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Nomad healing - Miixxu - 03-19-2010

I like this idea mostly because of the fact nomad bases are rare and this gives an option of extended roleplay. Nomads arent supposed to be balanced and when you take into account how they are always ganked they need all the advantage they can get.

Nomad healing - Blighter - 03-20-2010

Nomad Light Fighters running to the suns whenever they drop to 0/0 NB/SB ololol.

I'm sure you'll just plain adore the idea once you end up on the recieving end of it.


Nomad healing - Tenacity - 03-20-2010

IMO, nomads should be immune to radiation >.>

Regeneration isnt quite as big a deal, but most of our systems have radiation in some form or another, and we're supposed to feed on those rads, not get killed by them.

Nomad healing - ... kur nubėgo? - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:What nobody seems to understand is the fact that the Nomads are NOT balanced and SHOULD NOT BE.

They -should- be vicious doombringers when provoked. I'm not acting my bias here, this is an objective observation.

And corsair ship should propably have 2x more hull than have now due the lore, and outcast should be restricted faction only to the best pvp'ers on the server. And due the lore Osiris should be able to cloack. Guess what, that ain't happening.

Nomads already have hell a lot of advanatages. Expecialy that light fighter which is actually SHF with LF turning and hitbox.

Nomad healing - Aaronny - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:And corsair ship should propably have 2x more hull than have now due the lore, and outcast should be restricted faction only to the best pvp'ers on the server. And due the lore Osiris should be able to cloack. Guess what, that ain't happening.

Nomads already have hell a lot of advanatages. Expecialy that light fighter which is actually SHF with LF turning and hitbox.

Nuff' said.

Nomad healing - Boss - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:Nomads already have hell a lot of advanatages. Expecialy that light fighter which is actually SHF with LF turning and hitbox.

Everyone quotes that.

Yes, the Labraid is possibly the best fighter around. It's more agile than anything, mounts three class 10s, has a Titan powerplant and a CD/T. It's a beast, to be sure.

However, our bomber is average, comparable to the Upholder in almost every way, and the Sascya has horrid agility. It's slower than most fighters and is bigger than any of them. (At least so far as my experience is concerned)

The gunboat's excellent, five guns notwithstanding (forward gun compensates).

Cruiser thrusts faster than any other (by 5ms, at 145, I believe). Turrets leave something to be desired, since it has no long-range weaponry like human ships.

Same with the BS. 20,000 damage per shot seems obscene, but take into consideration a few other things.

Namely, refire, range, and power draw.

The Nomad BS turrets (and cruiser) are 1.00. The BS guns max out at 3102m for range, most other BS guns go to 3000. No Mortar, missile, Razor, or pulse cannons though.

Oh yeah, and about ten shots drops your powercore to nil.

Nomad healing - ... kur nubėgo? - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:Everyone quotes that.

Yes, the Labraid is possibly the best fighter around. It's more agile than anything, mounts three class 10s, has a Titan powerplant and a CD/T. It's a beast, to be sure.

Voidrunner is with Werewolf's powerplant. You might want to re-check it again. Titan's recharge is 1340 as heaviest from VHF's. Voidrunners is 1650 ... Like ligher's SHF for example Rheinland Mjolnir.

Yet to be faster than arrow.

Also has H.F shield

And also can mount razor like thing, which is hopefully not as good as razor from some point's, but then it's used on SHF werewolf's powerplant it feels much likely similiar or even better than razor on 12 k fighter from energy consumption perspective. Speed is compensated by bigger hitbox of the projectile.

And on top of all this healing ability, no sorry guys, but rly no.

Nomad healing - Blaze - 03-20-2010

I agree with boss Nomads are supposed to be uber powerful as they are ganked by all

Nomad healing - Blighter - 03-20-2010

Assassin is rather normal in performance, not unlike any other VHF, granted.
The Bomber's similar, a rather normal Light Bomber with just, y'know, the whole Nomad superiority thing as a bonus.
Then you've the Turbosquid, which, frankly, will never explode if you don't suffer from legendary Joe luck or are an outright moron at flying it.

You want Nomad healing powers?

Get a normal-ish Light Fighter.

Radiation immunity would work though, no big deal.

But regeneration?

GTFO or get rid of the ability to fly a ship that's pretty much ub3rh4x which noone else can fly but Squids.

Missiles and Mines and CDs that'd use no ammo? Dandy.
Radiation immunity? Dandy.
Regeneration = infinite HP in theory?
Not so dandy when you've the one ship that is the easiest thing to dodge in tied with a Liberator, and on top of that, it comes with a Cl.10 shield, some of the best if not the best guns there are if you use the 3.03er or 4.00er lasers, AND a torpslot.

I mean, really.

I flew the thing.

It's hardQore.

If all Squids flew it and only it alone?

Man, they'd never ever lose a fight.

Anyone who's fought a decent pilot in it knows it, I'm sure.

And anyone who did fight it at all...

Now picture that thing.

Running away.

With you having no way to shoot it down easily because it's so damn agile.

And then flying into a sun's corona.

Where you can't follow since your hull will melt.

While it will regenerate.


And over.

And ooover.

Fun, innit?

Nomad healing - Tenacity - 03-20-2010

Quote:Radiation immunity would work though, no big deal.

That's all I ask for, it sucks fighting people, especially capships, in your own systems... and being worn down by radiation which you should be immune to -_-