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Guard IDs, a discussion - Sprolf - 12-19-2009

Indeed it would.
I can think of a few in particular...

Guard IDs, a discussion - TFinnegan - 12-19-2009

So the answer to the question I no?

Guard IDs, a discussion - Kazinsal - 12-19-2009

Simple Guard IDs
are no match for the forces
of insane lolwuts.

My proposed answer
is to restrict capitals
to 'ficial factions.

Guard IDs, a discussion - farmerman - 12-19-2009

There are some situations where I can see Guard IDs, or the equivalent, being useful. For instance, like with the BHG/Core, there could be a combination of Police/Other (some kind of special forces with some variations), or with the military IDs. The other is with factions that have a lot of internal variation, like the Gaians or Hessians have ended up. A lot of them are redundant for sure though, like LWB and LWB Guard.

So if it were up to me, I'd scrap the Guard ID for caps idea and make things work on a faction by faction basis.

Guard IDs, a discussion - Jinx - 12-19-2009

about the OP:

guard IDs are nither bad nor good - for most of it, they are simply unfitting. - the term "guard" was once chosen as something of a term describing a more dedicated part of the faction, a more zealous or simply a part that was more suspicious about others.

but the term "guard" doesn t really fit. - each faction should need to be checked what such a more dedicated part should actually be named like. - but in essence - each faction having a more dedicated part that is harder to convince isn t a bad idea.

for me, its mostly a naming issue. - for the BHG, it works well, cause there is actual LORE behind the BHG core. - it is - as a matter of fact... another faction.

but what about other factions?

here is a suggestion ( part suggestion )

gaians = common pirates, as described in the ID.
gaian terrorist = true descendents of the former cambridge workers, less pirate and more eco terrorist

zoners = mostly traders and loners, people who simply wish to have peace and be left alone from the struggles of the houses and the core
coercer = hardliner politicians, aggressivly playing one faction against another in a complex political game, backed up by an organized military fleet.

LPI = common police officers of the private organization
SWAT = specialists who enjoy a lot more backup by the liberty goverment and are equipped with specialized gear


i m sure one can find a nice name and purpose for each faction. - it actually means to split each faction into two.

that may be quite beneficial for factions that allow different types of ships for guards and normals. - for example it is often wondered why zoners fly big capital ships. - and yes. zoners don t. - they like freedom and the freedom to choose what they want and to go where they want.

but thats contrary to a military - or the structure of a big capital ship ( capital ship in general, not only capital warship mind ) - on such a ship, you need a structure, a hierachy - or it won t work. - so even a faction like zoners would probably apply a hierachical structure there.... would get organized.

however - does that help againt the "bad eggs"? no, not really - but it might give them more guidence. - what disco is lacking is guidance. - we have many a rules - but we don t have too much guidance. the effect of guides is that they gently lead you a way. - the effect of rules is that they give you limits. - and the reaction to limits is ..... to test them.

i would never wish to apply a too restrictive nature on any type of ship. - such a proposal only sounds good to those that have the power to restrict. - once they are on the other end of the deal, these very same people start to cry "unfair", too... and will insist that they never meant it to be like that.

( as seen in many other proposals. - like "lets make everything more expensive - and trading less efficient" [ which led to countless complaints againt xorias trade system - also by people who WANTED it to be less profitable - cause they realized that it affected them aswell ] )

so be very very cautious for what you wish for.... someone might hear you and simply include such changes - and in the end, it would be YOUR fault.

Guard IDs, a discussion - barrenwzste - 12-19-2009

Interesting Topic.

Rather than invent factions for the Guard ID tags, why not use them as the tokens of status they were supposed to be? For example, Character X is seen to aid new recruits, showing them trade routes and explaining the rules and regulations. He is seen doing this, not once, but all the time, with all the recruits. Therefore offer Character X the ID as a physical show of the factions regard. Also use it to show officers. If a character has the guard ID then that character is an officer in the faction.

As to caps, everybody knows my position on them, no need to state it again.

Guard IDs, a discussion - Capt. Henry Morgan - 12-19-2009

Guard ID's have indeed failed in the purpose of restricting Caps from those who probably shouldn't have them. Of course, did that really come as a surprise? If someone can bother to take the time to powergrind enough credits for a Cap 8 BS, then they can take the time to powergrind their way through some missions for the Guard ID. That having been said, I can't say I can think of any other solution to the problem. I don't like the idea of restricting caps to official factions and those they approve of, since others might have good RP, but not be in good with a faction for one reason or another. Making them special RP only isn't much of an idea, either. The Admin team has more than enough of a workload as it is.

I'd suggest just leaving the current system as-is, and deal with offenders under the current system.

As for the fix on the ID's, I think Jinx has the right idea. A repurposing of the Guard ID along those lines couldn't hurt one bit.

Guard IDs, a discussion - Cryer Pharmaceuticals! - 12-19-2009

Frankly I think that on top of the millions of credits, having to grind away on turdo missions for hours makes these guys see caps as their 'reward' for doing all this crap, and therefore they feel like they can go and enjoy their reward by sitting outside pirate bases and shooting vhf as they undock and so on, because they earned the privelidge.

Guard IDs are fine when they're different things like the BHG core like athenian said, but yeah there's basically no point in them really.

Guard IDs, a discussion - Sprolf - 12-19-2009

' Wrote:Frankly I think that on top of the millions of credits, having to grind away on turdo missions for hours makes these guys see caps as their 'reward' for doing all this crap, and therefore they feel like they can go and enjoy their reward by sitting outside pirate bases and shooting vhf as they undock and so on, because they earned the privelidge.

Guard IDs are fine when they're different things like the BHG core like athenian said, but yeah there's basically no point in them really.

I agree with the above statements one-hundred percent.
The first one is exactly right-on and the second is truth in itself.

Guard IDs, a discussion - Friday - 12-19-2009

Indeed - the more people are made to work for their caps - the more they will feel entitled to use them as they see fit...

I see guard IDs as mainly useful for proper repping before buying a ship. but proper rep =/= proper RP.