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Little Joke - Harus - 12-11-2010

Again fail. No trees here.

Little Joke - Makc_RU - 12-11-2010

A joke that I just made up. >>>Achtung<<< For older audience!

So, what is a definition of a "Cool guy" you might ask? Is it the guy in the bar, who is smooth and can find an easy approach to any lady in there? Is it a guy in a suite, driving a Ferrari or is it a guy with tons of muscles? Well, none of the above. It is a guy who is probably covered with zits, he got layers and layers of "Fomundah Cheese" and the ego as big as Mtn. Everest.
You might ask me: "Foo, what the heck are you talking about? Are you on crack, lil boy and look down upon me with a smirk." No, I am not on crack and I am in a good relation with that thingie on my shoulders. Well, look at this particular situation, this is a classical example:
Here we are, sharing the wonderful moment of jokes. Some people get them, some people don't. Well, that is humor for you...suddenly >>>ACHTUNG<<< a Horus waltzes in, proclaiming that we FAIL/Epic Fail. I immediately have a question here: "Who the hell is he?" I mean, if he doesn't understand something, that means we FAIL? I wonder if he understand some concepts of Quantum Physics? I bet he doesn't, does that mean that the whole science of Quantum Physics is a FAIL?
By this smart and sarcastic remark I would like to remind mr.Horus that the Earth is not flat and he is not the center of the known universe.

Little Joke - Marburg - 12-11-2010

Relax sparky, you are simply getting harmlessly ribbed by hecklers.

So far, I would say that being intentionally funny is not your strong suit, so once you get a day job, I would highly advise that you don't quit it. If, however you are trying to learn how to be intentionally funny & understand that the best way to learn is to fail, then I daresay that you are on the road to becoming a genius:P

One thing that you have working in your favor though, is that by trying to be intentionally funny, you seem to have a sub-conscious grasp of how to be unintentionally funny, & that's at least a start in the right direction.:cool:

Little Joke - Makc_RU - 12-11-2010

That is just too smart for me, speak Babyish with me...

Little Joke - Marburg - 12-11-2010

uh, ok then, as you wish

Little Joke - Naturalist Fouche - 12-11-2010


Dude that was just downright lame..

.. and to be honest, quite bloody childish.

I don't know who you are Makc_RU.. But that was just gay.

Little Joke - Marburg - 12-11-2010

oh, be nice fouche.:yes:

Don't ruin a perfectly spectacular trainwreck. The messy ones are a real hoot:D

Little Joke - Makc_RU - 12-11-2010

Fouche, i don't get it what was ?

Little Joke - Zeb Harley - 12-11-2010

' Wrote:Fouche, i don't get it what was ?


Now that one was funny as hell!

Good job. Never give up!

Little Joke - Marburg - 12-11-2010

OK, I'm seriously gonna try & attempt to appear helpful to the kid now.

Helpful tip #1- Don't try to write jokes...That is something only a funny person should attempt.

Helpful tip #2- A person should not let being naturally unfunny stop them from trying to be funny on occasion, because one way or the other, they are going to get laughs...just not in the way they were probably shooting for when they started trying to be funny in the first place.

Helpful tip #3- If a person is convinced they're funny despite past evidence to the contrary, then at the very least, they should try to write a proper joke with the proper amount of exaggeration & twist in their proper places.

Here are two examples. one simple & one slightly more advanced:

"A priest, a rabbi & an atheist walk into a bar. The bartender looks up & says, "What the hell is this, some kind of joke?"

"Let's face it, Americans are fat all year round, but the holidays are when we really hit our stride. And you can bet the food we eat will be just as unhealthy as the families we're forced to visit."

Now, if you will take another look at the first joke, please take note at its efficiency. In two short lines it establishes both exaggeration and twist.

The notion of a priest rabbi & atheist willing to enter a bar & drink together is laughable because of the EXTREMELY low odds of that ever happening & why it's such a timelessly classic set-up. Then, instead of building a complex scene to work up to the twist that everyone expects, the twist hits the listener unexpectedly fast by way of the bartender in the joke making reference to the timelessness of the joke itself.

The second joke is slightly more complicated & can be misunderstood by some.

This joke relies on the honesty of it all. The listener will hear & agree with the first & second line because hey, it's true...Now the last part is where the "I don't get it monster" can possibly rear its ugly head at some people.

There are those that will hear the final line & think that the teller is making a 3rd reference to fat Americans by employing the term 'unhealthy', when in fact, it's a twist that instead references the equal commonality of family dysfunction.
