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Memorial thread - Cond0r - 10-17-2010

Del - awesome guy

Kelt - again, awesome guy, always fun to have around

Weedalot - xD fun times, more fun then these thats for sure

Ophidian - cool guy, he never flipped out, was always calm, awesome to put it bluntly.

Frankie - dunno if he is just on a break because of school, of if he left completely but guy. Enjoyed the time on TS and in-game with you.

Memorial thread - Exile - 10-17-2010

Nightfall. Gone for a while now, but some one who I considered a personal friend and just a generally cool guy to hang out with who's been wronged a bit too much.


Quote:Tomo (Titan) was an awesome example of how you could be a complete douchebag in many ways, and yet still an inherently good person underneath it all. One of the best people disco has seen.

Also worth mentioning is Skoko, who is by far and away one of the nicest folks I've ever met. I remember one night the two of us were both so drunk we could hardly see... Flew down to OMicron Gamma in our RoS sabres, and came back with ten corsair scalps, all of them claimed by total accident. Best luck-run I've ever had... Musta been luck because neither of us were in a fit state to do anything other than fall out of our respective chairs.

Good people both of them, awesome roleplayers, intelligent, good natured and awesome humans. Tomo and Skoko made probably one of the finest tag-teams in discovery history in their day. They were considered to be pvp gods of their age.

Disco is poorer for their absence.

The above is signed.

Memorial thread - Tubalcaine - 10-17-2010

Malcalypse is gone?
Hyung left?
Del is no longer with us?



Did Yui leave? Great modeller IIRC...

Memorial thread - CCI45-px/Probe149 - 10-17-2010

Let's see who hasn't been mentioned here yet....

Kuraine - The one who brought up the [GC]. One of those guys i really miss.

Niezck - The one who invited me into his faction the first day i've been here. The one who founded the [LR], which (with a few steps) is now LR. Sadly, he took a rather loud leaving.

von Gotteshand/Cawdor - Lulzy avatar. Nice person in general. If i remember correctly, one of the founders of [Bundschuh]/VF)

Divine - Great guy, made some nice stuff, including all those FBG pictures and the text.

Memorial thread - Tommeh - 10-17-2010

First people that come on my mind, ofc:

Awesome and hilarious guy, never cared what folks think about him, always said what he thinks about people,
always going open and straight with his opinion, damn he was awesome xD

Pretty much most awesome dude I met here, always calm, always finding solutions for everything, epic RPer,
even better friend, amazing with music and graphic stuff, not to mention epic skype chats in OHC channel,
RP meetings with Zoners while he was half drunk xD, meh, those were funny times.

Memorial thread - Zelot - 10-17-2010


Memorial thread - Tubalcaine - 10-17-2010

Also, Niezck is gone?
D: once again.

At least Zelot is still here.

Memorial thread - Blighter - 10-17-2010

' Wrote:Lucend.

Man it wa[color=#99FFFF]s fun t[color=#CCFFFF]o be in the 'Sair chat with John. [color=#000000]._.

Memorial thread - Death.RunningVerminator - 10-17-2010

' Wrote:On an unserious note, Altair, noone probably knows him, but he was the one that gave me a reason to play on this server. even if he got mad at me and quit, I still owe him stuff and more stuff
Oh ye! Poor Altair.. I remember him. Good fellow.

' Wrote:von Gotteshand/Cawdor - Lulzy avatar. Nice person in general. If i remember correctly, one of the founders of [Bundschuh]/VF)
The one guy that could organize a hundred events in a day.


(Seriously.. I've never seen so many events!)

' Wrote:At least Zelot is still here.

Memorial thread - CCI45-px/Probe149 - 10-17-2010

Remembered one more:

Jure - One of the higher rankings in the old OPG, although, could be he's still around with the Devs, no idea. Another great guy.