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Reduce CD Refire Rate - sovereign - 12-23-2009

Most ships don't have a subtargetable engine- even if you aim for it with the mouse, it will zoom for the center of the ship.

Although I'd love to be able to subtarget engines on things like the Valor, which are virtually un-CD'able since the engines are about .7k away from the center. You basically need to ram the thing to CD it.

Since the non-Train CDs are used almost exclusively in combat, they don't need any tweaking for use in disrupting stuff. I use them quite a lot (dare I say I even whore them) and while they are nifty tools, they are precision weapons- I accidentally killed a teammate earlier today by "spamming" rather than firing carefully. They're in no need of change. Don't fix what ain't broke, as they say.

Personally I'd rather see CMs useful against CDs rather than just against cannonballs and the like. Not sure how to do this, but that's the fix I'd rather have. Although a reduction in train CD refire (not the others) wouldn't be that bad.

And please make NPCs only carry 1-2 CDs. A corporate HF with 8 Train CDs is just ridiculous- you might as well not have a cruise feature at that point.

Reduce CD Refire Rate - mjolnir - 12-23-2009

well I don't have the exact numbers here but afaik CD refire rate right now is between 0.5 and 2.00 depending on type.

So I don't get the poll options saying that it should be "reduced" to 4.00 or 2.00.

Reduce CD Refire Rate - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 12-23-2009

CM's are not ment to work for CD's. End of story.

Reduce CD Refire Rate - SamuWarcraft - 12-23-2009

' Wrote:I hate to say it but I'm with the outcast here:P

This is the spirit of christmas :P

Reduce CD Refire Rate - mwerte - 12-23-2009

' Wrote:And please make NPCs only carry 1-2 CDs. A corporate HF with 8 Train CDs is just ridiculous- you might as well not have a cruise feature at that point.
Doesn't matter, NPCs can fire CDs even without having the ammo. *grumps* /offtopic.

Reduce CD Refire Rate - Tenacity - 12-23-2009

Quote:I'd rather see NPCs have less CDs than have CDs get their refire nerfed. Seriously, eight CDs on some random corporate heavy fighter? What the hell? (Not exaggerating. I have screens.)

(Most) Players carry 70 CD's... not to mention that there have been numerous reports of npc's still firing disruptors even when they have no ammo left for them.

Quote:Most ships don't have a subtargetable engine- even if you aim for it with the mouse, it will zoom for the center of the ship.

All it takes is sub-targetting anything within relatively close range of the engines... the countermeasure dropper or thruster, for example, are almost always right next to an engine hardpoint. There is still a blast radius even on wasp CD's, just takes some skill to use it against something like a train or cap.

I would prefer to see train cd's removed altogether. The mosquito has a blast radius close to the same as the train cd, and is more useful for dealing with enemy ordnance (I use mosquitos over train cd's on almost all of my characters, and still have no real issues with stopping larger ships as long as I dont sit around twiddling my thumbs while they get away).

I would even suggest that the damage potential of non-train cd's be increased to further use them in combat... perhaps not to the level of a high end missile, but a relatively large increase to damage would justify a refire rate reduction as well, and make them more useful all around.

Quote:CM's are not ment to work for CD's. End of story.

Ah, another remarkably intelligent comment from "where did it ran" - your posts continue to amuse me. Please, less freelancer, more school work for you, mmkay?

Cruise disruptors are missiles just like any combat-oriented missile. Countermeasures are designed to prevent any guided weapon from hitting or detonating near your ship, including cruise disruptors. They worked fine for this in 4.84, but since 4.85 countermeasures have become significantly less effective on all ship classes, despite that none of the 'effectiveness' numbers have changed.

Honestly, why do you even post when you're wrong so much of the time?

Reduce CD Refire Rate - Elsdragon - 12-23-2009

the TCD is defleted just like any other, the problem is the blast hits the transport all the way from the last CM its "effectiveness" matters not.

Reduce CD Refire Rate - Guest - 12-24-2009

Main problem with CMs, is they drop behind the ship, keeping the ship in range of the blast 80% of the time..
Perhaps if they could be made to launch -away- from the ship instead of simply -dropping- they would be more efficient and practical to use

If I'm correct, when a fighter jet shoots off flares to shake off a heat-seaker, the flares are launched downward and away from the jet, (since an explosion happening behind the jet, with enough forward momentum, could still damage it, in addition to shrapnel coming from the explosion)

Turning CM's into somewhat of a large EMP Pulse (it drops, and 1-2 seconds later any ammo-based projectile is blown up).

For example.....
Enh CM:
Damage: 10
Shield Damage: 5
Refire: No change
Explosion Radius: 350m

Regular CM (cheapest one, cant remember name:
Damage: 2
Shield Damage: 1
Refire: No Change
Explosion Radius: 100m

You might even be able to have it keep the part where it redirects the missile to it instead of its target.

Reduce CD Refire Rate - Elven - 12-24-2009

Everything is fine.

Reduce CD Refire Rate - Baltar - 12-24-2009

CD's should not have the same fire rate as chain guns (which is what they seem to be set at).

We definitely need to reduce the fire rate sense there are some out there than spam the heck out of em.

CD's are not considered an attack (per the rules) ... but I don't think the rules cover 20 CD's up the tail pipe in less than 1 minute.

CD's used in combat is crap ... the letters stand for "Cruise Disruptor" ... they're not TD's (ie: Thruster Disruptors) ... but that's what they're being used for. I say at LEAST we need to adjust the CD's so they have no affect on thrusters.