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posible limit in Conn - Printable Version

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posible limit in Conn - Markus_Janus - 12-08-2010

Now there is another very valid point.

posible limit in Conn - Lobster - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:Did we really.
Good ok now onto the next point.

OoRP system, RP mod.
Surely you can see a few reasons if you read above.

I would like to hear from you.

Please feel free to express your own views free from others' influence.

This is your right as a free man/woman and I highly encourage you to speak out for your own beliefs.

posible limit in Conn - Markus_Janus - 12-08-2010

Well see there is the thing, it was a simple poll with a simple question.
I stated my opinion.
Poll done.
Feel free to put your own opinions down, the more the better.
But I am not going to sit here and try and invalidate yours.
I will just be happy you stated it.

posible limit in Conn - dodike - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:We have reached a time in Discovery when we are gonna sit and talk about restricting amount of players in Connecticut. Hahahaha.
Just you wait till you get warped into Chimaera because there is too many players in Liberty and nobody in Kusari.

posible limit in Conn - ProwlerPC - 12-08-2010

In many ways Markus has summed up the three main points I agree with in three seperate posts. Excellent work on your post count btw, I want to see if I can reach 2000 before next mod so I'm taking notes. No really, though, it doesn't harm the community to use another server for whatever purpose you want to use connecticut for. Nothing wrong with bouncing back and forth depending on what form of entertainment your looking for. This server happens to be dedicated for RP. I've used Conn a couple times in the past and really I find training to be better off done in Discovery of Discovery, far more convenient.

posible limit in Conn - Kaze Dagon - 12-08-2010

" For example I only use 2 ID's on Disco - Corsair and Daumann"

I have a bucket load of chars. All spread out through Sirius. Is it your fault? No. Is it my or any others fault that you only use two id's? No. It was your choice.

Did you limit yourself to only two RP choices? Yes.

So. The server is low on population. You can bet your behind that RP won't come in as it comes when the server is half full, or even full.

What happens? People, as the social animals that we are, converge. We seek out others. Where does that happens in this server? New York or Conn. Is it the fault of the players?

Let me put this simply. Hell no.

If the playerbase wants to close Conn, go for it. Yus. Go for it, loves.


Voted no limit. And btw. I haven't been in Conn for a week. Don't have the need. Because normally, i'm in the server in the medium, high hours.
But is also good to know i have the choice.


posible limit in Conn - ryoken - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:Well see there is the thing, it was a simple poll with a simple question.
I stated my opinion.
Poll done.
Feel free to put your own opinions down, the more the better.
But I am not going to sit here and try and invalidate yours.
I will just be happy you stated it.

' Wrote:Just you wait till you get warped into Chimaera because there is too many players in Liberty and nobody in Kusari.

NP i got a KNF char. Actually i got a char for just about every system. But like Marcus said. I made this a Vote,so arguing is pointless. I will just read,and not answer. I am just curious how others feel on the topic. So replying to your flames will just get post closed,and not show me other's oppinions. Rage/flame on.:cool:

posible limit in Conn - Zelot - 12-08-2010


I say remove the jumpholes, and use it as a place to sell admin given ships, like Bastille.

Oh also, it's really hard for ships that are not from Liberty to get there. I remember an incident between Kusari and Liberty in rp that started because someone was trying to get their ship to conn.

posible limit in Conn - 'Ends' - 12-08-2010

First reason:
More work to do to implement the system/program/whatever
Second reason:
'Q_Q,I can't go to Connecticut to pew pew without rp anymore cuz it is full Q_Q'
Third reason('bout the same as the second one):
What if I want to PVP without rp and I cannot see another server and Connecticut is full?
<strike>Fourth reason:
It is a very good training ground,in fact,it is like THE only training ground open to the whole of Freelancer RP 24/7 which does not need rp.</strike>
My POV,and you can't do anything about it:D

posible limit in Conn - Diabolicus - 12-08-2010

If we limit the people in Conn, then maybe we should limit the number of people in an engagement. (Which I both dispprove.)