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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Printable Version

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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - fencore - 09-21-2010

> Incoming Transmission

> CommID: Gheis Mace
> Origin: Onboard OSI-Resolute, Moored at Freeport 9, Omicron Theta System
> Encryption: So Secure Not Even a Hacker Could Break It
> Subject: Humanitarian Mission

> Message Begins
Picked up some supplies from around Sirius today and made my way over to Freeport 9 in Theta. The station's in terrible shape, but it's still somewhat livable, although the residents are going to need a massive amount of help if they're to get anywhere as far as repairs go. I've attached the manifest for my ship upon delivery to this message for company records.

I'm going to be remaining aboard for a little while, at least until I can figure out what the station needs. I'll be sending a follow up message at that time, and we can work out supplying the station.

Gheis Mace
> Message Ends

> Attached File: Manifest - OSI-Resolute

> End Transmission

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stygian - 09-21-2010

[Image: OSI-Header.png]

--Comm ID: Gabriel Caudill--
--Location: Freeport 14, Yukon--
--Subject: General Announcements--

Hello everyone.

We have a few personnel changes and a couple of other things to go over.

First, I would like to congratulate Ghies Mace on his promotion to Director of Human Resources. We also have a new Director of Trade, Mr. Rudolph Steiger. Oh, and thank you Mr. Mace for looking into the status of Freeport 9.

We are also in the process of reworking our supply lines to be more efficient. Progress is coming along well, so expect more announcements on that shortly.

Lastly, some news about supplying the Corsairs. We have received several anonymous transmissions that any transports headed for Crete are being intercepted. So I ask, again, that you do not risk your ship and crew to take food directly there. This ties in to one of the changes we will be making to our supply chain so that we can keep certain factions stocked with the goods they need, while minimizing the risk to our own ships. But more on that later.

Gabriel Caudill

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stygian - 09-26-2010

[Image: OSI-Header.png]

--Comm ID: Gabriel Caudill--
--Location: Freeport 14, Yukon--
--Subject: New supply contract--

Hello everyone

We have a new contract from the Virulian Enclave. You can find the list of goods here.

As an extra incentive for this contract I'm going to be handing out bonuses to the two pilots that deliver the most goods. Thirty million for first place and twenty million for second place. Each full load that is delivered will also count as a run towards a promotion. Now get out there and get hauling

Gabriel Caudill

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Dourden4 - 09-27-2010

[Image: OSI-Header.png]

Incoming Transmission....

Duncan Stow

Location: OSI-Luskanite, Planet Gran Canaria

Greetings. Today has been a very busy day for myself and the Luskanite. I spent most of my day delivering items to Gran Canaria for the VE contract. I believe that I did a total of Fourteen runs today, the particulars follow.


6 Loads

------Bio Neural Processors------

1 Load

------Ship Hull Panels------

7 Loads


So, as you can see, I've done Fourteen runs today. I was definitely keeping busy today. Well, I'm off for some well deserved rest. I got a lot to haul tomorrow too!


Duncan Stow

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - fencore - 09-28-2010

> CommID: Gheis Mace
> Subject: Infraction Report

While working on our contract for the Virulian Enclave, I received word of a pirate harassing some of our transports. I have no details as to possible loss of cargo, but what's unsettling is that this pilot was using our own technology against us.


There were also a couple Enclave Defense Force ships nearby, so they are also aware of the situation.
The ball's in your court.
Gheis Mace

> End Transmission

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Dourden4 - 09-28-2010

[Image: OSI-Header.png]

CommID: Duncan Stow

Location: Gran Canaria

I filled some more of the VE contract today.The twelve runs total shipments were 3588 units of Iridium, 7176 units of Bio Neural Processors, 4980 units of Quantum Multiplexors, and 33,684 units of Niobium. Please see the contract channel for cargo manifests.


Duncan Stow

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stygian - 09-28-2010

[Image: OSI-Header.png]

--Comm ID: Gabriel Caudill--
--Location: Freeport 14, Yukon--
--Subject: General Announcements--

First, I want to say just how proud I am of the pilots that participated in the contract for the Virulian Enclave. Our logistics and planning department had a hard time keeping up you were hauling so fast. I hope word gets out of our speed so that other opportunities may present themselves. Now on to the bonuses. It was a very close one, but Duncan Stow finished in the lead with a total 90690 units of cargo hauled. Gheis Mace finished in second with a total of 90450 units. Well done, both of you, and expect the credits very soon.

We have a bit of news from the personnel department. Mr. Stow has fulfilled all the requirements to be promoted to transport captain rank. We all offer our congratulations. You have a bright career ahead of you. We have a new addition to the transport division, as well. We welcome Ms. Joselyn Elizabeth to the company. She will be piloting the OSI-Palamino. Please give her a warm welcome if you meet her out there.

Lastly, thank you for that information Mr. Mace. It is indeed troubling to see a pirate targeting us using our own weapons. I'll get right on dealing with that.

Gabriel Caudill

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Miaou - 09-28-2010

> Incoming Transmission

> Input-
Joachim Liam
> Location- Planet Gran Canaria
> Encryption- Medium
> Subject- Trade report, VE runs

> Message Begins

Looks like I get to jump into work. As soon as I got my license, I was told to begin work on the VE trade contract. Uploading the data.

Iridium I
Iridium II
Total- 7188 units

Bio-Neural Processors I

Optronics I
Optronics II
Optronics III
Total- 11964 units

Niobium I
Total- 3594 units

Quantum Multiplexors I
Total- 3594 units

Grand total-

> End Transmission

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stygian - 09-29-2010

[Image: OSI-Header.png]

--Comm ID: Gabriel Caudill--
--Location: Freeport 14, Yukon--
--Subject: Promotion--

Congratulations Mr. Liam, you have fulfilled the requirements for promotion to Transport Pilot rank. Thank you for the hard work and keep an eye out for your promotion bonus.

I have another announcement to make. We have just commissioned a Conference class gunboat , the OSI-Orinoco, for use as a heavy escort. For now we will be basing it out of Gran Canaria. Please use the standard channels to arrange for its services.

Gabriel Caudill

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - raynestorm - 09-30-2010

Incoming Transmission

CommID: Joselyn Elizabeth

Subject: Trade Report

Started out at Planet Erie hauling consumer goods (1000 units) to Freeport 10.
Freeport 10 ------> GC: 1000 units of Niobium
GC---------> Planet Erie: 1000 units of basic alloy

Run 2:
Started out Lanzarone Station -----> Dublin: picked up gold ore (1000), brought to Detroit Munitions, had Interspace Commerce Trader (Papar) in group as well, he stopped at Detroit Munitions.
Detroit Munitions ---------> Manhattan: empty
Manhattan -------> Porto Novo: 1000 units of neon
Porto Novo -------> GC: 1000 units of H Fuel

Thus ended the run. Didn't encounter anyone.

Joselyn Elizabeth

End Transmission