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Black Prophecy NDA - Domjan - 02-28-2011

Don't bother, It will never be as good as FL, I played it while still in Alpha, some time was hooked to it (only because of the graphics mind you), and some weeks ago I deleted it. Also there are a lot of Ex Freelancer gamers there.

Black Prophecy NDA - McFly - 03-07-2011

I just downloaded it.
Anyone wants to join?

Black Prophecy NDA - ivr56 - 03-07-2011

I cant get though.
Even after making a EU account. Guess its IP based :(

Black Prophecy NDA - Alex. - 03-08-2011

' Wrote:I cant get though.
Even after making a EU account. Guess its IP based :(
Just use a European VPN then?

Black Prophecy NDA - ivr56 - 03-08-2011

Eh no rush.
Busy with school midterm prep any down time is spent on Global Agenda or the Crysis 2 demo right now.

Black Prophecy NDA - Tathrim - 03-09-2011

I have an account (was in closed beta), but the downloader is incompatible with the network at Uni, so I figure the game client will be as well.:(

Black Prophecy NDA - wilwerin2 - 03-12-2011

- game downloader slow as ****
- just as in Oblivion, many options to make a creepy, ugly face, best option is to put a helmet on it.
- game perfectly fluid all maxed out at 1080p on phenom 2 x4 965, 4gb Ddr3 and radeon HD 6870
- HORRIBLE lagg, just make stuff unplayable, you move the mouse a tiny bit, your ship makes flips and flops
- bugged channel system
- campaign quests dont work

so, it looks nice and stuff, but it just cant be played yet, also general chat is filled with everything but english.

Black Prophecy NDA - tyro - 03-13-2011

It is still beta, and a work is in progress.
They patch it every second day. Last patch rebalanced almost everything.
I finished a storyline quests.
I like how it looks, systems, ships, stations.
Very interesting modular ships construction. Huge amount of equipment parts, which can be modified. It is a little messy, but it makes every ship in game unique.
Server lags a little, but not more than Discovery. Ships handling, maneuvering are similar to FL, but more advanced. It looks very promising.

Black Prophecy NDA - oZoneRanger - 03-14-2011

' Wrote:- game downloader slow as ****
- just as in Oblivion, many options to make a creepy, ugly face, best option is to put a helmet on it.
- game perfectly fluid all maxed out at 1080p on phenom 2 x4 965, 4gb Ddr3 and radeon HD 6870
- HORRIBLE lagg, just make stuff unplayable, you move the mouse a tiny bit, your ship makes flips and flops
- bugged channel system
- campaign quests dont work

so, it looks nice and stuff, but it just cant be played yet, also general chat is filled with everything but english.

Try adjusting your mouse settings...That worked for me to fix it.... I completed the first story mission...Then deleted the game....

Black Prophecy NDA - tyro - 03-21-2011

Quote:2011-03-21 Open beta shutdown

The beta servers will be shut down at around 09:00 AM and open beta will officially end. Afterwards the game servers will be prepared for live status. There is no current estimate for the completion of this task. Like the game servers, the official forums will be switched to live status bringing along some changes to the forum structure. For that we will take down the forums at around 08:30 AM CET. The estimated time of completion for this task is about 1-2 hours.