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Lost FLID - yurineova - 11-05-2009

First off, I believe the admins have one of the codes used for FLAM stored on the servers, so if you have FLAM, you SHOULD be able to restore your characters.

Second, No, the Admins can NOT give back the original FLID. Only YOU have that. Its like a Password, Admins NEVER see your password, only you know it.

Third, This is why ytou ALWAYS screenshot your characters. Just go to your Character Select screen and press "Print Screen" on your keyboard. That way, if this happens, you can PM the admin team and say "I lost my FLID, heres a screenshot with my characters, their rank and funds, and locations, can you help me get them back?"

Fourth, I dont know how the admins and FLhook work =P

Lost FLID - VenomHX - 11-05-2009

Seriously not looking for a self-serving +1 rant about what I could have done. Certainly I know I could have done a lot of things to prevent this, the fact is that is all water under the bridge now. Plus you're sort of beating a dead horse on information that has been hit already just worded differently. Paraphrase much? First, second, third, fourth... (Not Necessarily in that order.)

Lost FLID - TFinnegan - 11-06-2009

Venom my good lad,
My heart goes out to ya for sure.
I had the same thing happen to me a few months after I began playing. Got issued a new work laptop and when I remembered that I needed the FLID from the old one and called IT, they said "Oh. It's been stripped and donated." *facepalm*
That said, I also was unable to recoup any of my lost gear and money. Starting over really sucked. But it DID give me a new character, this one. I'm not sure I would have gone this route unless forced to. Now I know, youre saying "Thats no help to me at all, Finn." And it isnt meant to be. Theres at least a hunderd posts about lost ID's going nowhere. Just letting you know that you're not alone, and raging against the walls is to be expected, and forgiven. Sorry chap, wish I could help.

But if you ask me to loan you money I'll treat it like piracy and open fire!

My advice, start a whole new character, find a NEW way to make money, maybe even go legit, you may find it fits you suprisingly well. At the very least you'll then have a 'secret character' that you can play when all the pople who know you are getting under your skin with thier incessant bloody whining!

And no amount of millions of creds can buy the peaceful feeling of quiet comms.


Lost FLID - VenomHX - 11-06-2009

I'd rather have my characters back. And I'd never play a lawful, or anything other than a pirate.

Lost FLID - TFinnegan - 11-06-2009

*shakes head whilst walking away*
See what I get for bein' nice?
*flips a dismissive half salute behind his back at the spoiled kid*

Lost FLID - n00bl3t - 11-06-2009

' Wrote:*shakes head whilst walking away*
See what I get for bein' nice?
*flips a dismissive half salute behind his back at the spoiled kid*

Well, for one, there is proof that he owns the characters, and there are means to retrieve it.

So, the point of your statements gets lost even on me. (Especially considering he leads the faction and does need his ships back to do so effectively.)

Lost FLID - TFinnegan - 11-06-2009

If he owns the faction there's two really easy fixes.
The rest of you (Yes I know you're speaking on behalf of his faction, as a member) get to work refitting him...Faction setbacks are quite IRP I assure you.
Also the very worst that could happen that cannot be fixed or replaced is the names are locked out. Change a single character, maybe add a tilde or somesuch to indicate his leadership, I dunno.
Either way Venom's lack of foresight to record his ID ( believe me I did the same. I now know exactly where my code is. Some of US learn the hard way) should not neccesiate a demand or even constant nagging for admin attention.

Now if you've noticed how most of my posts tend to get proven messily wrong, you'll now know that I pretty much just guaranteed you Admin help, just by shootin' my mouth off alone.

You're welcome.

Lost FLID - VenomHX - 11-06-2009

Self-serving and self-righteous. You have it all don't you?

Lost FLID - Virus - 11-06-2009

PMing an Admin might actually help.

Also, I've started from scratch losing billions three times in the past. Fun, fun, fun... -.-

<--- Oh look. I'm an admin. PM me.

For the rest of you. NO WE CANNOT GIVE YOU YOUR FL ID. We can do this thing with the move code or whatever, but we do. not. like. to. Back up your stuff or risk losing it. We may say no.

Lost FLID - TFinnegan - 11-06-2009

I started off being nice trying to tell you how i empathize. I get a tantrum for it. "I want my characters!" I imagine you kicking at the ground with your heels...
Then I tried again to calm you down by giving you solutions as well as again telling you how i empathize.
For that I get 'self serving and self righteous'???
I started off supporting the ESS, you can see it in your faction request thread.
Apparently this faction is being led by a spoiled 13 year old kid with absolutely no concept of anyone else on the server and how to treat them.
Youll note my post in your faction request thread had been edited.
As has my opinion of the ESS. Thats the last escort your ships will get.
You just keep piling on the enemies.
Good luck with that.