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Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - Printable Version

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Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - Cosmos - 05-20-2010

' Wrote:There will be one saying "that's like a civilian driving a tank down the road, lol!"

There's a guy in England that has a fully road licensed old Panzer Tank that He drives around in.

I want a freelance BS and say I stoled it.

Any1 believe me?

Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - Govedo13 - 06-09-2010;#entry1043836

Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - Primitive - 06-09-2010

Umm even I play on mostly on generic characters I would say no.

Fl,merc, any real world (real disco world we are trying to create) independent people couldn't get their hands on anything bigger than a gunboat.

Image that some rich bastard get's a for example American Navy Battleship to fly around...Nope I don't think so.

We have fighters,bomber and transports. Thats all real. I support gunboat idea we had, but everything bigger than that is nonsense.

Join the faction or have a very damn good SRP for it.

Otherwise use smaller ships.

No offense to creator of idea.

Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - SMI-Great.Fox - 06-09-2010

May I remind the people here that there are a few transports that use good weapons....However...there are extremely few of them...One is the Junker Salvager...

We so need more types like this available to other pilots.....

Or modification of a few types of transport to be able to equip gunboat/cruiser weapons.....I would personally kill for my slave liner to hold 2 missile turrets...

Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - Govedo13 - 06-17-2010

Salvager is a joke- it dies against P transp or Raba.
Missile turrets are like 80% of the time useless. With 70 enh cms... I will kill your liner 2 times before you hit me more then 3 or 4 times with double missile, not even speaking if there is a little bit lag- then you wont hit me at all.
This ship must be agile and with many transport guns with good arcs.
Adding GB stuff makes it harder because it is hard to be balanced.

Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - Elven - 06-17-2010

I'm not really sure if goverment'd allow such firepower in hands of corporations. |:

Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - Vogel - 06-17-2010

' Wrote:I'm not really sure if goverment'd allow such firepower in hands of corporations. |:
Then why are Freelancers, Mercs, etc allowed to run around with AU8s and SNACs? Or class 9 or 10 guns? Why are gunboats allowed in house space? Specifically explorers which use gunboat tech regardless of their function? Why is the BHG with its massive fleet allowed to exist?

No rationale. Broken. End.

Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - Grumblesaur - 06-17-2010

Your Civilian Capital Ship
  • Ship Size: Large Gunboat
  • Weaponry: 12-15 Fighter Turrets (Class Five)
  • Power Plant: That of a Small-Medium Gunboat
  • Shielding: Transport level
  • Agility: Low - Medium
  • Speed: Medium
  • Ship Line: The same as the eagle.
Does this sound like a good place to start? That many fighter turrets could pack a punch if grouped correctly. (A few debs here and there paired up with some heavy hullbusters, etc.)

Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - Elsdragon - 06-17-2010

That -sounds- like it will work, Heck, I am pretty sure it will.

Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - FooFighter - 06-17-2010

' Wrote:Then why are Freelancers, Mercs, etc allowed to run around with AU8s and SNACs? Or class 9 or 10 guns? Why are gunboats allowed in house space? Specifically explorers which use gunboat tech regardless of their function? Why is the BHG with its massive fleet allowed to exist?

It's because of Disco's entitlement mentality. Everybody thinks he or his faction deserves something with the sole reason being "they've got it, too!". Thing is, due to the open nature of Discovery, where you can be everything you want with barely any control mechanisms in place, people don't care a lot about the consequences of their stories or, in short, realism in general - in fact, they don't need to, because there's nobody to deny them their ludicrous stories.

Cue certain people lining up, screaming that "you can't suppress the indies Q_Q".