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Need help with FL HUD customisation - Printable Version

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Need help with FL HUD customisation - aerelm - 05-21-2010

As you wish cannon.

Oh, and Seth, can I haz black hud please?:P

Need help with FL HUD customisation - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 05-21-2010

' Wrote:I'll have a go at creating a custom HUD guys:)Anything people want to request?


Well, make a themed one for each house and/or NPCfaction that has a significant number of players, cause that'll get requested eventualy:P.

But yeah.. a dark one that blends in well would be nice, IE: so it all blends in better with space (aside from the fact that 'space' in disco tend to be overly bright and what not).

Prehaps some cool custom crosshairs. Um... prehaps if possible, since some of the menus are, IIRC, animated anyway, add differnt effects (IE: the occasional static flicker)

Need help with FL HUD customisation - Lancelot9 - 05-29-2010

' Wrote:Guys, you're using material from other mods without permission with discovery. The authors and developers of these other mods may, probably will, take offense at this. They made this stuff for their mods, not for use with discovery. I ask you guys to do the following:

- Please remove links to the material from other mods from this forum,
- Or obtain permission from the authors/developers of this material and state that you do have permission,
- And make discovery specific variants (completely new ones, not based off work from another mod) and submit them for inclusion in the mod so that all discovery players can share in the work.

It is true that there's nothing we can do to stop you modifying your own FL installation. I just ask that you don't discuss doing this using material with other mods on this forum.

The reason for this is that we try to be good neighbours with the rest of the freelancer community. This includes never using work without permission from other mods. When you post on this forum about it, other communities form an opinion like "oh, those discovery guys, the ones who steal stuff" - even though you're doing this unofficially. We don't want this reputation.

Could 86 come out with colour options on the hud please?

Need help with FL HUD customisation - Elven - 05-29-2010

Yes, HUD pleaaase
White, black, orange, blue, purple

Need help with FL HUD customisation - Vogel - 05-29-2010

[Image: fa18hud.jpg]

Green, please.