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Need 2 char sigs. SOLVED - Printable Version

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Need 2 char sigs. SOLVED - AceJoker - 10-26-2010

Quote:Anomander: Ok the updated pics are perfect now. And no there's no need to get rid of these asian letters. I was just curious what they mean. Maybe i google it...

It's a neck-and-neck race. All of you have post perfect sigs by now. And cuz i'm getting impatient myself i
decided that, if no other participants post their works until wednesday 20:00 GMT +1, i'll announce the sigs
i take at that date. If a new one shows up then i announce them 24 hours later.

p.s. Changed the topic title.

Need 2 char sigs. SOLVED - AceJoker - 10-28-2010

Because of the forum downtime i'll announce the winning sigs at friday 20:00 GMT+1. And that will be the final deadline (at last:rolleyes:)

Need 2 char sigs. SOLVED - AceJoker - 10-29-2010

Ok guys, i've viewed all the sigs posted here and was really impressed what can be made if you have
the right programs. All of you did a great job, and i like them all, cuz of the varius styles i saw here.
But there can only be one.

And the winner is... Makc RU! Congratulations for the winner. Tell me where to /givecash the credits.
Thanks to everyone else for their efforts. :D

Need 2 char sigs. SOLVED - Anomander - 10-29-2010

Ok - grats for Makc RU, my work deleted from server.

Need 2 char sigs. SOLVED - Makc_RU - 10-30-2010 cool. The name of the char is in my signature. I will send pm also.

Thank you.