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Hyperspace Drives - Ironwatsas - 04-23-2010

Indeed it would make game more interesting

Furthermore, it'd make big capships and carriers more useful and powerful as strategic weapons without overpowering them in pvp combat. Simply making any ship 'linked' to a carrier jump is a whole lot simpler then docking to it like a station.

So, if a player goes through the effort to buy a carrier, and goes through the player interaction to get a hyperdrive and enough fuel for it, then yeah, he's probably earned the right to haul a bunch of fighters around. It opens a lot of RP possibilities.

Military carrier task force moving a strike wing into position to soften up an enemy defensive fleet or create a diversion before a main group attacks. Expeditionary force blindly and boldly jumping into a new system. Or someone with a secondhand ship making a hyperspace taxi service for profit:P

'Course, there have to be a few systems you can't jump into.

Systems like Iota, the Shrine, Omega-58, Omicron-82, etc because of the implications of such

Systems like Omicron-85, Omega-41, 11, etc with massive gravitational anomalies (Black Hole, supermassive stars, etc) would also prevent jumping into or out of.

Systems like Bastille.... well, you'd be able to jump in... but not out :)

Hyperspace Drives - Lobster - 04-25-2010

I have been waiting to post on this subject... seeing how the idea evolves before I posted my opinion..

I can say now... without a doubt.... the Lobby loves it

RP wise
PvP (strategically) wise
the aspect of it bringing people together

Yes please...

(well.. so long as ZoIs are not violated without SRP requests or something of that nature.)

Hyperspace Drives - CzeReptile - 04-25-2010

Just trade by jumping from one point to another. Avoid pirates. Save time. BE rich. Buy cap.

A no no.

Hyperspace Drives - Eternal - 04-25-2010

I will examine this thread later on and probably give a larger opinion about it. However, for now I would really love to see something like that implemented.

Here is something for everyone who simply wishes to act responsible and kill ideas, such as this one, with the simple "abuse" word.

If this is ever created and implemented, it would most likely be done like this.

10 devices of this kind (or any random number the Dev. Team comes up with), admin given to the Order High Command.
10 to the LN HC..... etc

And this process repeats itself until all factions who will have the RP ability to create such items are given them. Afterwords, it is the leaders of those factions who you contact, via RP, to get your hands on one of the Jump Drives.

As such, the "abuse" is completely ELIMINATED.

Hyperspace Drives - tansytansey - 04-25-2010

The only thing remotely close to a hyperdrive in the Freelancer Universe would be the Hypergate... but since that thing was built by the Dam'Kavosh, is bigger than half the planets in Freelancer and is in a single static location, I don't see how it's feesable that human scientists could recreate that technology to fit inside a mobile spaceship.

"Because it's cool and I like it" is almost as bad as "GOD DID IT LOL"

Hyperspace Drives - Bobthemanofsteel - 04-25-2010

Or the thing practically every cap has, Nighthawk.
Jump Gates aren't designed to take caps.

Jump gates ARE that tech, and Ageira made their own Hypergate.
But it uh... Killed Texas.


Sorry guys.

Hyperspace Drives - tansytansey - 04-25-2010

Yet the Jumpgate is huge, static and probably takes a lot of energy to boot up. So Watsas covered the power concern, but I don't see how humans could recreate that tech to be a piece of internal equipment that can fit inside a capital ship. Tradelanes, Jump Gates, we got that tech from Valhalla 1, a library left behind by the Dam'Kavosh.

I think that would suggest that if the Dam'Kavosh couldn't do it, we can't either.

Hyperspace Drives - Turkish - 04-25-2010

We had jump technology in the StarLancer era.

Hyperspace Drives - Bobthemanofsteel - 04-25-2010

But, again, how do you think caps get around in vanilla?
They can't use the Jump Gates, and considering how long it's supposed to take to travel between systems without them, going on cruise isn't really viable.
Then again, I'm not sure whether they had cruise in the Colonisation era:D

Hyperspace Drives - tansytansey - 04-25-2010

' Wrote:We had jump technology in the StarLancer era.
Starlancer took place in one solar system. Discovery has over 100 solar systems and several minor sectors.

I knew someone would bring Starlancer up, but it's a moot point. Even the portable warp holes were only intra-system

Quote:But, again, how do you think caps get around in vanilla?
Jump Gates are easily big enough to accomodate Capital Ships. I've never seen any lore suggesting otherwise.