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Vista problem - Sonja - 10-05-2007

How can you say vista is ugly? Its prettier than windows vista, by quite a long way.

However, that is the only good thing about it.

And most users have the 32-bit version of vista. If you decide to go with 64-bit, I don't see what could possibly be good about it. Nothing will work. Ever.

I am tempted to download Linux with some vista-like plugins, but I really do not want to put in the effort of installing a new operating system.

However, all that said, service pack one looms. That could change vista completely. If it addresses all of the compatibility problems and resource associated problems, then I may yet purchase a copy of the operating system. Only time, and service pack one, will tell though.

Vista problem - Flo - 10-05-2007

' Wrote:And most users have the 32-bit version of vista. If you decide to go with 64-bit, I don't see what could possibly be good about it.

I can use my 4GB RAM with it :P

Vista problem - Unseelie - 10-05-2007

64 vista emulates the 32 vista rather well.
better than my Linux does XP....

and, my XP was amazing....though, I had custom desgined themes, and a program something akin to beryl...wish I could find it....
Try running electric sheep as your'll see.
now try running it on vista....

vista looks pretty, but it drains resources an insane extent...the excuse is, "vista was built for the future..."
I'm in the present.
Build a vista for the present, and I'll be happy,

oh, and If anyone thinks Vista is original, look at the Linux distros from the last three years....most of them look better.

Quote:Well, we can hope that since FL is a microsoft game, they will fix the issue.

Hope, its that gleaming light at the end of a tunnel. Mostly its just a train though when dealing with microsoft...

M$ dropped freelancer years will see me playing it on a Mac before microsoft does anything about it....
its kinda like 360 reverse compatibility: Retarded.

another thing....instead of dual booting...try a removable HDD....can switch computers.
need a full install of the OS though.

and.....Norton never did anything helpful.
It works rather like AOL....

oh...anyone know why I can't Delete Internet Explorer?
it took a page from AOL.....

Vista problem - uspatriotsf - 10-05-2007

Well, Unseelie, it appears we have found the limits of your infinite wisdom. Vista is way prettier than XP.

See for yourself:

[Image: Vista.jpg]

[Image: XP.jpg]

EDIT: Just in case you couldnt figure it out, these are not my actual backgrounds, did that as a joke. DUH!

Vista problem - Unseelie - 10-05-2007

my infinite wisdom does in fact, only encompass certain areas. should see my XP....if i can find a screenshot....

Vista problem - uspatriotsf - 10-05-2007

And then there is always this:

[Image: Picture1.png]

Again not my actual desktop background.

Vista problem - Unseelie - 10-05-2007

you remember my old sig?
before it got all...not high def...
my desktop is a dragonfly...a different one, now, but, hey.