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gaian GB revision - teschy - 07-22-2010

' Wrote:Thirdly, it's your ship, revise them as much as you want, and tell everyone else to get a life and leave you alone:)

No, it's a ship build for the Discovery mod. Maybe the unique Juggernaut is his personal ship, but this one is everyone's. He's doing work for the Discovery mod, not for himself. Let's keep things straight, if he doesn't like it he can leave. No one forced him to join the dev team. I don't make systems for myself, I make them for the mod, and I modify them according to the players' feedback. Let's drop the 'get a life', 'leave him alone' stuff, Seth.

Also, I prefer the current gunboat to this.

gaian GB revision - Elven - 07-22-2010

' Wrote:@akka: - its a medium sized gunboat even now - the cockpit may need to be a little larger though - yes
@Lukas: the heatsinks on the bow may be a little too much, indeed - i ll check how they look skinned - if its not satisfactory - i ll remove them.
@Araul: i don t care what people don t like it about the current one - its just annoying like hell to deal with people in their growing pains that giggle at the mention of a sexual organ - yet see it everywhere.
@Elven: they re bretonian - but their GB is kind of founded / jointly build with kusari engeneers ( thats less involvement than official involvement ( like converende and hathor ) - but still more than their bretonian roots ) - bretonia is unlikely to assist them in shipbuilding - kusari may be - cause the gaians offer very little threat to them - even when kusari gained bretonia ( or so it appears )
Hm, I thought Gaians are able to develop their own gunboat since they're scientists from camridge (in majority) and build it through private shipbuilding firms.

' Wrote:i m sorry, you lost me there

add solar panels to the current claymore and you get a blunt-nosed kusari GB of a larger size.

small / agile =/= kusari - kusari is also large and lumbering ( battleship ) and the chimaera isn t exactly agile either nor really small

and why the heck should i compare it to the corsair GB? - compare it to the heavy bretonian GB - which is the primary enemy ( since its been ages that i saw a molly/rogue gunboat )
Actually Chimera is definately small. >.>

Maybe Farmers Alliance gunship?:D

gaian GB revision - Akura - 07-22-2010

' Wrote:small / agile =/= kusari - kusari is also large and lumbering ( battleship ) and the chimaera isn t exactly agile either nor really small

You couldn't be more wrong.

The BS is the only large Kusari ship.

The Chimaera is one of the smallest VHFs, and one of the most agile.

The Gunboat is just larger than a Bomber, and the Destroyer is the size of a Gunboat.

gaian GB revision - Akura - 07-22-2010

' Wrote:Maybe Farmers Alliance gunship?:D

Not a bad idea, Hogoshan GB make more sense?

Edit: Automerge fail

gaian GB revision - Colonel.Tigh - 07-22-2010

I liked the Bretonians Space penis betetr, gaians are from bretonia, make this one into a Farmers alliance gunboat or something, with kusari skinn and all.

and have the rounder one with bretonian red and white for the gaians.

gaian GB revision - Elven - 07-22-2010

' Wrote:Not a bad idea, Hogoshan GB make more sense?
FA need gunship for strikes. Hogosha shouldn't have many gunboats, actually. They're mafia, aren't they?:P

gaian GB revision - Jinx - 07-22-2010

1) gaians are no tree hugging hippies - they are scientists that felt like the bretonian exploit was going too far - which caused them to go "too far", too. - hence, they don t fly bamboo ships with treatmill engines - but normal ships.

anyway - as i have said - reason for the change is the constant and neverending comparison to a penis - which may have been funny at first - but grew waaay old months ago - since people haven t realized it yet - this is why its changed.

no other reason - really. the current GB is nice, nice enough not to be changed - but since i cannot change the stupidity of people - i ll change the ship. - same result.

gaian GB revision - teschy - 07-22-2010

' Wrote:1) gaians are no tree hugging hippies - they are scientists that felt like the bretonian exploit was going too far - which caused them to go "too far", too. - hence, they don t fly bamboo ships with treatmill engines - but normal ships.

Exactly, they're bretonians. So why are you turning this into a Kusari gunboat?

gaian GB revision - Jinx - 07-22-2010

cause we can assume that the bretonian design is one that is not genericly imprinted into each bretonian - but its rather a design element brought to the military by the shipyards at southhampton or others.

or don t you agree?

now - we can also assume that gaians will get very little help by the royal navy shipyards - BUT they get some assistance from those that dislike the bretonians, too - which may be kusari.

sooo - puzzle me that. - why the heck should the ships look bretonian? - cause gaians are bretonians? - or cause kusari engeneers assist?

i really cannot follow your logic there, teschy

what you say is - a nation has a style, so when a group that dispises the very nation they live in - and fight it as terrorists, - and they get the chance to get their own gear... they will try to make it look like the stuff they dislike so much? - even if its a lot harder, cause the guys assisting them happen not to be familiar with this nations design.

really i wish to understand your reasoning why gaian ships - should look like bretonian ships. - they use similar armour panels, cause they happen to loot scrap metals from fights - and its easier to apply those - but the design is kusari influenced all the way.

it could be corsair influenced maybe - but crete is just so much further away - and has never shown too much interest in the gaians other than being printed on their id as an ally. back when i asked if i could get a corsair gunboat - the answer was "no" - when i asked kusari and reasoned that it would help them big time if they had allies within bretonia - they took very little convincing - and they said yes.

that piece of RP - back in the NLH early days - is the offspring of the idea of a kusari influenced gunboat. - funny how things turn out.

so - a short summary of reasons for the design in general: ( RP reasons that is )

- gaians and kusari have a mutual agreement - which is also announced on the ID and rumors ( well - it was added after it was RPed for some time )
- gaians will not get help from the royal navy, but they get/got help from the kusari navy/kusari engeneers
- however, their hulls (skin of the hull) are bretonian style, cause they simply scavange the materials in space directly ( tractor scrap metal from the annoying little police ships etc )
- the general shape of the ship is kusari - yet of course not as good as the kusari gunboat ( bigger, slower ) - cause kusari would be really stupid to give a terrorist faction, no matter how helpful presently - technology that matched their own.

gaian GB revision - Disparagess - 07-22-2010

Considering the changes to Kusari for 4.86, will Kusari still be supporting the Gaians? Do the Gaians need a new gunboat design that looks more kusarian than before?

And considering what's happening to the Hogosha/FA, do they need a gunship?