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ID Blackmail, note to admins - Archelon - 06-05-2007


I nearly got myself banned for being a Blood Dragon in Rheinland. So unless we have a Generic Pirate ID, we're confined to our reservations. I don't plan on moving my Rogues into Rheinland, Bretonia, Kusari, etc for fear of being banned. Same with my Blood Dragon from Kusari and my Outcast from the Omicrons. Its one thing for you to be told by the Rheinland Military to leave or die, quite another when one of them is an admin. And don't ever try to argue a point in game. Take it here, in the forums, cause that's what got me in trouble. Even though my Blood Dragon ID grants me the right to trade and take bounties (in addition to pirating), I'm not allowed to do any of that outside Kusari space.

I don't want to do it, but I'm about to get rid of all my faction specific pirate IDs for the Generic Pirate ID just so I don't get banned by crossing into other territories.

I don't know if this applies to other factions, but it certainly applies to us pirate types. I've seen Liberty battleships way beyond Liberty space with no problems. I try to keep my RP within the realm of who I'm supposed to be GREEN / WHITE / RED with according to faction ID and NPCs. But apparently it doesn't always work. Read the recent post by the Rheinland Military.

Anyway, good luck and watch your back. You never know who you're talkin to on the comms.

ID Blackmail, note to admins - caylith - 06-05-2007

Dude, I was in character...the whole time. We have a zero tolerance policy in Rheinland space. I was trying to deal with the situation in character. the only thing I didn't do that my character should have done was to blow you up on the spot and not to talk to you for a half hour...telling you to leave over and over again. In my character. I have all the screenshots...would you like me to post them?

I don't have a problem with you or your characters. I was playing my RM character. I told you to leave as a Pirate. That's what you are, whether you're BD tagged or my Rheinland Admiral are STILL A PIRATE!!! What don't you get about that?

I have no idea why you would have been threatened with a ban. I know damn well it has nothing to do with you being a Blood Dragon in Rheinland. That was all Role Play. Nova PG comes in all the time...we fight them...just as I should have fought you. Did you not want to fight me since I was in a Battleship? What if I were in a fighter?

Instead of firing on you, I told you to leave. I should have just killed you since you were KoS with us anyway. But no, I chose to talk to you. My mistake. You attacked our RP. Don't see what's wrong with that.

Again.... as I said to you in game 3 or 4 times...RM has a zero tolerance policy for all you a blood dragon, outcast, molly, rogue, hacker...Read the faction status thread, please.

I refuse to get into a pissing contest with you. I have no beef with you. If you want to attack me or my it in a PM, not a flame fest here, mmkay? It will become that if we don't stop now and take it to PM's.

ID Blackmail, note to admins - Nightfall - 06-05-2007

' Wrote:Caylith,

I nearly got myself banned for being a Blood Dragon in Rheinland. So unless we have a Generic Pirate ID, we're confined to our reservations. I don't plan on moving my Rogues into Rheinland, Bretonia, Kusari, etc for fear of being banned. Same with my Blood Dragon from Kusari and my Outcast from the Omicrons. Its one thing for you to be told by the Rheinland Military to leave or die, quite another when one of them is an admin. And don't ever try to argue a point in game. Take it here, in the forums, cause that's what got me in trouble. Even though my Blood Dragon ID grants me the right to trade and take bounties (in addition to pirating), I'm not allowed to do any of that outside Kusari space.

I don't want to do it, but I'm about to get rid of all my faction specific pirate IDs for the Generic Pirate ID just so I don't get banned by crossing into other territories.

I don't know if this applies to other factions, but it certainly applies to us pirate types. I've seen Liberty battleships way beyond Liberty space with no problems. I try to keep my RP within the realm of who I'm supposed to be GREEN / WHITE / RED with according to faction ID and NPCs. But apparently it doesn't always work. Read the recent post by the Rheinland Military.

Anyway, good luck and watch your back. You never know who you're talkin to on the comms.
I just saw this. I feel it needs explaining because you took only a part of what I told you, and it was the part you 'wanted' to take.

You are a pirate in Rheinland, you get shot at, Rheinland has zero tolerance for piracy.

Simple as that, I don't know what's not clear about that. That was the IC part.

You started arguing OOC so I told you I'm Nightfall in hope you get to your senses. You didn't. Instead you said you wanted to go private. I explained it to you again. Then, I threatened to ban you for disruption of gameplay on the server, not for being a pirate in Rheinland, as you were keeping all the players in New Berlin on hold with your completely unfounded OOC argument and told you to take that discussion to the forum. You still kept arguing the same point over and over again and I repeated my threat. You still were arguing and I repeated my threat again 'ban for disruption of gameplay'. Everything lasted at least 45 minutes - and that IS disruption of gameplay in my book.

ID Blackmail, note to admins - Archelon - 06-05-2007

Um - uh - I made that post assuming you were a pirate. I was unaware you were Rheinland until you posted this reply. Your picture, name and comments on previous posts lead me to believe you were a pirate type, not military. Please lower the hostility level and please note that my signature has all my character names to avoid such misunderstandings.

And you don't need screenshots since an admin was there to verify all transmissions.

For us to communicate, it must be two-ways. I understand your position. Please take a look at it from my point of view. I RP primarily by who I'm supposed to be RED / WHITE / GREEN with based on my faction. Since a Blood Dragon does not have Rheinland listed as either ally or enemy, my assumption was neutral. I now know better (at least with regard to the RM clan).

The reason I did not fight is #1 - I was extremely outnumbered and #2 - I was attempting to RP as a neutral within Rheinland (since I've been told Blood Dragons cannot pirate outside Kusari).

I was not attacking your RP until you destroyed me. I posed this question to Korrd in another thread - if I cannot pirate outside Kusari, does this mean I cannot be killed by militaries and police outside Kusari? It was a logical extension of this limitation on my specific faction ID. After all, there are other factions that travel around other systems and engage in conflict with nobody screaming for screen shots. The only protests I am aware of are specifically aimed at pirate factions. I'm just feeling a bit singled out here and wonder if there isn't a balance issue at hand.

Copy your intolerance for pirates. But NPC factions in Rheinland space have no issues with Blood Dragons (part of the reputation engine). Since RM is a clan - I can see your addition to the RP. I just hope you can see the similar extension to my Rogue clan (the Nayehiya). My clan RPs an oppressed people seeking to regain their influence within Sirius (not just Liberty).

My Blood Dragon, however, is a lone fighter with no clan affiliation ATM.

Please do not take my text as anger since it is nearly impossible to see someone's emotions or facial expressions through text. I can throw emoticons here and there, but it would not express my feelings. I have no hostilities toward anyone. I just don't want my point of view ignored.

ID Blackmail, note to admins - Archelon - 06-05-2007

Copy all Nightfall... I will cease my comms on this subject.

ID Blackmail, note to admins - Nightfall - 06-05-2007

Thank you! Go to PMs if you need further explanation.

I'm going to sleep now.

ID Blackmail, note to admins - Korrd - 06-05-2007

Let's not turn ourselves into extremists. You can go outside Kusari. What you shouldn't do is to pirate outside the space your ID is from.

ID Blackmail, note to admins - Nightfall - 06-05-2007

Argh! I have to explain this too.

Korrd, he was expecting not to be shot in Rheinland by the RM. No one says he cannot go in there, the problem was in expecting to be able to roam freely as a neutral char and not be shot at by the RM.

ID Blackmail, note to admins - Archelon - 06-05-2007

Copy that Korrd... Thanks.

EDIT: Um - copy both Nightfall and Korrd. Ok - I'm feeling a bit better now. Thank you for not squashing me.