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Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Printable Version

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Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Snoozzzer - 02-02-2011

>>>Incoming Transmission<<<
Comm ID: Athena.Elegantiae
Location: Freeport 4, Magellan

[Image: rachelatherton325x258.jpg]

Greetings Zoner of Omicron Supply Industries! My name is Alison, I'm a freelancer of sorts. I worked once upon a time at Ageira Technologies' heavy weapons research division, before leaving the company to pursue the finer things in life.

I come to you today in regards to my gunship, the Elegantiae. She's a wonderful machine, don't get me wrong, but her laser emitters are missing some...zazz. Which is why I sent you this wave in the first place

I've come across your ZT-9 turrets strapped to the ships of various pirates and mercenaries in the past, and I feel they would be a wonderfully attractive complement to my ship. They look so very well designed..

I'd end up mounting two, but for the sake of spare parts and potential compatibility issues, I'd very much like to acquire three of these fine works of art.

All the best,

<<<Transmission Terminated>>>

Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Daedric - 02-03-2011

[Image: crosstrans.png]
To: Alison

Three turrets shouldn't be a problem ma'am. Give us a few days to get them built and fully tested for you. If you pick them up at Freeport 14 our engineers will install them on your vessel. They are very apt at solving any comparability issues. The total purchase price if you pick them up at 14 is 2,190,000sc, this price includes the required license. While they are being installed you can visit one of our local pubs. My personal favorite is The Bear's Cave. If you wish them to be delivered, let me know via private comms.
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Fane - 02-07-2011


Sender : Energy

Greetings all you zoners out there ! First let me introduce myself I am a merc looking for all kinds of jobs all around Sirius but I usualy take contracts in Dublin System.
This message is a request of five Zoner Turrets to equip my Ahoudori - T-833-GB Kusari Explorer
to have a better chance in my contracts.
I will gladly give free escorts to all zoners on any assignament.
I hope I will get a response and if there are any requests from you for these wepons I will gladly fullfil them.


Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Daedric - 02-07-2011

[Image: crosstrans.png]
To: Energy

We can indeed help you in acquiring the weaponry you seek. Of course their use against the TAZ, the Omicroners or ourselves is forbidden and should it happen, we'll void your license. We'll also send some Merry Men your way. Below are the costs for the weapons and license. Transfer payment to OSI-Solar.Breeze

Pickup at Freeport 14 - 3,650,000sc
Delivery to Freeport 2 or 1 - 5,000,000sc

Contact me via private comms to schedule a pickup or delivery.
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Snoozzzer - 02-08-2011

>>>Incoming Transmission<<<
Comm ID: Athena.Elegantiae
Location: ???, Ontario

[Image: rachelatherton325x258.jpg]
Thank you for your prompt reply! Pickup at Freeport 14 shant be an issue, but do tell me where I might wire the credits for your oh so pretty emitters

The Bear's Cave sounds interesting. I may have to stop by when I reach the Yukon system

Many thanks,

<<<Transmission Terminated>>>

Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Daedric - 02-09-2011

[Image: crosstrans.png]
To: Alison

Payment can be wired to OSI-Solar.Breeze.
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Snoozzzer - 02-10-2011

>>>Incoming Transmission<<<
Comm ID: Athena.Elegantiae
Location: ???, Ontario

Credits have been wired to the neural net account specified. If your fine selves need anything, do call. Always happy to return any and all kindness recieved.
[Image: screen183.png]


<<<Transmission Terminated>>>

Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - SA_Scavenger - 02-17-2011

****Incoming Message****
****Message Downloading...****
****Download Complete****
****Opening Message****

ID Junkers
Sender : Tycus Dekker

Greetings OSI

I am in need of four of your Zoner gunboat turrets for my Salvager. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Tycus Dekker

****Message Closed****

Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Daedric - 02-18-2011

[Image: crosstrans.png]
To: Tycus Dekker

We'd be happy to help you in arming your Salvager. You can pick the weapons up at Freeport 14 and have them installed free of charge by our staff or we can deliver them to Freeports 1 or 2, we'll send a team of technicians to install them, again free of charge. Pick up at 14 will set you back 2,920,000sc and delivery to either 1 or 2 will set you back 4,000,000. These prices also include the licensee for the weapons. Contact me on private comms to arrange your purchase. Payment can be wired to OSI-Solar.Breeze

[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - SA_Scavenger - 02-18-2011

****Incoming Transmission****

ID : Junkers
Sender : Tycus Dekker

Greetings Mr Victor Cross

Thank you for your willingness to supply me with your weapons. The payment has been transferred to your account and now I am on my way to collect these beauties.

[Image: freelancerosipayment.jpg]

Thank you for your time.


Tycus Dekker

****Transmission Closed****

//Sorry, forgot to timestamp. Please accept my apology. And if you can just confirm that you did receive the payment.