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Havoc MK2 Bomber coming soon - Printable Version

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Havoc MK2 Bomber coming soon - Victor - 07-04-2007

I care about the Farmers Aliance...




Havoc MK2 Bomber coming soon - Qunitinius~Verginix - 07-04-2007

Just look in your Heart, You will see a void. That void cannot be filled by the Farmers alliance. NO matter how hard you try, you probably wont care for them.

I remember the first Time I saw a player tagged 'Alliance'. I called him a hacker cause the Alliance didn;t exist as a faction. I thought it was like Alliance vs Coalition type thing and I was like WTF

Verginix Out

Havoc MK2 Bomber coming soon - Guest - 07-04-2007

For the alliance ships fighting SCRA: get Farmers Alliance tag:)))

Havoc MK2 Bomber coming soon - Jack Archer - 07-04-2007

' Wrote:Thats a magnificant bomber indeed...

It looks a bit like the ragnarok from FF8 if I am right...

From the looks... I could say it would fit perfectly into Kusari...

And can't Liberty use the Taiidan or the Rheinland bomber?

Can't the Krusari fly a Taiidan?

Although I'll admit it looks like a Krusari but not military, I think it would fit better with the Dragons as that would fit better with thier GB if only there was some purple

Havoc MK2 Bomber coming soon - Koolmo - 07-04-2007

' Wrote:Can't the Krusari fly a Taiidan?

You win a cookie for a spelling mistakes sir! the Coalition Cookie award, with silver chocolate chips.

Havoc MK2 Bomber coming soon - Yngen - 07-05-2007

Its funny that everyone flies the Taiidan except the GMG... I do not hold to the 'friendly factions ships are ok' philosophy of ship choice even though everyone else does but that is beside the point.

I believe the simplest way to making any new model look like it belongs to a particular faction is in the skinning. Legeonation here has a very distinctive design that seems to show in all of his ships. If his previous model was given to the GMG this new bomber would need a very different skin than the Stinger to set it apart.

If you make it a Liberty bomber it needs the light grey paneled color and the Star/flag emblem on the side or fin. If you make it a BHG bomber it needs a darker grey paneled skin. If you make it bretonian then it needs to be Tan and rust. Kusari would be grey and deep maroon (but I agree this would not pass for a Kusari ship even with an appropriate skin job.)

Havoc MK2 Bomber coming soon - Kira1997 - 07-05-2007

Just to throw H-fuel on the plasma....Is it possible to make one ship but provide different skins (for different factions) in different locations? i.e. Taiidan bomber, but placed in 2-3 locations with appropriate color scheme.

Havoc MK2 Bomber coming soon - BestFlyerHere - 07-05-2007

Great idea, Kira, but alas, the mod size would have to be tripled if we did that for all the ships. Each skin would be read by FL as a separate ship, therefore increasing the mod size even more...

Havoc MK2 Bomber coming soon - TankTarget - 07-05-2007

If anything the Taiidan needs a new skin job... >.>. As the current one is hideous.

However I said it before, Lane Hacker bomber!!!!!!! Or Outcast bomber...

Havoc MK2 Bomber coming soon - Qunitinius~Verginix - 07-05-2007

It doesn't look at all like outcast of lane hacker. If anything at all, a Liberty or Order ship.

Verginix Out