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Can't figure them out? ban em all. - Printable Version

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Can't figure them out? ban em all. - Markus_Janus - 12-10-2010

As the old saying goes, we teach others how to treat us.
I must say it seems the admin are fine with people treating them like this, otherwise they would take steps to make sure it does not happen as often.
If they are willing to put up with it, I say kudos to them.

For those below asking the question of who is this.

They say his father was Thor and his mother was rave music.

Can't figure them out? ban em all. - ryoken - 12-10-2010

Off topic,but Markus. That dancing freak avatar is freaking me out.:crazy:
The worst part is i know a guy looks just like him.

Can't figure them out? ban em all. - Death.RunningVerminator - 12-10-2010

' Wrote:One thing that the admins fail to realize is that I'm sitting in front of MY computer in MY house spending MY time playing MY favorite game, & I am sick and tired of the admins not understanding that their job is to shut up & cater to MY ego.

Get with the program guys & stop violating MY god given rights.

you selfish freaks:rtfm:
That's why you were the best friggin' admin to date. Even if you did have a roll in my bannings and sanctions.


Can't figure them out? ban em all. - TFinnegan - 12-10-2010

' Wrote:Off topic,but Markus. That dancing freak avatar is freaking me out.:crazy:
The worst part is i know a guy looks just like him.

Also off-topic....
...but look at my sig and avatar...

Where did you get this footage and how drunk was I?

Can't figure them out? ban em all. - Coin - 12-10-2010

' Wrote:Also off-topic....
...but look at my sig and avatar...

Where did you get this footage and how drunk was I?

apparently drunk enough to forget your kilt...

Can't figure them out? ban em all. - hypermauler - 12-10-2010

You know, The admin are key individuals in this community. Both active and precious member, they as Administator, makes sure everything works properly.

Just like moderator keep the forum pleasant for everyone, the admin makes the game more enjoyable.
Who know where we would be by now without this service. Would the rule been respected, or would people been more sensibilised about respecting the spirit of the game, would there be ''cheaters'', in-game trolls. You know , the kind of thing you see in a lot of øther popular, more modern games, yet without much monitoring.

So, as much as I believe, we shall respect them, even if they can be that really thought at time, it is massively benificial for the community. In my opinion, they are, behind the Rp (or PVP) scene, part of the backbone of all your enjoyable (or not so enjoyable) evenings within the Discovery version of Sirius.


Can't figure them out? ban em all. - Virus - 12-10-2010

This has to be the first time I've ever agreed with Ryoken. Ever.

Can't figure them out? ban em all. - Marburg - 12-10-2010

' Wrote:That's why you were the best friggin' admin to date. Even if you did have a roll in my bannings and sanctions.

That quote is so ridiculous that I actually lol'ed, you know, actually out loud

If I had a cold, my literal lol'ing could have very well resulted in blowing a tiny one nostril snot bubble that wouldn't pop right away, allowing me to slightly inflate/deflate it with a bit of shallow nose breathing.

boy, was that was a close call or what?:crazy:

sorry y' you were, please

Can't figure them out? ban em all. - Elvin - 12-10-2010

There is a fine line between "fun" RP and stupidity / annoyance ... People tend to cross the line more and more often. No offense meant, but eh, annoying others is usually one-sided fun, and then annoying admins when they are trying to point that fact out? I don't know, people should calm down a bit.

Can't figure them out? ban em all. - ryoken - 12-10-2010

' Wrote:This has to be the first time I've ever agreed with Ryoken. Ever.

Uh-oh. what i say that made sense? I promise not to repeat.:$

Thx Virus. Wish you were still admin. You were a bad ass,and earned alot of players respect.