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the BHG revisions .... - Wuselkobold - 12-22-2010

The ships look bulky, crude, brutal, overfloating with power, slow. All that in a very positive sense.

The textures of the Orca's wings seem a little off though.

the BHG revisions .... - Agmen of Eladesor - 12-22-2010

' Wrote:useful feedback so far - and so far - it appears clear that this concept line of ships isn t popular enough to replace what we have.
just a bit of explanation:

i used the very "simple" box shapes to illustrate that the BHG is a rather "young" cap-ship building faction. they are not very good at it yet. - they go for "just add more to it and make it bigger" - instead of sophisticated bows and shapes.

compared to like the order - who base most of their designs on the design of a faction that is what you may call a "veteran capship building faction" ( liberty ) ... the BHG ( or AP line ) build their ships up from scratch... something with a lot more potential but also a slower process.

the RP potential is - to start off with rather crappy ships ( compared to some veteran capship factions ) but cause it is 100% theirs - they understand it better - and will be ahead in the future.
with that in mind - i felt that the current mako was maybe a generation too far ahead.

Ummm ...

The early models of the BHG cap ships were built by Liberty shipyards according to the infocards. Okay, that may be the Thresher only, but AP Manufacturing would have had those original designs to go from. That's actually why I don't mind these re-designs, because with a hull upgrade, they would represent (to me, anyway) something tougher that was designed to deal with and do damage.

the BHG revisions .... - mjolnir - 12-22-2010

Orca looks ok to me.

BC looks too short for the width no? If it's same width as the old one it's about half the length. Somehow it also feels lighter, less elegant and not as advanced.

BS don't like the boxiness at all, vanilla BHG ships are one of the least boxy/rectangular in freelancer (just behind Bretonian ones). It also looks very small and light.

the BHG revisions .... - 11of10 - 12-22-2010

Finally, Orca that doesn't look like a speedboat! Nice, I'd say.

Overall, they could all be a little less like a bulk cargo container... but that's just my taste in ships. I like them long and narrow, sleek.

Other than that, Jinx's logic is sound. Especially as those ships are meant to operate in deep space, not for planetary landings;)No need for aerodynamics.

the BHG revisions .... - Dashiell - 12-23-2010

Gonna post here in my BHG co leader position.

first off: thank god. I thought all the BHG ship propositions were scrapped never to be heard off again.

My opinions:


I like it. I like it a lot. The current speedboat-launched-into-space looks crappy to me. Texture and model wise. and I -hate- the main gun on it. This one looks proper BHG-ish. a souped up Gunship built in BHG style: slap more armor and more guns on an excisting ship and off to war ya go.

Texture on the wing does look a bit out of place though. Needs to be darker imho.

Overall; thumbs up for me to replace the current Orca/speedboat

(maybe make the current model Orca the long sought after Freelancer GB? -> BHG improved their orca and sold the old model to the open market in rp?)


Looks good. but maybe a bit too 'boxy'. make it a tad smoother (not Gaian/Hogosha smooth) but a tad less boxy allround. I like it overall: it does look like the type of crude workhorse the BHG would make.

I have 1 concern with it: how will it look next to the current dessie? Will the current dessie model fit in with this?

but it`s way better than the 'battle liner' as you so fittingly called it.

Has my blessing to replace the current model if the model is made 'less boxy'


I quite like it. but... out of the 3, it needs the most work imho. The basis is good. very good.

My suggestions: again, less blocky-ness. Not a lot, just like with the bc, but make the model more 'sleeker'
Maybe make the front 'iron man-ish' like the current obese mako has.

I can't begin to tell ya how much I like the fact that this model actually has a BHG build: vertical. and not fat like a barrel with an eating disorder.

the bottom anttenas seem a tad out of place. I like the front ones, but I fear they may cause the 'shire syndrom' (cause horrible annoyane because the antennas bump into everything and make docking an absolute pain)

overall: I like. quite a lot actually. but like with the BC: a tad more sleekyness is in order here.

All in all, with some work, I'd like to see all these ingame. Seems general consensus is that the BC and Mako are too boxy. That's something to work on if it's suggestions you are looking for.

Also, I like your rp explenation of how these ships came to be. and like I told you a long time ago, I'm all for it. make the shipline evolve from 'crude and simple' to 'sleek, high tech and streamlined' with maybe a touch of nom nom tech influences. But that's all for the future. These designs will look great and BHG-ish ingame. All that's needed is a tad more streamline in the BC and Mako. The Orca is to die for already.

the BHG revisions .... - Valinor - 12-23-2010

My humble opinion:


I like it, even if i don't realize yet what his size it.. Could we see some screenshots in game? Or compare it to the old Orca model?


I agree with the others, a bit too "boxy", maybe it should be a bit longer too?

Mako: Seems good to me, i like it:)

Also, if all those ships gots a new model, what about the Thresher? His model will be changed too? Or not?

the BHG revisions .... - frozen - 12-23-2010

' Wrote:Orca looks ok to me.

BC looks too short for the width no? If it's same width as the old one it's about half the length. Somehow it also feels lighter, less elegant and not as advanced.
BS don't like the boxiness at all, vanilla BHG ships are one of the least boxy/rectangular in freelancer (just behind Bretonian ones). It also looks very small and light.

similar feelings to this.

also, the BS looks like Optimus Prime's left shoulder pad, while the BC looks like his pistol.:D

the BHG revisions .... - Akura - 12-23-2010

I don't like any of these three, they're too boxy and don't really fit with the rest of the line.

The current ones, for me, look fine, perhaps make the Orca a slightly larger and more improved Bottlenose, instead of a complicated box.

I care very little for the Battlecruiser, again, it's far too square and boxy, like the BHG have gotten worse at building ships.

The Mako looks really strange though, doesn't really fit any Sirius ship line, or Gallic for that matter.

I think the Orca is the only BHG ship that actually could do with a model tweak to fit in, but not like... /that/.

the BHG revisions .... - Windtenguu - 12-23-2010

The Orca looks awesome, can't wait to see it in game....much more BHG-ish, though I would repaint the wings.
The Bullhead looks good. (would be happy to see the replace cause the current one is rather ugly)
The Mako seems sub-par when compared to how well the other two match the AP line style. Have to say, I'm not a fan.... the current one doesn't really match the line either, so would love to see you try again.

Edit: Just noticed that Orca looks like an shipbuilder took a big manta and kept adding stuff on until the ship moved to the gunboat status. :lol: Makes it even better from my viewpoint. :D
Also would love to see a remake on the BHG bomber because it almost beats the Waran for the title of ugly bomber.

the BHG revisions .... - dara - 12-23-2010

Orca is just great. We've needed a replacement for the current speedboat for a long time. As long as it doesn't get turned into a heavy GB.

Mako and Bullhead revisions I like well enough, but I'm not much of a cap person.