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Space Artillery concept or something - Printable Version

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Space Artillery concept or something - Prysin - 04-25-2010

yeah, like a SUPAR MISSILE..... turning should be like minimal (smart artillery bullets can steer SLIGHTLY)

Space Artillery concept or something - Ironfoot - 04-25-2010

' Wrote:First of all, I'm just brainstorming so let's just discuss this if you don't have anything better to do at the moment.

New class of ship - Space artillery (silly name, yes).

Think about it; you fire away a projectile in a swarm of incoming enemies and, once it detonates, it does massive damage on wider a spherical area. Of course, one would have to be very precise and skilled in using such weapon.

Kinda like one huge flak cannon. It'd have let's say 2,5 K range and that range is fixed, so it's like - in whichever direction you fire, it detonates on 2,5 K range with blast radius of 0,3 K unless you make a direct hit which would be very hard to achieve, because this class of ship would be hard to maneuver.

So it's more powerful than mortar, it's mounted on a ship size of a gunboat (with let's say -50 reverse trust speed so you can move backward while firing), it's somewhat inaccurate, fires one projectile every 3, 4 seconds but it's kicks ass and it's very valuable if used wise. It'd have defensive capabilities of maybe 4 gunboat turrets but it would, for example, have transport shields along with 500 nanos/batteries. Of course, It'd would be a lot more vulnerable than any heavy gunboat and it'd require protection but in most cases it would be sacrificed.

Think about scenarios in which fighters, which are taking heavy long range fire, have to disable artillery barrage first in order to secure the area for incoming friendlies (example - capital ships). Or even strange scenario in which fleet/group commander orders artillery to fire in the area which is occupied by both hostiles and friendlies, in order to gain the upper hand by gambling/sacrificing his own men. There are endless strategic possibilities.

What do you think? A new class of ship - do we need something like this? Can it be implemented even if it's hypothetically accepted?

Not many people would use it but I think it'd be a fine addition and it'd change the way of fighting in a big way.

So what your talking about is a un-guided missile/torpedo with a timed detonation?

That sounds good, like the Joker said I would basically put them on a small gunboat platform with a couple of extra turrets that could provide point defense against fighters if it got attacked.

This is basically what your talking about:

[Image: rocket-tank.jpg]

Rocket launcher!

Also what about having mines with a timer?

I like the Idea btw

Space Artillery concept or something - jxie93 - 04-25-2010

You realise that cruisers are designed to be "space artillery" right?

So the solution is simple, buff cruisers and add this new weapon.

Space Artillery concept or something - The Joker - 04-25-2010

This is more like it

[Image: t_17721.jpg]

A ship which is a living hell from a distance to any other ship-class (not just fighters) but it's also very vulnerable to every class of ship from up-close. Super weapon, strategic nightmare. Position yourself, fire away then change your position or just run because the whole squadron is after you.

It'd be also great for perimeter protection of bases. Don't think of it just a stationary weapon which just keeps on firing. Just like any other weapon, it ain't perfect. You fire away in a crowd, you take away only shields. You have to wait 5 seconds to fire the next shot at the enemy who now has shields down and who is already dispersed or heading at you.

Nitram: I wouldn't like to mix this with a GB (nor any other class). I just used idea of gunboat as reference to size. Simple: a new class of ship. Most people would find it boring to operate but I'm sure there are those who'd use it all the time.

Rodent: You said it.

McNeo, Dragonego: Misuse could be controlled. Special weapon could be strictly controlled. Every piece of artillery would have to be registered and/or approved by faction who owns it.
Indie artillery? Why not make that one as well but which deals less damage.

Schlurbi: there you've said it as well but I wouldn't agree with the battleship part. Let's have a break from capital ships. This is why this would be cool because it's a new class of ship. It's not like I invented something new and unheard of before but we definitely need something to refresh the battlefield.

Ironfoot: mines with timer is an excellent idea. Also adding proximity mines would fit this profile as well.

Cabulb: I have to disagree, Cab. Cruisers are simply light battleships which can more quickly react on a battlefield than the battleships itself. They're multi-purposed if you ask me. You've probably referred on pulses and mortars which can do damage from distance by being mounted on a trusted ship but artillery is something entirely different in this case. It is not multi-purposed, it is simply and nothing else except a long range gun which can do damage on wider area.

On the other hand, mounting this weapon on cruisers/battleships is a good idea but those would be FAR LESS powerful than a actual artillery piece i'm suggesting. At least that sounds more balanced. I guess.

Space Artillery concept or something - Prysin - 04-25-2010

you mean a specialized version of the liberty siege cruiser then?

Space Artillery concept or something - Dashiell - 04-25-2010

Main guns fulfill this role.

it is, therefor, a rotten shame that only 2 cruisers have a main gun. I'm all for having giant cannons flying
around. perfect to deal with dreadnoughts who simply overwhelm your own fleet.

Space Artillery concept or something - Prysin - 04-25-2010

i think he just wants more cruisers/capships with forward guns like dragonberty cruiser

Space Artillery concept or something - Lunaphase - 04-25-2010

Id fly it. Jihad can testify, foward guns are MEAN in the right hands.

(im gonna get punched for that)

Space Artillery concept or something - stardust47 - 04-25-2010

I would LOVE this. I would try and pirate with it.

Space Artillery concept or something - The Joker - 04-25-2010

' Wrote:i think he just wants more cruisers/capships with forward guns like dragonberty cruiser

No dude, I'm clearly suggesting a new class of ship which is a long range weapon, and nothing else. No slots for other weapons except 4 GB turrets max for minimal protection (or 4 level 5 turrets is even better). Or not even those. The term Mobile artillery says enough.

Dashiell: you're so right about dreadnoughts.