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Order Heavy Carrier -UPDATED #3- - Printable Version

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Order Heavy Carrier -UPDATED #3- - Jihadjoe - 05-20-2010

' Wrote:So you say to make it be Liberty Carrier?

No. I dont want to argue again with Korolia. In my opinion he got sensitive or 'jealous' when I made a Coalition Dreadnought when it wasnt really meant to be implemented.

So no. I'll leave that to 'Yue Fi" - sorry.

Yeh... I wouldn't mind seeing your ship as a lib carrier replace actually. If you were to do that, it would definately need a change in the bow section.

Order Heavy Carrier -UPDATED #3- - Tenacity - 05-20-2010

Just to explain, since Luis seems to have forgotten the technical bits in his post:

This is NOT a new ship, it's not an 'extra' capship for the order. What we've been trying to do for quite a while now is change the geb from a battlecruiser to a "heavy battleship" and give it a fitting model. The Osiris works great for a light battleship, but cant stand even come close to standing up to the liberty carrier or marduk. Similarly, the current Geb carrier is a balance nightmare - it 'claims' to be a battlecruiser, but is more like a cross between a battlecruiser and a battleship, with some heavy weapon limitations. The Geb is too powerful in it's shipclass against other caps, but not able to defend itself well enough against bombers or fighters.

Order Heavy Carrier -UPDATED #3- - akka1000 - 05-20-2010

The arches looke like their kinda just placed on top to me.

Otherwise, nice model.

Order Heavy Carrier -UPDATED #3- - Jihadjoe - 05-21-2010

Personal rubbish removed. Keep it civil.

Don't have much time for e-drama these days. Maybe I'm getting old.

Order Heavy Carrier -UPDATED #3- - Korolia - 05-21-2010

Looks remotely based on the current carrier. Which is probably why some people found allusion to BSG, the model is of decent look, save the front of course, which is already mentionned being looking strange. From the top view, part of the problem I think can be identified by the fact the wedge isn't constant, you made it broken near the end. If you put on some more length, it could solve the problem. The forward bridge (not sure if it is that) is a bit simple, though it could easily look better with some more details, constant with the rest of the model.

Otherwise, it is looking good. Could do as an efficient Order model (would fit with the Liberty model, though, why or how did they manage such a close design seems strange). Could do as well as a Liberty carrier replace, as others suggested.

Joe, we are all getting old, but mentally, very few grow old enough in time.
Just take a glimpse at world politics...

Order Heavy Carrier -UPDATED #3- - Barricade - 05-21-2010

' Wrote:You put a typo in the thread title.

You meant to say "Liberty Carrier Replace"
Please stop trying to make the Order conform to something other than having the most massive capfleet ever that operates within 3 systems and kinda just sits around I guess.

Anyways. Fascist.

That Sir, is well said.

' Wrote:Just to explain, since Luis seems to have forgotten the technical bits in his post:

This is NOT a new ship, it's not an 'extra' capship for the order. What we've been trying to do for quite a while now is change the geb from a battlecruiser to a "heavy battleship" and give it a fitting model. The Osiris works great for a light battleship, but cant stand even come close to standing up to the liberty carrier or marduk. Similarly, the current Geb carrier is a balance nightmare - it 'claims' to be a battlecruiser, but is more like a cross between a battlecruiser and a battleship, with some heavy weapon limitations. The Geb is too powerful in it's shipclass against other caps, but not able to defend itself well enough against bombers or fighters.

I support that idea.
But it would also be a good Liberty Carrier, indeed.

Great model, much better than the other two that are discussed.
At least do I think so.

Order Heavy Carrier -UPDATED #3- - tansytansey - 05-21-2010

What I'm getting from this model is an Osiris with two little launch bays slapped on the side. I think that's the wrong approach, Order Capital ships are much like Liberty Capital ships in that they don't have many bit sticking out of them, they are sleek and long. Internal launch bays would work much better, either lined down the side or along the bottom. Of course, then you'll have to get a bit more creative with the model so it doesn't look like a bigger Osiris xD

Order Heavy Carrier -UPDATED #3- - Korolia - 05-21-2010

Well, considering Order aren't the designer of the Osiris... it would probably be fitting for them to have a ship looking like it was patched out of various component - but still looking a professional work nonetheless. That's the impression I got out of the Gerb, anyway, which is a ship I appreciate much aesthetically speaking.

Order Heavy Carrier -UPDATED #3- - Luis - 05-21-2010

Well, I always liked the Launch bays beside the main body of the ship - though, I will have to listen to the Community of what htey think about it. What I do is make a final decision on how many people likes the ship and the ship itself and those who don't and have different opinions. However, I am planning on making this a Order Carrier (will replace the 'Geb' that we have now). Therefore, I'll come up with a design on a Liberty Carrier - yet, the Carrier will have interior launch bays or make a large launch bay beneath the Ship - dont know.

Order Heavy Carrier -UPDATED #3- - n00bl3t - 05-21-2010

The engine is great. Fantastic.

You know about the nose as well as the hangar bays.

The arches just do not seem to meld. Make them smaller and flatter perhaps? (I am not too sure.)

Can you remove the side docking bays and make a singular one at the bottom? (Just try it and let me know?)