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Liberty Criminal Database - Asgardian - 01-16-2010


Criminal Priority: Alpha
  • Assault of a Navy officer - Sixty Three counts
  • Destruction of Government property - Forty Five counts
  • Assault of a lawful associate - Twenty Nine counts
  • Destruction of a lawful associate's ship - Forty counts

Ship(s) Piloted: Falcata (Outcast bomber)

Fines Owing: N/A

Commander Jack Malrone

Part of the Gryphon Outcast clan, "Azure" is a skilled bomber pilot and likes to challenge Navy pilots to duels. Although he can seem quite amicable at times, other times he's quite aggressive - Possibly indicating a mental disorder.

Brazen enough to duel my own bomber, he's gained skill and has managed to occasionally destroy my bomber when I've had no backup. Approach and apprehend with due caution.

Due to a series of hard-hitting and ruthless attacks by this Outcast, his threat status has been upgraded to Alpha - A class Zero hostile to be shot on sight.

Liberty Criminal Database - Asgardian - 01-16-2010


Criminal Priority: Alpha
  • Assault of a Navy officer - Fifty counts
  • Destruction of Government property - Seventy counts
  • Assault of a lawful associate - Fifty Four counts
  • Destruction of a lawful associate's ship - Nineteen counts

Ship(s) Piloted: Falcata (Outcast bomber)

Fines Owing: N/A

Captain Jack Malrone

I've found this Gryphon to be the highest trained out of all Gryphons, able to take down multiple targets and even light fighters with his annoyingly superb Supernova aim. Usually seen with Azure, taking down transports and such within New York and California, this Gryphon specialises in taking down any lawfuls that interfere with their pirating.

Brazen enough to attack a Navy force outside Battleship Missouri, this Outcast should be approached with extreme caution and arrested with a wing of fighters.

Due to a series of hard-hitting and ruthless attacks by this Outcast, his threat status has been upgraded to Alpha - A class Zero hostile to be shot on sight.

Liberty Criminal Database - Asgardian - 01-16-2010


Criminal Priority: Bravo
  • Assault of a Navy officer - Twenty counts
  • Destruction of Government property - Twenty three counts
  • Assault of a lawful associate - Seventeen counts
  • Destruction of a lawful associate's ship - Fifteen counts

Ship(s) Piloted: Falcata (Outcast bomber)

Fines Owing: N/A

Commander Jack Malrone

Suspected leader of the Gryphons, "Alizarin" has tactical prowess in the field and a decent amount of firepower to back it up. Rarely seen without Azure and Celadon by his side, Alizarin deals with the negotiations and taunting of the lawful parties.

Slightly less aggressive than the other Gryphons, Alizarin will be more inclined to chat than fight. However, when its crunch time, this Outcast will deal a heap of Supernova hurt to your ship. Approach with due caution when arresting.

Liberty Criminal Database - Asgardian - 01-17-2010


Criminal Priority: Delta
  • Smuggling illegal goods - One count
  • Illegally docking with a police installation - Two counts

Relevant Evidence: |001|

Ship(s) Piloted: Salvager (Junker transport/gunboat)

Fines Owing: $14 million

Commander Jack Malrone

Caught this one firing past me at a tremendous speed, heading for Planet Manhatten. A quick scan of his cargo bay brought up a full load of artifacts stashed aboard. I managed to sound off to lock down the docking bay moments before he got granted access to land. Fortunately, he undocked. As usual, he denied everything and then was brazen enough to land again on Manhatten.

Because of the gunboat-style weapons detected aboard the ship, the threat level has been declared as "Delta". Recommend two or more bombers be used in interdicting it in the future.

Liberty Criminal Database - Asgardian - 01-17-2010


Criminal Priority: Foxtrot
  • Attempt to assault a Navy officer - Forty counts
  • Attempt to destroy government property - Fifty Seven counts
  • Destruction of Government property - Zero counts

Ship(s) Piloted: Spyglass (Lane Hacker Battleship)

Fines Owing: N/A

Commodore Christina Robinson

Jarek, the pilot of the Jarek_70, is almost as well known in Liberty as Phate and possibly more so than Blue.Raven. However, he has reached this level of infamy for failing to cause havoc more than being the cause itself.

Having been disarmed multiple times by even the most harmless of weaponry, a good example being when he was pacified by a trade lane cannon, Jarek's name is used far and wide to initiate bouts of laughter in those that have heard of his shinannigans. Mostly harmless, Jarek's agressiveness is lined with an incompetance that even the most retarded of minds wont fail to both pick out, and laugh at.

Liberty Criminal Database - Asgardian - 01-17-2010


Criminal Priority: Bravo
  • Assault of a Navy officer - Thirty counts
  • Destruction of Government property - Twenty three counts
  • Assault of a lawful associate - Seventeen counts
  • Destruction of a lawful associate's ship - Fifteen counts

Ship(s) Piloted: Liberty Assault Battlecrusier

Fines Owing: N/A

Commodore Christina Robinson

Rarely spotted in Liberty, the Last Sunrise is an older model of the Liberty Battlecruiser, modernised with the colours and pilfered technology of the Hellfire Legion. Utilising technologies employed by the lane hackers, such as their weaponry and improved sensor array, the Last Sunrise is a highly dangerous piece of Liberty Navy equipment which has fallen into the derranged hands of the Hellfire Legion.

Sporting heavy armour and imposing red cannons, the Last Sunrise is no more or less fierce than any other Battlecruiser currently in service amongst the Liberty Navy. However, it is never-the-less lethal and has already been responsible for a number of capital ship and strike craft losses. The Last Sunrise will likely not act alone on solo incursions into Liberty, so be sure to have ample manpower to take down this deadly warship and any support that is likely to accompany it into battle.

Commander Jack Malrone
Came across this persistant pain in our backside in California. Just as myself and serveral other officers had almost successfully escorted a siege cruiser, that was hijacked by the Hellfire Legion, back into the safety of Liberty, this Battlecruiser came out of nowhere.

Heavily armed and armoured, this ship overwhelmed my gunboat in seconds and turned the tide of our rescue mission. Approach with extreme caution and quite a few bombers as backup.

Liberty Criminal Database - Asgardian - 01-17-2010


Criminal Priority: Bravo
  • Assault of a Navy officer - Nine counts
  • Destruction of Government property - Fifteen counts
  • Assault of a lawful associate - Twelve counts
  • Destruction of a lawful associate's ship - Eleven counts

Ship(s) Piloted: Sabre (Borderworlds VHF)

Fines Owing: N/A

Commodore Christina Robinson

This pilot has the peculiar honour of being the hardest to kill in a battle, yet the easiest to please in terms of piracy. His blunt wit combined with his declarations of being red on scanners make him a classic addition to the unlawful retinue of Liberty. However, no-one should be fooled by his lack of intelligence; this Sabre is particularly dangerous in his hands. Having the support of other skilled criminals from time to time, I have witnessed first hand his ability to chew through both civilian and military ships.

While it is hard to take this man seriously, the skill that he displays at the control stick makes him a dangerous foe. As far as reports suggest, this pilot demands 30 credits as an act of piracy. Unless possessing clearly superior numbers and the time to conduct a drawn out and exhausting battle, simply satisfy this man's need for pocket money and be on your way.

Liberty Criminal Database - Asgardian - 01-17-2010


Criminal Priority: Charlie
  • Assault of a Navy officer - Fifteen counts
  • Destruction of Government property - Twenty two counts
  • Assault of a lawful associate - Seventeen counts
  • Destruction of a lawful associate's ship - Fifteen counts
  • Hacking into a tradelane - Thirty Seven counts

Ship(s) Piloted:

  • Sabre (Borderworlds VHF)
  • Dagger (Borderworls LF)
  • Broadsword (Lane Hacker bomber)
  • Pirate transport
Fines Owing: N/A

Commodore Christina Robinson

This notorious lane hacker has gained most of his infamy by simply acting as wingman for Phate. As distracting as Phate might be however, Mr. Sanguinetti's actions are no less harmful to Liberty and her interests than Phate, sometimes more so. Recent reports indicate that his ships or those acting in his name have been dropping off supplies of contraband at the heart of Liberty, Manhattan, as well as his terroristic actions being partially responsible for the interdiction of trade and destruction of corporate property.

Mr. Sanguinetti's actions are often overshadowed by his peers, and his pilotting is not exemplary, so it is harder for him to get the attention that he so clearly craves. Like all lane hackers worthy of note, Mr. Sanguinetti makes the Interspace Neuralnet Department as well as Ageira Technologies his main targets, though both corporations have it within their means to repel most attacks made by Mr. Sanguinetti and his associates. He is however a dangerous threat.

Liberty Criminal Database - Asgardian - 01-17-2010


Criminal Priority: Charlie
  • Assault of a Navy officer - Ten counts
  • Destruction of Government property - Fifteen counts
  • Assault of a lawful associate - Twelve counts
  • Destruction of a lawful associate's ship - Twelve counts

Ship(s) Piloted:Rogue gunboat

Fines Owing: N/A

Commander Jack Malrone

The Captain of the Heart Of Gold is known as one 'Evangaline Jones'; a high ranking Liberty Rogue rumored to be second in command of the criminal organisation. The Captain shows remarkable arrogance on the battlefield, and prefers to use guerilla tactics to single out an opponent, dispatch it and disappear before reinfocements can arrive.

The Heart Of Gold is not a ship to be taken lightly, and is a known associate of other well known criminals such as the Blue Raven and Be Good At It.

Liberty Criminal Database - Asgardian - 01-24-2010


Criminal Priority: Epsilon
  • Evading justice - Two counts
  • Smuggling illegal goods - Two counts
  • Illegally landing on a Police base - One count
  • Flying an illegal ship - One count
  • Illegal atmospheric entry onto a planet - One count

Relevant Evidence:

Ship(s) Piloted:Pirate Transport

Link to Registry Report

Fines Owing: $30 million

Captain Jack Malrone

Whilst onboard the newly-constructed Groom Lake, this smuggler brazenly came straight to Manhatten with a full load of Cardamine. I ordered she cut her engines and obviously, not to land on Manhatten. Unfortunately, she mustn't of heard me and proceeded to land anyway. She immediately undocked and had an empty hold. Surprise surprise she was a lot more talkative and denied everything. Fortunately, I had a little thing called "evidence" on my side. Knowing she had no way out of the charges, her ship entered Manhatten's atmosphere and her pod was ejected. Its not known if she survived the re-entry.

She is considered a very minor military threat.