 22:25:16] Paco.Pistols.: All right, redirect the communication Mr.Holt
[21.03.2011 22:25:35] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: Affirmative. Putting her through.
[21.03.2011 22:26:11] Paco.Pistols.: Miss Rolane, Paco speaking
[21.03.2011 22:26:20] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: I've made it to that ship I was referring to. It's a Camara Class Freighter.
[21.03.2011 22:26:37] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Indeed- I saw the transmission come up.
[21.03.2011 22:26:44] Paco.Pistols.: High commander, impressive title
[21.03.2011 22:27:06] Paco.Pistols.: Means you're doing well, always glad to hear that
[21.03.2011 22:27:11] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Not terribly. It's more of a symbolic title than a literal one.
[21.03.2011 22:27:33] Paco.Pistols.: Now tell me, where could we meet, hopefully where we don't attrack to much attention
[21.03.2011 22:27:41] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: There's another high commander of the UIMMD at this point, so that says a bit as well.
[21.03.2011 22:28:03] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Right. Let me bring up the system map- I'll plot a rendevous.
[21.03.2011 22:28:18] Paco.Pistols.: All right, I've been spotted by KNF, going to lose it in nebula
[21.03.2011 22:28:36] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Luckily, the crew of the Galerie is my primary source of information on the nomads. So you're in luck.
[21.03.2011 22:28:41] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Affirmative.
[21.03.2011 22:29:11] Paco.Pistols.: I'm more lucky then I thought then
[21.03.2011 22:29:49] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Indeed. I assume you'll want the most secure location for our rendezvous.
[21.03.2011 22:30:12] Paco.Pistols.: As long as its away from lanes and stations, I managed to get KNF out of scanner range
[21.03.2011 22:30:28] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: I've set a waypoint to E-6. It's out there, but the interference from the sun and the remote location removes
[21.03.2011 22:31:00] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Any chance of being detected, or our encrypted short-band transmissions being potentially intercepted.
[21.03.2011 22:31:17] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Switch to encrypted bands now, by the way.
[21.03.2011 22:31:27] Paco.Pistols.: Great, I've set a course to there, 80 k away.[21.03.2011 22:32:07] Paco.Pistols.: So I presume you do alot of traveling trough Kusari ?
[21.03.2011 22:32:38] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Only when neccesary, but we're harbouring some burgeoning ties with the Golden Chrysanthemums.
[21.03.2011 22:33:04] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: We have the same tedious relationship with the Kusarian Government as we do with the Libertonian one.
[21.03.2011 22:33:59] Paco.Pistols.: Funny to hear it, who knows maybe one day you get tired of trading life and choose to fight the governments
[21.03.2011 22:34:42] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: One doesn't simply 'tire' of trading with a mercantile division. We need to mine for resources, trade to acquire
[21.03.2011 22:35:07] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Goods- and retain diplomatic ties of sorts to do so with any semblance of 'peace.'
[21.03.2011 22:35:29] Paco.Pistols.: Not a simple task for sure
[21.03.2011 22:36:23] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Not at all. The UIMMD is a widely oriented organization. Mining, Freight, Mercenary operations ...
[21.03.2011 22:36:44] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Smuggling- cargo interdiction ...
[21.03.2011 22:36:51] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: The list goes on.
[21.03.2011 22:37:20] Paco.Pistols.: Sounds interesting, but I left my ties with any kind of governmental economy, either it be only deliveries to them

Once we met on this location I started my interview but the captain wanted me to get aboard their ship for a private conversation. I have managed to encrypt the signal of my neural net transmitter so recording of the conversation wouldn't be discovered by the ships sensors.

Quote:[21.03.2011 22:37:41] Paco.Pistols.: Now, I would love to hear about nomad presence in Kusari
[21.03.2011 22:38:30] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Right. I should give you a sammary of this crafts' background then. The Galerie ship high-value cargo such as
[21.03.2011 22:39:07] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: MOX, and Iridium- as well as trikets to keep up ties with the Zoners, such as pineal amulets. As well as
[21.03.2011 22:40:14] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: As such, their primary route runs through Hokkaido, Tohoku, Omicron 92- Minor and Delta.
[21.03.2011 22:40:52] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Before I go on- and likely integrate the rest of the crew into the conversation, what sort of research are you
[21.03.2011 22:40:59] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Conducting?
[21.03.2011 22:41:03] Paco.Pistols.: I've been to Hokkaido once, can't say about those other systems
[21.03.2011 22:41:30] Paco.Pistols.: Well its a venture of mine, I'm interested in nomads as whole, but my current research limits only to Kusari
[21.03.2011 22:41:57] Paco.Pistols.: For now of course, so I would love if you could share all you know, maybe encounters, their ship types
[21.03.2011 22:41:57] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: I see. What do you know about them so far, then?
[21.03.2011 22:42:15] Paco.Pistols.: Well I've only been seeing them in Liberty space
[21.03.2011 22:42:41] Paco.Pistols.: So I know about their organic ships and connection with cardamine
[21.03.2011 22:42:48] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Ship types and Bases, we have nothing on.
[21.03.2011 22:43:13] Paco.Pistols.: Have you encountered any of them on your travels trough said systems ? and in which systems if you did ?
[21.03.2011 22:43:15] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: In fact, we've only hadl imited contact with pure nomads. But ... The crew seems to have stumbled onto
[21.03.2011 22:43:34] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Something more insidious.
[21.03.2011 22:43:49] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Or perhaps a blessing, of sorts- depending on ones' viewpoint.
[21.03.2011 22:44:00] Paco.Pistols.: Hmm you got my attention, never heard of any different nomads, impure nomads ? what's the difference ?
[21.03.2011 22:44:37] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: I'm talking about Infested Humanoids, Paco- as far as I can gather from crew breifings.
[21.03.2011 22:45:03] Paco.Pistols.: Sounds...different, I'm very interested. Where did they hear about this ?
[21.03.2011 22:45:39] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: They didn't "hear" it, they experienced it first hand. I want an assurance from you before we go any
[21.03.2011 22:46:15] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Further, that this a purely personal venture. The UIMMD has no interest in irking these beings.
[21.03.2011 22:47:21] Paco.Pistols.: assurance, what kind ? If you're afraid of this data ending up in wrong place, I will assure you it won't.
[21.03.2011 22:47:54] Paco.Pistols.: But I do have a question, is any of your did you say one of these infested humanoids ?
[21.03.2011 22:48:32] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Negative, none of them were infested in any way during the encounter. We managed to consult a
[21.03.2011 22:49:08] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Rheinlandic specialist on the matter. Ex-Marine Intelligence type.
[21.03.2011 22:49:43] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Dechaines: Apparently he was a doctor of sorts, during an upheaval in the infestation of Rheinland back in 800AS.
[21.03.2011 22:50:01] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: So naturally, I trust his expertise on the matter.
[21.03.2011 22:50:18] Paco.Pistols.: So tell me, where did this situation happened ?
[21.03.2011 22:50:57] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Now, as for assurances ... I'd think it'd be best if you came aboard the Galerie. With no electronics.
[21.03.2011 22:51:34] Paco.Pistols.: Do you have docking place for light fighters aboard that ship ?
[21.03.2011 22:51:39] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: I'd rather you had no electronic proof of the conversation, and it'd be better to talk in person.
[21.03.2011 22:52:37] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Negative. But we should be able to connect with your cockpit without trouble.
[21.03.2011 22:52:51] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: I'll notify the Commander immediately, if that's acceptable.
[21.03.2011 22:53:20] Paco.Pistols.: All right, as you trusted me I'll have to trust you. Waiting for mooring process
[21.03.2011 22:53:29] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Affirmative.
[21.03.2011 22:54:20] Paco.Pistols.: Mooring process activated
[21.03.2011 22:54:34] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: We've got contact. Seals locking over the cockpit.
[21.03.2011 22:55:00] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: Done. Pressurizing the umbilical.
[21.03.2011 22:55:30] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: Paco, you're clear to open your cockpit now. Welcome aboard.

Records from the neural net implant.

Quote:[21.03.2011 22:55:44] Paco.Pistols.: Understood *cockpit opens*
[21.03.2011 22:56:05] Paco.Pistols.: *climbes trough the tube into the ship*
[21.03.2011 22:56:42] Paco.Pistols.: *presses the button on intercomm* Uh I'm in, can you point me to the direction ?
[21.03.2011 22:58:06] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: *Holt, and Deschaines- enter the cargo bay, Rolane idly motioning for him to move his hand away from the console.*
[21.03.2011 22:58:48] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: No need. We're here. If you'll follow us to the breifing room? The other four members of the crew are
[21.03.2011 22:59:03] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Assembled in the breifing room.
[21.03.2011 22:59:23] Paco.Pistols.: All right, lead the way captain
[21.03.2011 23:00:07] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Right then. *Holt looks slightly shocked at the Hacker addressing the High Commander as simply "Captain"
[21.03.2011 23:00:31] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: But he does nothing otherwise, due to the lack of response from Deschaines herself.*
[21.03.2011 23:01:12] Paco.Pistols.: *Paco quietly follows them while checking out pannels, consoles and any other neural net channels that he might notice on the
[21.03.2011 23:01:16] Paco.Pistols.: walls of the ship*
[21.03.2011 23:01:53] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Just down the hall here, then. *The uniformed and armoured- as well as fairly aged woman motions to a rather
[21.03.2011 23:02:31] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Utilitarian-looking door, which unlocks, and lifts upwards with a hiss of hydraulics.*
[21.03.2011 23:03:09] Paco.Pistols.: I presume this would be the briefing room ?
[21.03.2011 23:04:03] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: You assume correctly. *She gives him a wry smile before proceeding through the alcove, Holt remaining outside,
[21.03.2011 23:04:15] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Waiting stiffly for him to enter.*
[21.03.2011 23:04:56] Paco.Pistols.: *Paco takes off his sunglasses which he does in rare situations and puts them into his suit pocket* Thank you *he walks into
[21.03.2011 23:05:08] Paco.Pistols.: the room* Good day gentlemen
[21.03.2011 23:06:01] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: *Holt follows him in directly after, the sparsely decorated room unbroken only by the small cieling vents, lights, and a hol
[21.03.2011 23:06:48] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: o-Board at the far side of the room, displaying a curious looking flag, with a coat of arms in the foreground. Seated at the
[21.03.2011 23:07:51] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: head of the table, already, is Deschaines- flanked by two engineers on one side, a pilot, and a weathered-looking medic.
[21.03.2011 23:08:40] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt takes his place beside the engineers, leaving two spaces left. One at the opposite head, and another beside the Doctor.
[21.03.2011 23:09:17] Paco.Pistols.: *Paco looks around the room and to the people suspiciously, he never likes being abord the other ships, it was courtesy of
[21.03.2011 23:09:30] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: No indication is given as to which he was to choose- though Deschaines does give a acknowledging expression.*
[21.03.2011 23:10:11] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Have a seat then, Paco.
[21.03.2011 23:12:03] Paco.Pistols.: hacker to never stop being careful* All right, I guess I should * he sits at the opposite head of the table*
[21.03.2011 23:13:07] Paco.Pistols.: So shall we being, I hope you don't mind but I never like to stay for too long in one place Miss Rolane
[21.03.2011 23:14:31] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: *Holts' expression grew a little more grim, but the rest of the crew nodded sparsely, Rolane giving a small smile.*
[21.03.2011 23:14:58] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Of course. I understand completely- and share the same sentiment to an extent.
[21.03.2011 23:15:27] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: So, down to business then.
[21.03.2011 23:16:09] Paco.Pistols.: So where were we, can I speak freely here ?
[21.03.2011 23:16:36] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Of course. We were just sitting down.
[21.03.2011 23:16:58] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Do you have any specific questions that come to mind?
[21.03.2011 23:17:29] Paco.Pistols.: Well I was asking if there is a specific location where your encounter took place, maybe it would be a good trail for me later
[21.03.2011 23:19:15] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: Well, it was within Omicron Minor- at first. Then stretched on for weeks within Omicron 92, and ended within Tohoku.
[21.03.2011 23:21:36] Paco.Pistols.: Hmm Tohoku is in Kusari borders right ?
[21.03.2011 23:21:49] Paco.Pistols.: At least it sounds like that to me, what happened there exactly ?
[21.03.2011 23:22:44] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: Approximately. It's the stronghold of the 113th Naval Forces Squadron. Or battilion, I'm not sure.
[21.03.2011 23:23:16] 2011-03-21 23:23:23 SMT
[21.03.2011 23:23:16] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: There is a jumphole to it, within Hokkaido- in fact.
[21.03.2011 23:23:36] Paco.Pistols.: I see, do you know anything about them except that they're "squadron" of naval forces ? and I would be grateful for location of
[21.03.2011 23:23:44] Paco.Pistols.: the jump hole as well
[21.03.2011 23:24:26] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: If ours, and the Captains' assumptions are correct, based on the events that transpired in in Omicrons ... the
[21.03.2011 23:24:55] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Majority of the 113th are infested. Basing themselves off of a massive planetary arch within Tohoku.
[21.03.2011 23:26:17] Paco.Pistols.: *he makes a grin* Whoa, this is a nice load of infomation, do you maybe have any scans of these events ?
[21.03.2011 23:26:42] Paco.Pistols.: or should I ask, what events precisely took happened
[21.03.2011 23:26:53] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: We'll start with the latter.
[21.03.2011 23:28:16] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: We were shipping iridium back from the Freeport in Omicron Delta, up into Bretonia. A small wing of nomads intercepted
[21.03.2011 23:28:55] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: Us near the jumphole. Incidentally, a larger Order patrol wing also swooped in simultaneously.
[21.03.2011 23:29:29] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: The attention was drawn from us, which allowed us to make a break for the jumphole. Before we could, our shields
[21.03.2011 23:30:09] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: were stripped- due to a massive kinetic impact against the hull. Since the jump procedure had already been initiated
[21.03.2011 23:30:28] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: The Galerie was subsequently sucked through into Omicron-92.
[21.03.2011 23:31:24] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: Omicron-92 is a navigators' nightmare, as my pilot can attest to. Not long after we jumped, we began rapidly losing
[21.03.2011 23:31:58] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: Main power. We managed to make it halfway across the system before we hit battery power- and our cruise engines
[21.03.2011 23:32:14] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: went dead altogether.
[21.03.2011 23:32:43] Paco.Pistols.: Doesn't sounds like a nice voyage, so what happened there ?
[21.03.2011 23:32:53] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: We managed to link the batteries to the cloaking device, running it at minimal capacity for as long as we could.
[21.03.2011 23:33:10] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: Eventually, that ran out too. After roughly a week and a half of waiting.
[21.03.2011 23:33:52] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: Thankfully, UIMMD craft carry enough supplies to last roughly a month unserviced.
[21.03.2011 23:34:47] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: Leaning into the second week, we picked up roughly seven vessels. Kusari Naval Forces, all told. Chimeras, a Hachiman,
[21.03.2011 23:35:08] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: And a handful of bombers. All heading in battle-pattern for Omicron Minor.
[21.03.2011 23:35:35] Paco.Pistols.: So there is an entrance from this omicron 92 to minor ?
[21.03.2011 23:35:49] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: That's what we went through to get there.
[21.03.2011 23:36:57] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: The Hachiman held next to us, and the Captain, A Female Destroyer Commander- assisted us with repairs ...
[21.03.2011 23:37:05] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt: But there was something on ...
[21.03.2011 23:37:21] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: *Holt smiles wanly, falling silent a moment.*
[21.03.2011 23:37:36] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: *The female engineer, Haynes pickes up swiftly.*
[21.03.2011 23:38:06] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Haynes: There was something imbedded into the hull. Something alive. We know now that it was a Nomad.
[21.03.2011 23:38:26] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Haynes: I'd way it was around the size of a Light Fighter.
[21.03.2011 23:38:47] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Haynes: Say, I mean ... Anyways. From the comm chatter- and the voices ...
[21.03.2011 23:39:16] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Haynes: That Kusarian SUNG the beast off of our ship
[21.03.2011 23:39:49] Paco.Pistols.: This reminds me of the ship called Tundra *he mumbles but enough so the rest can hear him*

[21.03.2011 23:40:44] Paco.Pistols.: So tell me, did they tried to...get you on their side ?
[21.03.2011 23:40:48] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: The Liberty Naval Ship Tundra. Seige Cruise class vessel.
[21.03.2011 23:40:58] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Cruiser- even.
[21.03.2011 23:41:02] Paco.Pistols.: Oh, I see you heard about it
[21.03.2011 23:41:15] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Rumours, ghost stories.
[21.03.2011 23:41:36] Paco.Pistols.: Well you can almost say he is one, even if I had acces to scans of that ship
[21.03.2011 23:41:47] Paco.Pistols.: So I presume your encounter was something similar to the ship like that
[21.03.2011 23:42:23] Paco.Pistols.: So did they try to do anything to you, what happened ?
[21.03.2011 23:42:45] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Haynes: I'm not sure. After she sung it off ... Things were quite normal. Other than some further conversation with
[21.03.2011 23:43:17] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Haynes: Commander Holt, they escorted us to Hokkaido and bid us farewell. Hardly the inhuman beasts most make them out to be
[21.03.2011 23:44:44] Paco.Pistols.: I see *he looks suspiciously to Holt, but does it so noone can notice*, so tell me do you have that are mapped ?
[21.03.2011 23:45:12] Paco.Pistols.: I would be very intersted in location of that system Tohoku and what did you say, hole to omicron 92 ?
[21.03.2011 23:45:37] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: *Holt gives him a quizzical glace, but says nothing- swiftly turning his attention back to the conversation itself.*
[21.03.2011 23:46:30] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: We only have the Jumpholes in and out on our database, from Tohoku, to Minor. That's all we've needed
[21.03.2011 23:46:52] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: As for the system, we'd be happy to help with that. Co-ordinates are no trouble.
[21.03.2011 23:47:52] Paco.Pistols.: I'm sure I can handle it once I manage to get co-ordinates to Tohoku, seems you're onto something there, I'm sure I could sneak
[21.03.2011 23:48:02] Paco.Pistols.: in and check it out, especially in vessel like mine
[21.03.2011 23:51:31] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: I'm sure you could. But they're quite vigilant, and well armed.
[21.03.2011 23:51:52] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: We try to stay out of their way, and unnoticed- as much as we can of course.
[21.03.2011 23:52:34] Paco.Pistols.: Maybe I should do the same, but still the location of the hole would satisfy me, at least to know where can I expect them if
[21.03.2011 23:52:37] Paco.Pistols.: any show up
[21.03.2011 23:53:38] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Of course. The co-ordinates inside Hokkaido, to Tohoku are F-3. Inside the Unyo Cloud.
[21.03.2011 23:55:16] Paco.Pistols.: Thank you, I'll put them into my ship's navigation system later
[21.03.2011 23:55:37] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Of course. Do you have any other questions then?
[21.03.2011 23:55:46] Paco.Pistols.: Tell me, is there a specific way I could recognize one of them ?
[21.03.2011 23:56:35] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: I doubt it. Other than the knowledge that a large amount of the 113th is likely infested, the Arch in very
[21.03.2011 23:57:20] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: and the Arch is very dangerous- I, nor the UIMMD has any idea how to detect the Wilde with shipboards scanners.
[21.03.2011 23:57:57] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: If you feel disoriented, odd, or pressured in the prescence of a vessel acting suspiciously- under a KNF
[21.03.2011 23:58:32] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Callsign, or any ship in those systems, it's a safe bet the pilot is infested ... Though I'd advise you to
[21.03.2011 23:58:55] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Play along as best you can, within reason.
[21.03.2011 23:59:26] Paco.Pistols.: I understand, most likely I'll have to listen to that advice. But don't worry for me
[21.03.2011 23:59:33] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Also- odd growths on a ships' exterior are usually a good sign of infestation ... Though they may try to
[21.03.2011 23:59:59] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Write it off as experimental technology. Your best bet, repeat- BEST bet is to play along.
[22.03.2011 00:00:32] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: They don't seem to become aggressive unless you do, or accuse them of their nature
[22.03.2011 00:01:01] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Although, there ware times when they simply cull for little reason, as I myself have seen from tiem to time.
[22.03.2011 00:01:28] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: *Rolane smiles wanly.* Deschaines: ANy more questions?
[22.03.2011 00:02:10] Paco.Pistols.: *he gives one more look to everyone's eyes* No nothing more, but I must thank you, you have been more then helpful in my
[22.03.2011 00:02:34] Paco.Pistols.: research, I didn't have a clue I would get this much information when I went out today
[22.03.2011 00:03:19] Paco.Pistols.: *He looks at Rolane, gives her a smile, taking his sunglasses and putting them back* Now, I hope you don't mind but I think its
[22.03.2011 00:03:21] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: *Holt gives a curt nod in return, the Doctor simply continuing to stare idly into space- disengaged from the conversation as
[22.03.2011 00:04:07] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: He had been more or less the entire time. Haynes smiles politely as well, giving him a respectful nod- the other engineer
[22.03.2011 00:04:20] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: following suit soon after.*
[22.03.2011 00:05:07] Paco.Pistols.: *He turns to Holt* Thank you for the hospitality, now genlement it was a pleasent chat, if I can do something for you in return
[22.03.2011 00:05:17] Paco.Pistols.: I'll be happy too once I get back to Liberty
[22.03.2011 00:06:38] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Holt reaches out a hand, offering Paco a handshake. Holt: "It was a pleasure to have you aboard. I'm sure the High Commander
[22.03.2011 00:06:46] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Can think of something.
[22.03.2011 00:07:17] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: *Rolane chuckles dryly, nodding in return.* Deschaines:
[22.03.2011 00:07:41] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: "I'm sure I can, at that. Shall we escort you back to your ship, Paco?"
[22.03.2011 00:08:22] Paco.Pistols.: *He turns towards Rolane* All right, lead the way
[22.03.2011 00:09:11] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: *Holt sighs, dropping the offered hand and turning to the rest of the crew as he motions for them to leave.* Holt: Dismissed.
[22.03.2011 00:09:53] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: *Deschaines rises, walking out of the room alongside Paco as they make ther way back to the cargo bay- the rest
[22.03.2011 00:10:43] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: of the crew returning to their posts across the ship, the Pilot even giving Paco a grin and tip of his cap before heading up to
[22.03.2011 00:10:49] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: the bridge.*
[22.03.2011 00:11:28] Paco.Pistols.: *Paco starts walking with captain trough the hallway slightly touching her on the shoulder and whisperes to her* I don't want
[22.03.2011 00:12:04] Paco.Pistols.: jump to conclusions, but be careful. I heard sometimes nomad infested humans can't be detected, I'm not saying anything....but
[22.03.2011 00:12:07] Paco.Pistols.: just be careful
[22.03.2011 00:12:59] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: *Rolane raises an eyebrow warily, nodding.* Rolane: I'm sure a deep-series of ultrasounds and bioscans would have turned up
[22.03.2011 00:13:39] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Any sort of creature living inside of these crewmen, and woman Paco. But I'll keep it in mind.
[22.03.2011 00:14:11] Paco.Pistols.: So tell me, can I do anything to repay you for this, it has been helpful to say at least
[22.03.2011 00:14:27] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: And even if they happen to be infested, they've not proven to be dangerous, nor have they attepted to 'infest' others.
[22.03.2011 00:14:56] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: So I hardly see why I SHOULD be suspicious of my own servicemen, and women, Paco.
[22.03.2011 00:15:42] Paco.Pistols.: I was far from trying to offend you captain, or your crew, I'm a suspicious man living in suspicious world. Maybe its just me I guess...
[22.03.2011 00:16:13] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: It pays to be wary, Paco. I'm not saying it's a bad thing. But it's not a terribly good thing either.
[22.03.2011 00:16:37] Paco.Pistols.: It kept me alive so far, I think I can stick with it
[22.03.2011 00:17:06] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: As for payment. A formal word with the Lane Hackers about the UIMMD would suffice. I'd like to see a covert sort of
[22.03.2011 00:17:34] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: No-Fire agreement between us. Very discreet, you see?
[22.03.2011 00:17:52] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: I wouldn't want to lose our ability to operate withing Liberty.
[22.03.2011 00:18:08] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Within, even. But you get the idea ... Yes?
[22.03.2011 00:18:38] Paco.Pistols.: This can be arranged, I just need a callsign that every ship uses from UIMMD, I presume it's DRS; , correct me if I'm wrong
[22.03.2011 00:19:25] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Neg, that's the ownership of the ship. Or rather purchasers' rights.
[22.03.2011 00:19:57] Paco.Pistols.: So how can our operatives recognize the UIMMD
[22.03.2011 00:20:38] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: I can send a manifest of all ships under our influence, or command. That should suffice?
[22.03.2011 00:21:54] Paco.Pistols.: That would suffice, you can find me on neural net, user-key is Paco Pistols
[22.03.2011 00:22:27] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Excellent. I'll get the manifest to you ASAP then.
[22.03.2011 00:22:51] Paco.Pistols.: All right, I'll make sure LH operatives get it for purpose of non taxing.
[22.03.2011 00:23:18] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Eventually though, we'll go through a proper refit of our tagging system. So eventually, our vessels excluding
[22.03.2011 00:24:37] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Our more unlwaful divisions will run a UIMMD;(Ship Class)|Ship Name, System.
[22.03.2011 00:25:13] Paco.Pistols.: Noted
[22.03.2011 00:26:30] Paco.Pistols.: All right captain, I'll expect that list soon then
[22.03.2011 00:26:57] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Indeed. You'd best get going then. I assume you're heading back to Liberty?
[22.03.2011 00:27:18] Paco.Pistols.: Not yet....but not far from it.
[22.03.2011 00:27:29] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: *She opens the hatch to the umbilical for him, revealing the ladder to his fighter.*
[22.03.2011 00:27:53] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: I see. We may be basing out of Alberta eventually. Or attempt to.
[22.03.2011 00:28:31] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: Planet Edmonton seems like a viable location for a base, should we build up enough resources to build it and keep
[22.03.2011 00:28:39] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: it covert.
[22.03.2011 00:29:16] Paco.Pistols.: Amdbitious plans, and expenssive ones but I wish you luck * he turns around and steps on the ladder*
[22.03.2011 00:29:41] Paco.Pistols.: It was a pleasure captain, have a safe journey
[22.03.2011 00:29:56] Paco.Pistols.: *continues going down and finally steps into his ship*
[22.03.2011 00:30:08] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: Deschaines: And to you!
[22.03.2011 00:30:20] DRS;FRE|The.Galerie: *She seals the hatch again, proceeding to the bridge.*

I have managed to get a lot of information that were useful to me, I came back to hogosha base to make notes and to get couple of hours of sleep.

Next time I set my way on co-ordinates of the Tohoku jump hole which captain Rolane gave me.

Soon as I jumped there was a huge asteroid base, by the information I have gathered it should be base of 113th squadron, but there were some strange readings along with wild patrols around it.

I decided to obtain the map of the whole system so I set waypoint and begin to search for notable anomalies or bases.

I've decided to check out Nagano system as there was a nearby jump hole, no nomad or wild presence was detected, only two deserted planets and farmer alliance base

I once more set my way to hogosha base to analyze the gathered information, but my search wasn't over until I actually find a true evidence of wild existence in Kusari space. So once more I set my way to Tohoku system. Upon my arrival my scanner discovered two ships near the asteroid base, by scanning their ships I found a usage of nomad technology, which brought me to conclusion they are the Wild pilots.

First vessel

Second vessel

I've managed to establish direct communication with Ramirez vessel, while other run started his cruise engine and went away.

Quote:[24.03.2011 22:54:20] Ramirez: Remaining silent won't help, I guess.
[24.03.2011 22:54:41] Paco.Pistols.: I hardly wanted to be unpleasant guest
[24.03.2011 22:55:01] Ramirez: Then tell me, what pushed you into this place?
[24.03.2011 22:55:25] Paco.Pistols.: Well I'm doing some mapping, It kind of a hobby, is it restricted to be here ?
[24.03.2011 22:55:49] Ramirez: No. But -we- are aware enough of Hackers. Their cause in Liberty.
[24.03.2011 22:55:58] Ramirez: And -this- is quite away from Liberty.
[24.03.2011 22:56:03] Ramirez: Just... curiosity
[24.03.2011 22:56:28] Paco.Pistols.: As I said, it's mostly hobby nothing more, so you're aware of us, and who is exactly "we" your speaking of ?
[24.03.2011 22:57:13] Ramirez: Why should you care? Seeking business opportunities?
[24.03.2011 22:57:38] Paco.Pistols.: I always do
[24.03.2011 22:57:52] Paco.Pistols.: Or maybe I'm just curious as you are
[24.03.2011 22:57:55] Ramirez: We are that the business-type anyways.
[24.03.2011 22:58:09] Ramirez: And your curiosity won't be fed.
[24.03.2011 22:58:39] Paco.Pistols.: Well I'm not curious enough that it needs to be fed, as I said I'm simply on a mission of explorer
[24.03.2011 22:59:01] Ramirez: Then make sure you don't bother anyone.
[24.03.2011 22:59:18] Paco.Pistols.: I never do, do you want to say hackers are famous by bothering people ?
[24.03.2011 22:59:56] Ramirez: Bothering Ageira, that's for sure.
[24.03.2011 23:00:30] Ramirez: I can understand what such greedy ideals made Hackers exist.
[24.03.2011 23:00:38] Ramirez: why, rather.
[24.03.2011 23:01:08] Paco.Pistols.: Well, its got to start from somewhere, everyone gots its own story
[24.03.2011 23:01:18] Ramirez: True.
[24.03.2011 23:01:27] Paco.Pistols.: I wonder, are you support of ageira, interspace or alike corrupted slave makers ?
[24.03.2011 23:01:43] Paco.Pistols.: supporters even.
[24.03.2011 23:01:50] Ramirez: Don't think so.
[24.03.2011 23:02:26] Paco.Pistols.: Quite satisfying, I've noticed a nice jump hole in your system, when I say your I'm not sure I'm right
[24.03.2011 23:02:33] Paco.Pistols.: Is this your system ?
[24.03.2011 23:02:58] Ramirez: Do you think a single human could own a system?
[24.03.2011 23:03:25] Ramirez: Perhaps Ageira could agree with that.
[24.03.2011 23:03:39] Paco.Pistols.: I figured you may be part of some "organisation", nice one on Ageira thou *he laughs*
[24.03.2011 23:04:17] Ramirez: I'm not part of any corporation.
[24.03.2011 23:04:29] Ramirez: I'm just... a mere wanderer.
[24.03.2011 23:04:50] Paco.Pistols.: I see, traveling alone, looking for business opportunities ?
[24.03.2011 23:05:27] Ramirez: Not business, as I stated earlier.
[24.03.2011 23:05:49] Ramirez: Maybe it's somewhat related to your hobby.
[24.03.2011 23:06:14] Paco.Pistols.: I see, just exploring around ? Is it your hobby as well, or does it have higher purpose then mine ?
[24.03.2011 23:06:24] Ramirez: Maybe.
[24.03.2011 23:07:00] Paco.Pistols.: I couldn't help to notice, there is a jump hole to omicrons in this system, maybe you as a fellow mapper know something more
[24.03.2011 23:07:02] Paco.Pistols.: about it ?
[24.03.2011 23:07:23] Ramirez: I heard about a blood-thirsty group over there.
[24.03.2011 23:07:32] Ramirez: I recommend to be... careful.
[24.03.2011 23:07:44] Ramirez: But, sure. Follow me.
[24.03.2011 23:07:53] Paco.Pistols.: All right
[24.03.2011 23:08:17] Paco.Pistols.: Were you ever attacked by this blood thirsty group ?
[24.03.2011 23:08:25] Ramirez: *Nods*
[24.03.2011 23:08:36] Paco.Pistols.: Can you tell me more about them ?
[24.03.2011 23:09:10] Ramirez: They are blind enough to realize they fight for a futile goal. And they just remove those who are against such ideals.
[24.03.2011 23:09:21] Ramirez: goals, rather.
[24.03.2011 23:09:40] Paco.Pistols.: Reminds me of my job at Ageira
[24.03.2011 23:09:58] Ramirez: Human mind, afterall.
[24.03.2011 23:10:05] Paco.Pistols.: Is there a specific name these group goes by, so I could warn other people as well
[24.03.2011 23:10:30] Paco.Pistols.: Humand mind ? Do you want to share with me you're not human ? Am I missing something here ?
[24.03.2011 23:10:30] Ramirez: You will probably notice their name as soon as you reach the place.
[24.03.2011 23:11:13] Ramirez: Well, people like, away from the atrocities of our civilizations..
[24.03.2011 23:11:49] Paco.Pistols.: So are we jumping there ?
[24.03.2011 23:12:04] Ramirez: Uh, I thought I got... ionized.
[24.03.2011 23:12:19] Ramirez: Well, let's jump.
[24.03.2011 23:13:00] Paco.Pistols.: Doesn't look so friendly, and something is messing with my scanners
[24.03.2011 23:13:00] Ramirez: I can't recall the maps of this place.
[24.03.2011 23:13:07] Ramirez: Let me check.
[24.03.2011 23:13:41] Ramirez: You might find something around F/5
[24.03.2011 23:13:48] Ramirez: Jump-hole, that is.
[24.03.2011 23:13:58] Paco.Pistols.: Hmm are you coming with me ?
[24.03.2011 23:14:04] Ramirez: No.
[24.03.2011 23:14:14] Paco.Pistols.: Is it too dangerous ?
[24.03.2011 23:14:19] Ramirez: I've spent enough time around here. That's all.
[24.03.2011 23:14:24] Ramirez: Dangerous... That's subjective.
[24.03.2011 23:14:58] Ramirez: They're floating over here. Can't you see them?
[24.03.2011 23:15:29] Paco.Pistols.: I see something, but I can't recognize what is it
[24.03.2011 23:15:35] Ramirez: Wonderful. *The ship jumps through the hole*

Upon arrival to Omicron 92 jump hole my scanners picked up nomad patrol. So I figured there must be something more inside Omicron 92. When I entered into the said systems scanner went crazy, they were useless inside the system, but due the usage of a small and agile ship I decided to set way points and discover more about things Ramirez said to me.

On my way to the co-ordinates I was provided with, strange "facility" of sort emerged near my ship, I decided to take a closer look, once I got near by it started shooting so I took some picture and continued on my way. Seems it's mostly organic and by the weaponry installed on it, it is definitely nomad facility of sort.

When I finally arrived to co-ordinates I found a jump hole to Omicron 100.

So I decided to jump to finally find out what was this all about, and I found out base and weapon platform of group known as Order.

I jumped back and managed to follow the way point back to Tohoku system, then I slowly returned back to Hogosha base. On my mission I managed to capture couple of wild pilots and one nomad speciment.

So to make a summary of my findings. There is a wild presence in Kusari space, the main source of their gathering is Tohoku system, since there is only one base in that system besides Blood Dragon base I presume that is their staging ground. So that would mean if that is a base of 113th KNF squadron, they are indeed affected by this Wild pilots. The source of this infestation comes from the omicrons, to be precise from Omicron 92 and nomad facility I managed to discover. I am not sure about Order involvement in all this, but since they never showed up hostilities towards us when we met them in Liberty and since there is a heavy weapon array system on platforms near jump hole in Omicron 100 I would say they are fighting these nomads creatures, or at least defending them selves from nomads.

I returned back to Liberty territory to continue with my every day duties, that would be all. terminated...

The Lane Hacker Mission Archives - Asriel - 06-08-2011 data...

Good day! On my duty today - I just followed a flunky in Manchester - my neural net scanner suddenly showed an unusual contact in Pennsylvania and reported compliance to Mission 1! The hole was nearby so I set course and discovered a fresh hatched Nomad vessel.


My approach to communicate with - him or it was not very wordy and informative
Quote:[2011-06-08 01:11:01] Vyscera: ***<hiss>***
[2011-06-08 01:11:08] Francisco.Scaramanga: hello
[2011-06-08 01:11:58] Francisco.Scaramanga: stop please
[2011-06-08 01:12:07] Vyscera: ***(anger)***
[2011-06-08 01:14:17] Francisco.Scaramanga: gelly fish...
[2011-06-08 01:15:05] Vyscera: ***leave (hiss/snarl)***
[2011-06-08 01:15:26] Francisco.Scaramanga: hm, I think you have to leave

I report this to make further investigation possible. terminated...

The Lane Hacker Mission Archives - Yoshida - 06-25-2011

Konnichiwa. I recently started fulfilling the requirements needed for my promotion to the Specialist rank. I chose to accomplish Mission 14 for my promotion.

' Wrote:MISSION 14 :
Mission Status : In Progress
Following the collapse of the rich gold fields of Dublin, the professorship has noticed a very slight tightening in our wallets, as our nefarious, ingenious methods for obtaining credits now no longer include relieving corporate hoodlums of their valuable gold ore. This change in the Dublin system also means that they have moved from hauling ore, to hauling commodities.

The mission itself will consist of the Technician finding a transport, and verifying his cargo and "purchase point". He then will tail the transport to his "sell point". Make sure to get captures of: Sell point, cargo, ship name/ID/IFF, purchase point. Do not extort the transport, as this can interfere with the mission. This is an information-gathering mission, not a credit-earner. Each phase of the mission will take place against a specific thorn-in-our-backside. Phases may be completed in any order. Do your best to avoid attracting unwelcome attention. It is permitted to arrange outside assistance to cooperate in the completion of this mission. Lane Hackers may leave Liberty to complete this mission, although targets should be originally acquired in Liberty space.

Phase 3: Reconnoiter and report on an IC| tagged transport.

NOTE: Don't do anything stupid if you leave Liberty. Like getting yourself killed.

As you can see, there are several problems which need to be solved in order to fulfill the mission. The most important is the fact that if we tail a transport, especially when it is part of the flunky core, it will dock in the first station it will find and call their toys, Police.

So I had no other choice but to come up with a plan. While thinking about which course of action could give me the desired results with the minimal costs I received intel that an IC| stork was in Kepler and Professor Pistols along with his assosiate were staging a trap in the Colorado Gate, in New York system. I knew that this was my chance so I grabbed my Dagger and moved to Kepler Gate in Colorado and waited for him.

Some minutes later the IC| indeed came and I stopped him before it manages to enter the trade lane. Then I told him that some people are after him, that they want to assasinate him. He pretty much believed my words since it was obvious that if I wanted to hurt him I would have brought some teammates as well. So I guided him to continue his route while I would keep an eye for the one who was after him. Before we reach the NY Gate I warned him about the danger so he used the jump hole and he successfully evaded Mr Pistols and his assosiate. Till that moment I pretended I was looking for the IC too since I didn't have time to explain to Mr Pistols what was going on. Later we talked about this and everything is fine.

The rest of the trip was great and the IC flunky in the end was sure that I saved him so I not only accomplished the mission but he also owed me. In the Secure Comm Channel I further described what I gained from that.

Chat log:

[21.06.2011 02:22:40] Yoshida!: Greetings Mr Kento
[21.06.2011 02:22:53] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: Ah, we meet again. You have an uncanny knack for finding me.
[21.06.2011 02:23:08] Yoshida!: As I told you Mr Kento
[21.06.2011 02:23:14] Yoshida!: I am not here to hurt you
[21.06.2011 02:23:21] Yoshida!: but to protect you
[21.06.2011 02:23:24] Yoshida!: Take point
[21.06.2011 02:23:34] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: Thankfully so, your skill speaks for itself thus far.
[21.06.2011 02:25:41] Paco'Pistols': I hope you don't have that IC
[21.06.2011 02:25:49] Yoshida!: what do you mean
[21.06.2011 02:26:02] Paco'Pistols': nvm then
[21.06.2011 02:26:07] Paco'Pistols': We're setting an ambush
[21.06.2011 02:26:09] Paco'Pistols': where are you ?
[21.06.2011 02:26:13] LH~Disco.Volante: IC in Colorado.
[21.06.2011 02:26:15] Yoshida!: In front of him
[21.06.2011 02:26:21] Paco'Pistols': explain ?
[21.06.2011 02:26:22] LH~Disco.Volante: Let's just hope he wasn't going to Denver
[21.06.2011 02:26:27] Yoshida!: I suggest you to use the hole
[21.06.2011 02:26:32] Paco'Pistols': he isn't, he was going trough kepler
[21.06.2011 02:26:35] Yoshida!: The ones looking for you
[21.06.2011 02:26:42] Yoshida!: Are waiting in the Gate
[21.06.2011 02:26:42] Paco'Pistols': actually..that doesn't make much difference
[21.06.2011 02:26:55] Paco'Pistols': what's your location yoshida if you got him ?
[21.06.2011 02:26:56] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: If you say so...
[21.06.2011 02:27:05] Yoshida!: I am sorry but I have to keep radio silence
[21.06.2011 02:27:18] Yoshida!: If you don't trust me
[21.06.2011 02:27:21] Yoshida!: You can use the gate
[21.06.2011 02:27:23] LH~Disco.Volante: That's great.
[21.06.2011 02:28:40] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: I'll need to drop my cargo at Newark.
[21.06.2011 02:29:03] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: And pick up new cargo at Pitsburg.
[21.06.2011 02:29:15] Yoshida!: Aye
[21.06.2011 02:29:20] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: Oh my...
[21.06.2011 02:29:32] LH~Disco.Volante: Why didn't you inform us he's going to use the jump hole?
[21.06.2011 02:30:09] Yoshida!: The ones who are after you are right behind you
[21.06.2011 02:30:15] Yoshida!: you should keep moving
[21.06.2011 02:30:19] Paco'Pistols': Give us some info Yoshida
[21.06.2011 02:30:29] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Very well.
[21.06.2011 02:30:43] Yoshida!: I will meet you in Pittsburgh
[21.06.2011 02:30:50] LH~Disco.Volante: Alright. I'm gone.
[21.06.2011 02:30:55] Traffic control alert: IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego has requested to dock
[21.06.2011 02:31:15] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Agreed, I shall resupply on defensive measures here.
[21.06.2011 02:31:41] Yoshida!: The one who is after you
[21.06.2011 02:31:44] Yoshida!: is close to Rochester
[21.06.2011 02:31:46] Paco'Pistols': Disco is that LNS at Rochester ?
[21.06.2011 02:31:51] LH~Disco.Volante: Close to it
[21.06.2011 02:31:53] LH~Disco.Volante: 7k
[21.06.2011 02:32:02] Paco'Pistols': Yoshida....?
[21.06.2011 02:32:06] LH~Disco.Volante: IND is in Shikoku.
[21.06.2011 02:32:41] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: Is it Pistols?
[21.06.2011 02:33:08] Yoshida!: Why do you think so?
[21.06.2011 02:33:52] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: I've had quite a few run ins with that one, before they finally destroyed to old ship.
[21.06.2011 02:34:18] Yoshida!: Yes it is Professor Paco Pistols
[21.06.2011 02:34:56] Yoshida!: where are you?
[21.06.2011 02:35:19] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: Brilliant, let's hope my number doesn't get punched today...
[21.06.2011 02:35:35] Yoshida!: I am here to sure you will survive
[21.06.2011 02:35:39] Yoshida!: come to Planet Pittsburgh
[21.06.2011 02:36:20] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: I'm taking the lane from West Point to Norfolk now, it's rarely watched.
[21.06.2011 02:36:40] Yoshida!: We will use the same lane for the return trip
[21.06.2011 02:36:49] Yoshida!: I will scout ahead and tell you, if he is after you
[21.06.2011 02:38:28] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: So tell me hacker, why go through all this trouble for just another corporate pilot? Behind a professor even?
[21.06.2011 02:38:50] Traffic control alert: IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego has requested to dock
[21.06.2011 02:38:56] Yoshida!: That's something confidential
[21.06.2011 02:40:07] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: Hmm...very well. In any case, I am ready to depart.
[21.06.2011 02:40:21] Yoshida!: let's talk in private comms
[21.06.2011 02:40:24] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: Our destination is Thames.
[21.06.2011 02:40:26] Yoshida!: I don't want to find any trouble
[21.06.2011 02:40:31] Yoshida!: I will give you clearance after a lane
[21.06.2011 02:40:34] Yoshida!: and then you will take it
[21.06.2011 02:40:41] Yoshida!: Clear
[21.06.2011 02:40:57] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: En route.
[21.06.2011 02:41:37] Yoshida!: There are 2 Hackers who are after you
[21.06.2011 02:41:50] Yoshida!: currently..
[21.06.2011 02:42:04] Yoshida!: Clear
[21.06.2011 02:42:12] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: Only two? Hehehe...
[21.06.2011 02:42:31] Yoshida!: if that makes you feel better
[21.06.2011 02:42:35] Yoshida!: they are high ranked
[21.06.2011 02:42:38] Yoshida!: moving to West point
[21.06.2011 02:42:52] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: // 88% lag, dojn't be suprised if my response is a little slow.
[21.06.2011 02:43:51] Yoshida!: Clear
[21.06.2011 02:44:12] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento:'s likely that their names are familiar to me. I've run from many of them over my career.
[21.06.2011 02:44:29] Yoshida!: Then there is a good reason they are after you, heh?
[21.06.2011 02:44:40] Yoshida!: Maybe you remember what you did to them?
[21.06.2011 02:44:52] Yoshida!: California Gate
[21.06.2011 02:44:53] Yoshida!: clear
[21.06.2011 02:45:16] Yoshida!: I am waiting for you in the other side
[21.06.2011 02:45:29] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: Hahaha, I'm Neil Caffrey's personal skipper, the Kusari Cahncellor's right hand man. I'm sure I'd be a vluable hostage.
[21.06.2011 02:45:51] Yoshida!: didn't know that..
[21.06.2011 02:45:57] Yoshida!: or maybe I did *smiles*
[21.06.2011 02:46:16] Yoshida!: jump to California
[21.06.2011 02:46:19] Yoshida!: all clear
[21.06.2011 02:46:19] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: Not to mention I've escaped several of their ambushes after my first encounter with them.
[21.06.2011 02:46:23] Yoshida!: give some b/b please
[21.06.2011 02:46:49] Yoshida!: the battleship in Colorado was a great pain
[21.06.2011 02:47:00] Yoshida!: for my unregistered Dagger
[21.06.2011 02:47:19] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: Her crew have saved me twice from the Xenos in the area.
[21.06.2011 02:47:33] Yoshida!: Moving to Minor
[21.06.2011 02:48:06] Yoshida!: clear
[21.06.2011 02:48:23] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: KEnto: Unfortunately though, Mr. Caffrey had to retire the IC|Yokohama, his prized mastodon, due to a change in company policy.
[21.06.2011 02:49:00] Yoshida!: Magellan Gate is clear
[21.06.2011 02:49:27] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: I loved that ship, we rebuilt the entire engine compartment from scrap; very fast. It suprised many of your friends.
[21.06.2011 02:49:48] Yoshida!: Mr Kento you are quite talkative while your life is in danger
[21.06.2011 02:49:54] Yoshida!: and my carreer as well
[21.06.2011 02:49:59] Yoshida!: I must say I am surprised
[21.06.2011 02:50:02] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: This clunky train is not nearly so much to my liking. Fortunately, I will retire soon with any luck.
[21.06.2011 02:50:15] Yoshida!: Jumping to Magellan
[21.06.2011 02:50:19] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: apologies.
[21.06.2011 02:50:50] Yoshida!: I will wait for you in Freeport 4
[21.06.2011 02:51:39] Yoshida!: who will be the future captain of your Stork?
[21.06.2011 02:52:04] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: KEnto: Very well. The talking just reminds me of my time in the KNF, we'd always joke over the radio to calm our nerves.
[21.06.2011 02:52:35] Yoshida!: You were in KNF as well? Oh you will have many stories to share with your children
[21.06.2011 02:52:40] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: That's difficult to say...a man named Marcus brown has been spoken of...
[21.06.2011 02:52:49] Yoshida!: Jumping to Manchester
[21.06.2011 02:52:52] Yoshida!: All clear
[21.06.2011 02:52:54] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: KEnto: But that's really Mr. Caffrey's call.
[21.06.2011 02:53:54] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: I left the KNF when they began pulling troops from our edge systems like Kishiro to aid in the Bretonian conquest.
[21.06.2011 02:54:14] Yoshida!: That was normal
[21.06.2011 02:54:27] Yoshida!: the conquest of one of the 4 Houses
[21.06.2011 02:54:32] Yoshida!: isn't easy
[21.06.2011 02:54:33] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: It left us open to unheard of raids by the outcasts. It was a foolish and risky move, and has cost us dearly.
[21.06.2011 02:54:51] Yoshida!: It surely needs to use every single resource
[21.06.2011 02:55:24] Yoshida!: I am waiting for you in New London Gate
[21.06.2011 02:55:26] Yoshida!: All clear
[21.06.2011 02:55:41] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: Kento: Not at the expense of our security at home, but that is a long and tired argument.
[21.06.2011 02:58:54] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: It's the percheron in front of it I think.
[21.06.2011 02:59:30] Yoshida!: oh god
[21.06.2011 03:01:01] Yoshida!: clear
[21.06.2011 03:02:12] Yoshida!: Clear to New London
[21.06.2011 03:03:13] Traffic control alert: IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego has requested to dock

[21.06.2011 03:03:20] IC|Tierra.Del.Fuego: //we'll have to do it later.

In the return trip I had some issues with the Bretonian Law enforcers so I didn't have the pictures of the IC Stork filled up with Gold. However, I got some after we reached Magellan. Its cargo was sold in Fort Bush. Uploading all data:

' Wrote:MISSION 16 :
Mission Status : Ongoing
The Lane Hacker Research & Development Division has expressed an interest in Codename Weaponry, More Specifically the Weapons Dealers of Sirius. In order to acquire as much information possible about Codename Weaponry this mission will consist of two phases.

Phase 1: Provide Detailed Scans of an Weapons Dealer's Ship (Data Scans must include: Ship Type, Callsign, Location, Date and Time Spotted, Cargo).

I was preparing to submit a report about my findings but it seems you got me first by releasing this mission. Well, I have the detailed scans of the IC|Bank, the official IC Luxury Yacht which is docked in Newark.

It was a risky mission since I had to come close to Planet Manhattan in order to be in scanning range. Uploading data: terminated...