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What's wrong with the Mollys? - Printable Version

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What's wrong with the Mollys? - Linkus - 12-30-2010

You can pirate as a Molly, that's a given fact.
The Mollys spent decades pirating vessels. In the name of Dublin aye, but pirating nonetheless.
To expect every single Molly to suddenly not do that would be silly.

Molly indies have a history of actually being quite good, in terms of roleplay etc. Lets keep it a good history:)

What's wrong with the Mollys? - kikatsu - 12-30-2010

I would think that, well all other things aside, the Mollys would want to be left alone, kicking out the others from Dublin....I would say, instead of pirating people for credits, demand and destroy their gold ore....and destroy them if they are caught mining is a reasonable demand on your end to demand they leave and do not mine there again.

What's wrong with the Mollys? - Jack_Henderson - 12-30-2010

' Wrote:I would think that, well all other things aside, the Mollys would want to be left alone, kicking out the others from Dublin....I would say, instead of pirating people for credits, demand and destroy their gold ore....and destroy them if they are caught mining is a reasonable demand on your end to demand they leave and do not mine there again.

This would be the ruin of what exists of a Molly economy.

It would be much more reasonable to develop the mining areas and build up some legal economy alongside piracy. I've been playing a Molly Miner in Dublin and there are others, too. Legal Mollys is what will add a facette to the Molly stereotype.

And: If you destroy the already mined gold, you hurt the players. Don't do it. You cause really high losses and you will kill the activity that still is in Dublin.


What's wrong with the Mollys? - Ceoran - 12-30-2010

There's quite a lot of "we have to ruin ourselves because of what will happen in .86" in here. Seriously guys, we are playing .85 right now, there are storyline write-ups to cover the changes forced upon the players. Let the transition handle it, don't do it yourself.

What's wrong with the Mollys? - Tomtomrawr - 12-30-2010

' Wrote:When a miner hovers under Essex and taunts you to no end, what to do?
Get a bomber, and Snack him from a distance. If you hit him once, you've engaged him and then if he docks he's run away. You can just keep making him move around by firing Snack shots, which would really annoy him. Try to get the Essex to shoot him by mistake, that's always fun.

Be creative.

What's wrong with the Mollys? - farmerman - 12-30-2010

' Wrote:There's quite a lot of "we have to ruin ourselves because of what will happen in .86" in here. Seriously guys, we are playing .85 right now, there are storyline write-ups to cover the changes forced upon the players. Let the transition handle it, don't do it yourself.

It's not surprising there's still an issue considering there seemed to be pushings toward factions adjusting for 4.86 before I left for a while in June.

What's wrong with the Mollys? - dodike - 12-30-2010

' Wrote:It's not surprising there's still an issue considering there seemed to be pushings toward factions adjusting for 4.86 before I left for a while in June.
What exactly is that mysterious force doing the pushings?

What's wrong with the Mollys? - Primitive - 12-31-2010

Actually problem is Mollys are spending too much time in dublin, while they have base in cambridge/newcastle.

I mean...newcastle is really inactive and huge, but cambridge traffic is good, and it would be nice to see some corsair-molly events/fights or similar.

Also as I believe gallic people didn't yet invade you, I would stick to the cannon until it happens then unite to fight the real enemy.

This way mollys are slowly dying...again. No disrespect but nothing attracts a player to get in unlawful faction which became semi lawful.

What's wrong with the Mollys? - Captain - 12-31-2010

I will tell cannon I have to stick with him,

as for canon, we follow and make it.

What's wrong with the Mollys? - Xenosaga - 12-31-2010

' Wrote:It's not surprising there's still an issue considering there seemed to be pushings toward factions adjusting for 4.86 before I left for a while in June.

[RHA] getting FR5'd red to IMG, because we had a good relation with them and it pis*ed off Daumanns and Krügers, if I got that correctly:(

Anyhow, Molly Indies are allowed to pirate. The officials are on a trip of self-righteousness now, trying to become overly political.