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Freelancer NPC Faction? - Printable Version

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Freelancer NPC Faction? - Tortured_Soul - 06-24-2007

I think they're from [root]\DATA\initalworld.ini

Could be wrong though

Freelancer NPC Faction? - FrereDeBenji - 06-25-2007

Who are "The Wild" anyway? If I understand correctly, they're a new faction added in the lastest version of the mod. But how do they fit in the Freelancer storyline? Where did they come from? What are their goals? Who are their allies and enemies? Who are their stockbrokers?Are they registered members of the President Jacoby fan club?

Freelancer NPC Faction? - Commodore - 06-25-2007

they are corrupt rheinland military(nomad infested)

You can destroy them and they sometimes drop nomad weapons(blasters and cannons, no lasers)

Freelancer NPC Faction? - Qunitinius~Verginix - 06-25-2007

' Wrote:Who are "The Wild" anyway? If I understand correctly, they're a new faction added in the lastest version of the mod. But how do they fit in the Freelancer storyline? Where did they come from? What are their goals? Who are their allies and enemies? Who are their stockbrokers?Are they registered members of the President Jacoby fan club?

They are the Last remaining Nomad Infested Rheinland Pilots left of from the nomad war Trent stops in the storyline. They escaped Rheinland when the nomad war ended and many of the Rheinland pilots were saved, save for a few, who flew into uncharted areas to plan attacks against the lawfuls. Their only goal is to help the nomads re-capture Sirius, and they have no Allies, other then Nomads, so everyone is hostile to them.

I don't think they are members of the Jacobi fan club either.

Verginix Out

Freelancer NPC Faction? - Commodore - 06-25-2007


you explained it all QV