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Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - Printable Version

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Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - Crusader4 - 09-18-2010

I think your chance just vaporized a while ago.
Your siggs are to simple, YOU NEED MOAR EFFECTS. :laugh:

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - Bain.J - 09-18-2010

Added effects..
[Image: Aerelmmoreeefect.png]

i try atleast ._.

[Image: AerelmMOAReffects.png]

another version , with MOAR effects

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - Crusader4 - 09-18-2010

' Wrote:[Image: AerelmMOAReffects.png]

That one is way much better than the first one,
you need MOAR effects on Nyx.

Back on topic,
Here's mine :

[Image: aerelmcopy.png]

edit : i dunno why i chose the blue nyx
edit2 : i have one that fits the background better
so i can change it if you want.

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - Bain.J - 09-18-2010

' Wrote:

That one is way much better than the first one,
you need MOAR effects on Nyx.

Back on topic,
Here's mine :

[Image: aerelmcopy.png]

edit : i dunno why i chose the blue nyx
edit2 : i have one that fits the background better
so i can change it if you want.

why u so good

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - Crusader4 - 09-18-2010

Dunno :mellow:
(0% talent - 100% practice)

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - schlurbi - 09-18-2010

The huge Shadow on the right Side is meh. Also, the blue and dark Ship hurt the Eyes.

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - Bain.J - 09-18-2010

[Image: Aerelmmoardameffect.png]

More on the ship...

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - aerelm - 09-18-2010

Might sound funny, but the first thing I noticed about that first pic was the Lights on Nyx. Gullveig uses Small Green Lights for both the 'Wing' Lights.:PAnd then, I don't really like the Char Pic you use, it reminds me of Fatman in MGS2 >.> And as for the effect... The last one is a tad overdone if you ask me, Somewhere between the last 2 would look better.
I don't really like the Blue Nyx to be honest, and as schlurbi said, the Shadow on the right side is kinda... meh. But, can I see a version with the other one you've got? Also, a link to the original Char Pic please? Looks kinda interesting:P
That Greenish Nyx looks actually cool, But can you darken the Silver parts of the hull a bit? I think that should make the Green parts fit the general design more. Also, the Nyx sticks out of the pic a bit too much, maybe move it in a bit? Und ich don't like ze Char pic, soru.:PBut it looks rather cool so far. (The font could use a bit of playing around as well, but lets leave that for later)

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - Bain.J - 09-19-2010

' Wrote:
I don't really like the Char Pic you use

its not easy to find char pics when you dont give more details on how he should look....:(
all i know is rheinland-ish .... what is rheinlandish :|

Time for you bunch to wave your wands again! - Crusader4 - 09-19-2010

Official one (Actually, this is not the one that had be4 :))

[Image: aerelm.png]

edit1 : needs a few fixups

For the lulz

[Image: aerelmlulz.png]

And a char picture