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Omicroners/Corsairs/SCRA FR5 stuff - Zelot - 12-02-2010

' Wrote:I honestly underestimated your quick-wittedness, Vlko. :ylove:

So you are asking why we are not hostile to the NPCs? Did you read the first post in this thread? That is the question that is directly related to. My suggestions were about working together and building trust, when I asked for suggestions from you, I was hoping they would be about working together and building trust.

My question to you is, why is it so important that we be hostile to the npcs? And please dont quote me a rule, what I am asking is what purpose does that serve, why is it so important? I hang around Freeport 9 all the time hostile to the base and the NPCs, in fact its one of the easier ones to do that at, since the firing arcs on the base are all messed up, and zoner npcs around freeport 9 are not nearly as hard or annoying as the BH ones. So, why is it important we be hostile to the NPC's if they dont do us any damage anyway?

Omicroners/Corsairs/SCRA FR5 stuff - Not Espi - 12-02-2010

oh and translation, ask kwijibo whether the npcs around fp9 were shooting while he was fighting me 2 days back.


that's what zelot is talking about in this thread.

Omicroners/Corsairs/SCRA FR5 stuff - Lieutenant - 12-02-2010

Really, are all of you people just a bunch of long-time Discovery players who have a pine cone up their posterior over some grudge-match they've somehow made way back before most people's time.

You know, like some kind of payback syndrome. So what you got blasted outta the proverbial water (Since this is a space-age game) and got your toy boat sunk Roleplay or PvP style some eons ago on Discovery?

Stop clogging up this damned fine server with needless unsubstantiated fighting. It's like the Bounty Hunters Core all over again, "Drop teh Nomadz - pew pew" ordeal. I don't have any grudge over the silliness, though seems they can't get enough of retribution PvP.

Seriously, all this server's coming to. Someone kills someone else, and then that someone gets 5 friends and decides to declare war. Well, that's pretty watered down, let me elaborate.

Ship A assaults Ship B over some issue about cargo, ID, or affiliation due to name-tags like |Sails or LNS|. Ship B is parked at it's own station and has ample supply of partner-ships, which we'll call Ship Army B, who helps pew-pew Ship A for attacking Ship B. Ship A feels hurt and angry, and must vent it's rage. Ship A flies off and gather what we'll call Ship Army A, and returns to pew pew Ship Army B.

Ship Army B denies Ship Army A it's 'blue messages', and neutralizes them via PvP/RP. Ship Army A, utterly infuriated, declares war on Ship Army B, and all ships that slightly look like Ship Army B, and proceed to take screen-shots of Ship Army A destroying individual non-affiliated ships, who we shall call Ship C.

Ship C is confused and doesn't know what to do, and joins Ship Army B or Ship Army A, or flees to new places on the server, or to new servers, or a new game even. Ship Army A proceeds to continue said war, and Ship Army A & B creates something that is akin to the infamous "Flame War" of 2001. Neither side even knows what the fight is about, but are made up of Ship Army A and B, and confused little Ship C who's unsure what to do with themselves.

Enough of that. Fact is, no one even knows why they're fighting anymore. Only the ones who started the problem do, and they need to sort this between each other. I don't care how, pistols at dawn would be my solution. Though as an INDEPENDENT Zoner and an INDEPENDENT Player who doesn't care to get tangled up in player-run factions - it's becoming more than evident this whirlwind of events has gone too far.

Big respect for Corsairs, regardless of their ties to player groups, nine out of ten times they do RP their Corsair-like backgrounds. I won't blame any group just because that 1 outta 10 times I get pew-pew'd without any substantial RP. As for the Zoners, the same goes for you guys. We just gotta let stuff go and get things back in-character and stop bringing out-of-character conflicts into things.

Back to being independent, since that's what I am, because what I do makes me what I am, and what I do is float around space looking for fun role play. One love, lets all be friends again, at least out of character.

Omicroners/Corsairs/SCRA FR5 stuff - ophidian - 12-02-2010

Make it all depending on trust. If a member violates it, RP a court and punish accordingly. Have the consent of all members accepting the consequences of a RP outcome forehand the situation. Make it a part of the faction's admittion requirements.

There was a great RP opporunity there coming from the situation but it ended up as a forum battle with 4-5 locked up threads. Somewhere, someone doing something wrong regarding this dialogue. Considering most of you people are uber oldtimers, I believe it is quite reasonable to assume that you can come with a great RP outcome from this and these kinda incidents. Its simply, you didn't do that yet.

Omicroners/Corsairs/SCRA FR5 stuff - Fins - 12-02-2010

' Wrote:And what about not going afk for slot saving? If you need to go: dock log off, then log in back then you are ready. Simple.
You know why some people play slot saving, i bet you do. So then, let's be realistic, they would rather slowly drift off the plane (in case they are being destroyed near base a few times) rather than do what you propose. I mean, do you really believe that many people would log off if they are afk for a couple minutes only, for example to get some food, or to meet someone at the door, or to go outside and smoke there. What i think is that even many honest and "right" fellows out there do not deserve to be stuck at "full server" situation for some 15 minutes or even more, if their only problem was 6-7 minutes afk because they really had to talk with their kids or something like that, you know.

Omicroners/Corsairs/SCRA FR5 stuff - dodike - 12-02-2010

AFK = A Free Kill whenever server population is above 180?

Why is it in this thread anyways

Omicroners/Corsairs/SCRA FR5 stuff - Elven - 12-02-2010

Mike, that sounds good to me. Since official factions are those who're FR5'd, all we need now is to make some OORP cooperation, which's the hardest...

Omicroners/Corsairs/SCRA FR5 stuff - globalplayer-svk - 12-02-2010

' Wrote:Enough of that. Fact is, no one even knows why they're fighting anymore. Only the ones who started the problem do, and they need to sort this between each other. I don't care how, pistols at dawn would be my solution. Though as an INDEPENDENT Zoner and an INDEPENDENT Player who doesn't care to get tangled up in player-run factions - it's becoming more than evident this whirlwind of events has gone too far.

Back to being independent, since that's what I am, because what I do makes me what I am, and what I do is float around space looking for fun role play. One love, lets all be friends again, at least out of character.

as and independent zoner in omicrons, you will not get killed by corsairs, pirated yes, (that depend on to which corsair you run) but not killed...

one of my first thing what i maked when i started skype (and realizing that things are not so friendly as i was thinking:) ) was that i typed in corsair council chat that that we need to make all around sure, that when we have troubles with omicroners, other zoners are still welcomed and will be protected when carrying cargo to us. (and maybe pirated when taking something only trough our space) so not needed to have fear that conflict between two groups affect you as someone who is not member of them.

EDIT: and was not fr5 only artemis as the single ship ?...(in game nothing terrible, in rp horror thing)

Omicroners/Corsairs/SCRA FR5 stuff - Jose Benitez - 12-02-2010

I have to agree with with the need to trust one another that was proposed in the first post.

In an effort to offer a process by which trust can be built (which I believe was the original request), I can only suggest more ooRP chat (on Skype or wherever), which will give people the chance to get to know one another, then get to like them, and hopefully get to build some trust between them.

Trying to build a "friendly" relationship with someone in RP when both of the RP characters dislike one another will be difficult.

Omicroners/Corsairs/SCRA FR5 stuff - n00bl3t - 12-02-2010

The Corsair leadership can show some good faith by not trolling Zoners in the same thread with overused memes or other stuff.

Or not, and we can continue to ignore your thread.

Works for me, personally.

Enjoy your day Zelot.