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Remove docking ability from caps - Printable Version

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Remove docking ability from caps - Jinx - 12-01-2009


its quite easy...

not long ago - there was a discussion that edgeworld trade is much easier than core trade. - reason for that is. in the edgeworlds - there are almost no dangers. - you enter a system, click cruise / autopilot and get a coffee.

in the much safer ( or so its said ) core worlds, - you enter one of the lanes - and hope that its not disrupted. - you have much more to do - and many more NPC and hostile encouters - additionally, you re easier to intercept by player pirates.

soo - as a baseline - core trade is more dangerous than the edgeworld trade

why would i suggest damage to big ships in jumpholes? ( come to that - i suggested a chance of like 5% ( which is 5 times out of 100 jumps ) - to be damaged in the cause of a wormhole journey )

firstly - cause the only thing that hits players in a "fair" way is money. ID restrictions, rule restrictions etc. is in a way "unfair" cause you cannot choose. - when you CAN choose to risk some money or not - but you have the freedom to do it anyway - it is fair.

secondly - edgeworld travel is dangerous. - i don t expect a battleship travelling from delta to gallia in a day and back again AND expect not to be in need of serious maintenance. if YOU do - so be it.

why i still think its a good idea?

cause it makes people think before they move. - i don t care if you re a zoner, a nomad, a phantom, a corsair, an outcast etc. - when you move your big ships around though "unsafe" jumpholes. no matter if you have no other choice - you do it for a purpose!

if a corsair wants to raid malta with a bunch of dreadnoughts - he might be unlucky and end up with 60% damage to all systems once he gets to malta... he might also end up with zero damage. - but he will think about "if its worth it" - but in contrast to a rule.... he has the full choice.

core battleships - like most house battleships move freely, cause they build jumpgates that take ages to be build. - the one and only benefit of them is that they allow "safe" travel.

so when an outcast destroyer wants to raid liberty - let him do it. - but the navy will be able to approach him 100% safely - while he will most likely be damaged on his way from alpha to liberty.

i do think its fair.

Remove docking ability from caps - Tenacity - 12-01-2009

Quote:not long ago - there was a discussion that edgeworld trade is much easier than core trade. - reason for that is. in the edgeworlds - there are almost no dangers. - you enter a system, click cruise / autopilot and get a coffee.

Depends on the edge worlds, nomads are quite rough on traders.

Quote:secondly - edgeworld travel is dangerous. - i don t expect a battleship travelling from delta to gallia in a day and back again AND expect not to be in need of serious maintenance. if YOU do - so be it.

Yes, but the danger should come from environment hazards that can be avoided (asteroids, radiation, etc) and from the players or NPC's you encounter, not from some random "you're screwed" chance programmed into every jumphole you take.

Quote:cause it makes people think before they move. - i don t care if you re a zoner, a nomad, a phantom, a corsair, an outcast etc. - when you move your big ships around though "unsafe" jumpholes. no matter if you have no other choice - you do it for a purpose!

The theory that jumpholes are 'unsafe' is merely a rumor brewed by Ageira to enforce the use of their jumpgates. Look at how few jumpgates existed before humans came into sirius... less than a dozen for all of these systems - do you honestly think that jumpholes are dangerous for the nomads who would be using them constantly?

The only detrimental fact that has been proven about jumpholes is that they must be aligned/in-phase to use, which is probably related to galactic spin. Now, could we make it so jumpholes are only phase-aligned a few hours out of every day? Yes, we could, but that too would kill nearly every borderworlds faction, because they still have no alternate means of travel.

If you want to mess with someone's only movement option, you need to add something new for them, in this case a jump drive. Since that isnt happening, neither is the jumphole idea.