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Outcast ship and weapons - Printable Version

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Outcast ship and weapons - GohanCZ - 01-17-2011

Yes i know the tech chart, but if this is RP why shouldnt i be some trophy hunter who took weapons off enemy ship as a trophy? I mean it is very possible, its not like im going to their base and buying it. I just destroyed their ship so why not have it?

Outcast ship and weapons - Govedo13 - 01-17-2011

' Wrote:Yes i know the tech chart, but if this is RP why shouldnt i be some trophy hunter who took weapons off enemy ship as a trophy? I mean it is very possible, its not like im going to their base and buying it. I just destroyed their ship so why not have it?
No you cannot do this.
It is not that simple. It is because weapons are balanced to the different factions based on their ship lines and
their RP background. And the Outcasts have much better weapons then the Hunters anyway.

Outcast ship and weapons - GohanCZ - 01-17-2011

Pity. That makes al lthe ships so same

Outcast ship and weapons - Ceoran - 01-18-2011

No, they would be all the same if "trophy-hunting" was allowed since everyone would be hunting for outcast guns. Good damage/energy ratio and a bonus against the most used shield (which is not the guns fault, btw. it's the fault of those who have chosen the wrong shield) and a firing rate that is pretty easy to get used to. More experienced players might instead go for full-plasma and code sabres, but those usually require a bit more skill.
or we would have the revival of the nomad blasters.

But, the above-mentioned is a theoretical scenario what would happen if the rules were otherwise. Just stick to the guns of your faction, maybe those of friends. trophy-hunting is a no-go.

Outcast ship and weapons - GohanCZ - 01-18-2011

Where can i make Outcast guard reputation?