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Taxing rates - Exsiled_one - 10-16-2009

Ofcourse it isn't fair. Still people do it I guess. And thats a shame honestly.

Taxing rates - cmfalconer - 10-16-2009

' Wrote:Then he blows you up for being a smartass.

Quality RP there.

You're telling me you see a lvl 88 flying in a Percheron (2600 cargo), you're going to pirate him for 5-10m based on lvl?

How 'bout a lvl85 Camara? Hmm?


What I have noticed, and kudos to all of the pirates starting to do this, is that prices are coming down. I've been "taxed" for 500k, 750k, etc., of which I'll gladly pay. 2m is a lot of money. I'm sure you'll get three traders who'll pay 750k apiece than one that'll pay 2m, both parties have a decent encounter, and the pirate makes out ahead (Do the math).

@Ivan. You're probably one of the premiere pirates on the server since Phate hasn't been around of late, and I like the way YOU do things. I've met the Mentira many times, and most times I've gotten away with at least 3/4 of my cargo. You can't preach the right way to people not willing to give up their egos in favor of helping the server as a whole. Don't let it get you down.

@OP. Keep at it. Mining is tedious, but so is trading if you don't have someone(s) to go with. Unless you're like me and enjoy the solitude of space. Don't let one (or two, or three) bad experience(s) get you down.

Taxing rates - Stefan - 10-16-2009

' Wrote:A convenient claim of metagaming. Is looking at people's level and showing mercy to the poor player really metagaming? I'm not saying that people should be able to talk about it in roleplay, I'm also not claiming that high level players should be taxed more. But in terms of the poor player; it's either a little sacrifice for you, the pirate, or hours of work for the low level character.

Will you really look me in the eye and tell me it's fairplay for pirates to charge a flat rate calibrated to the rich so that they're robbing the poor of the entire value of their ship?

I'm done with this topic. I've never realized how far out of touch with fair play this server is.

Perhaps I've not made myself clear.

I never have and never will support piracy of low level players. My statement was about "/givingcash to your other characters" so your level will drop. What I meant to say is that demanding more cash on higher level players has nothing to do with RP.

Taxing rates - albert001 - 10-16-2009

' Wrote:Quality RP there.

You're telling me you see a lvl 88 flying in a Percheron (2600 cargo), you're going to pirate him for 5-10m based on lvl?

How 'bout a lvl85 Camara? Hmm?


What I have noticed, and kudos to all of the pirates starting to do this, is that prices are coming down. I've been "taxed" for 500k, 750k, etc., of which I'll gladly pay. 2m is a lot of money. I'm sure you'll get three traders who'll pay 750k apiece than one that'll pay 2m, both parties have a decent encounter, and the pirate makes out ahead (Do the math).

Well I won't. I don't have a pirate char (yet). But I wouldn't be surprised if it happened any time. The good pierats tax you by the size of your hold. The bad ones just go 5milrdai.
2 milions is acceptable on a 5K ship if it's not full of food/oxygen.

I have to second your kudos. I'm also meeting such people more and more often.

Taxing rates - Exsiled_one - 10-16-2009

Chain, if you ever do decide for my suggestion, look us up by hitting Y, and scanning for Kishiro| ships.

Taxing rates - ChainReaction - 10-16-2009

Thanks for the support you guys, I'm just glad that other people agree with me on this.
And I hope this topic inspires many of the pirates who are out there today to start pirating 'fair' like you guys( how fair you can call pirating anyway *hehe:P*).

And Ivan, I might give you a call next time I'm online ;D



Taxing rates - TYHPilot - 10-16-2009

I just take a look at their cargo ask them where their final destination is and do the math to figure out their profit. If they are a jerk charge more, if they are nice, charge less. It's quite simple. Usually the ship they are using and the cargo determines how much you pirate them for. It is totally within context for a pirate to do a scan and determine their cargo's potential profit and charge them based on that.

Taxing rates - kuth - 10-16-2009

' Wrote:I'll never take person's last amount. I'll leave him with at least something. That's why taking cargo is always better.

This. These are the kind of pirates that become rich. They know exactly how much they can squeeze me and won't squeeze me to the point I break. They know if I break, they won't be pirating me again and that is bad for them.

Taxing rates - albert001 - 10-16-2009

' Wrote:And I hope this topic inspires many of the pirates

It won't. Those that read this thread are most likely the allready inspired ones, as this is not only thread regarding pirates.

And there are still tons of those, who aren't even registered on forum or don't even know about this site.

Taxing rates - TYHPilot - 10-16-2009

' Wrote:It won't. Those that read this thread are most likely the allready inspired ones, as this is not only thread regarding pirates.

And there are still tons of those, who aren't even registered on forum or don't even know about this site.

Yeah it is a shame when I tell people to go read the server rules, they say they deleted them already