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Caylith & Kane for RP server administrators - Printable Version

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Caylith & Kane for RP server administrators - crow - 06-22-2007

Voted yes, they have good experience and i can trust them.

Enough said

Caylith & Kane for RP server administrators - Nightfall - 06-22-2007

You two have my infinite support guys. A definite 'YES'. As Hoodlum said, we need someone to look after us.

Caylith & Kane for RP server administrators - majkp - 06-22-2007

' Wrote:I voted for no. If you need more details, send a PM. And, for 55 player slots, 2 admins are enough, if they do their job. Just my opinion.

Thanks for your time, Hylden.

Yes, 55 slots (although I hope for more in the near future), but we also have over 3000 characters and all of the admins must have some time to enjoy the game themselves, they can't be logged in their admin chars all the time otherwise we loose them. So we definitely need more admins. And the timezone coverage is also good.

Voted yes.

Caylith & Kane for RP server administrators - Eppy - 06-22-2007

Yes, yes, several billion times yes cubed.

What is this, two/three admins are fine? We can ALWAYS use more admins. (as long as it's not commodore. God, that poll had me scared for a second). They have to eat and pee, just like us...and there's this evil thing called a 'job' most people have to get at some point in their lives. Besides, will we completely deny them their playtime, too? It's no fun enforcing the rules-the good part is breaking them...

I believe these two have proven long before I even knew what Freelancer was that they're capable RPers and excellent sports. They seem very fair-minded, and quite well-suited for this extremely distasteful task we're trying to bestow upon them.

Caylith & Kane for RP server administrators - Maranzo - 06-22-2007

Voted yes... how more admins how better the support

more admins is a good thing at least for a community with this much members...

As Bulldog can tell ya... we had all timezones covered on rogues and there we're not more then 5 people online in busy times...


Caylith & Kane for RP server administrators - Razr - 06-22-2007

Is there even a need for a poll i see caylith almost everyday offering advice and helping new people. You've got my vote

Caylith & Kane for RP server administrators - Alpha 429 - 06-22-2007

Its as simple as pie really we need a few more admins and kane and cay are 2 of the most of the fairest and best people we have on disco. So im sure you can all guess what i voted.

Caylith & Kane for RP server administrators - Malaclypse 666 - 06-22-2007

Yes, with one small caveat:

You all should keep your "deoderant" handy.

Being so closely intetwined factions-wise might possibly lead to some "personal hygiene" issues down the road.

Trusting that won't be an issue,

Caylith & Kane for RP server administrators - Death Shadow - 06-22-2007

yes i think we need admins in different time zones. and kane seems to have a smart brain (at least on the forums) and i dont really know much about cay. so i dont have anything positive or negative for her. so i voted yes

Caylith & Kane for RP server administrators - bluntpencil2001 - 06-22-2007

Caylith most certainly deserves this, and I guess Kane does too.