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illuminati symbol? - Printable Version

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illuminati symbol? - Cris - 02-05-2011

If they are up to something they better do it it before 2013.

EDIT: I'm wathcing the video:P

EDIT2: After watching the video I can only say I am dissapoint. I think many of the symbols in the movies were placed there on purpose, or with a completely different meaning, or easter eggs or whatever, others are due to interpretation.
Also I'm going to quote one of the the responses from youtube

Quote:How the *** can the so called illuminati influence the public, if the public doesn't even notice these little things in movie??? [...]

illuminati symbol? - Implosion - 02-05-2011

What if the illuminati made this video?
What if they are controlling Discovery's Dev team?
What if they were behind the DDos attacks?
We shall never know.

illuminati symbol? - ProwlerPC - 02-05-2011

I get the feeling that this just lowered the collective IQ of Disco another point.

As someone else mentioned, if the Illuminati been working on a plan since Egypt was the world power then they would have succeeded by now. The only major "conspiracy" is the one run by the World Banks and IMF. Even then they are doing it in the open in plain view of our faces while daring us to do something about it. Not much of conspiracy as it is just a bunch of criminals (ie: Rockefellers) who think they are too big to be touched. Maybe they are right, maybe they aren't....

illuminati symbol? - FGDireito - 02-05-2011

what about these egypt hieroglyfs ? :laugh:

[Image: cristo3.jpg]
one roflcopter ( no serouisly, this one is weird:wacko:and not just by the helicopter )

[Image: egyptray.gif]
the gods giving humans lightbulbs (:Dthanks mr.god )

not to metion the Nazca Lines, and the aztec astronaut
yep they are around here O_o uhhh...

i dont care until they appear in my bedroom xD

illuminati symbol? - TheJarl - 02-05-2011

the one with the helicopter isn't a real hieroglyph? Internet is full of lies :|

illuminati symbol? - ProwlerPC - 02-05-2011

' Wrote:the one with the helicopter isn't a real hieroglyph? Internet is full of lies :|

Actually it is a real one, if you go to the Temple of Hathor you'll find it just to the right of one of the antechamber entrance arches.

illuminati symbol? - FGDireito - 02-05-2011

' Wrote:the one with the helicopter isn't a real hieroglyph? Internet is full of lies :|

acctualy it is a real one my friend :laugh: i first saw it on a documentary on the history channel

[Image: abyd2.jpg]

there ^^ be amused by the freaky world you leave in:P

illuminati symbol? - Tommeh - 02-05-2011

Eye of Ra...Order....illuminati

Get it? [Image: 34ist43.gif]

illuminati symbol? - Not Espi - 02-05-2011

' Wrote:acctualy it is a real one my friend :laugh: i first saw it on a documentary on the history channel

[Image: abyd2.jpg]

there ^^ be amused by the freaky world you leave in:P

remember to rotate the pic 90 degrees counterclockwise.

i think its a guard with a spear, but ... if you look for something, you will find it.

illuminati symbol? - Not Espi - 02-05-2011

' Wrote:Eye of Ra...Order....illuminati

Get it? [Image: 34ist43.gif]

speaking of which ... how is order funded? :unsure:

merge fail.