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Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Printable Version

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Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Primitive - 02-10-2011

' Wrote:It happened on the Server. In-Game and in-RP, does everything has to be written down in the Forums? Nope.

There sure must be an MD post in LR MD then ? Or only you was RP-ing with them, without even informing your new <strike>boss</strike> queen of it ?

(Edit: Also, yes 99% of the things must be written down on forums, you people don't think you made it up and stuff ?;))

This is my official reaction on your statement.

[Image: tumblr_ldtyt4PBGy1qe0eclo1_r2_500.gif]

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Primitive - 02-10-2011

On related note IND should be hostile to you, as corporation supplying lawfuls way much more then you, and beacuse..if you don't remember putting a bounty on you which made you had to dock everytime you show up around lanes.

On more related note - For Schlurbi , LR are biggest criminal organization in Liberty for reference much bigger then Lane Hackers, so why would they need an shady huge corporation in their lives ? You have enough people to rob all supplies you need + your whole smuggler wing. I always wondered why were you friendly in first place. And it would be more profitable (which rogues only care about) to rob them, then to get one transport full of supplies rarely.

Nothing personal, but care to show that logs of RP just to convince me it has some justification for all rogues shoot by MM and other mercenaries ?

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - schlurbi - 02-10-2011

Tell me where it's stated that Factions have to write up Stuff like that and I'll accept that I've been silly. The Rogues knew what happened (apart Ashes) and the IND did. The IND still does know about it too.

Unfortunately the IND does not have it in their Message Dump.

Wonder if a Member of the IND could post here, before something bad happens.

Edit: They've been good towards us for a long Time, they've traded Cardamine for us, they've traded Slaves for us. There was no (before Zelot went stupid) Reason why we should be hostile towards each other.

It would be similar to being hostile towards the Junkers, only because some of them don't smuggle for the Liberty Rogues and happen to shoot or betray them.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Primitive - 02-10-2011

' Wrote:Tell me where it's stated that Factions have to write up Stuff like that and I'll accept that I've been silly. The Rogues knew what happened (apart Ashes) and the IND did. The IND still does know about it too.

Unfortunately the IND does not have it in their Message Dump.

Wonder if a Member of the IND could post here, before something bad happens.

Ok let's say you're right. It's not a problem, I believe you. Care to explain RP reason behind it, as reference to previous post I made ?

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - schlurbi - 02-10-2011

I edited my previous Post. Besides, it's now Ashes' Decision if she wants to be hostile towards the IND and have more Mercenaries on the Rogues.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Primitive - 02-10-2011

' Wrote:It would be similar to being hostile towards the Junkers, only because some of them don't smuggle for the Liberty Rogues and happen to shoot or betray them.

No it wouldn't. Not only that junkers share the same passion toward corporations as liberty unlawful groups, they have their bases which cover unlawful ships and evil shady doings on daily bases + they are useful at selling the loot after unlawfuls blast corporations.

There are many reasons. But as you said, it's purely Ashes decision now.

Other than that thing I wanted to ask you particularly about, write up is outstanding and fun to read.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - schlurbi - 02-10-2011

Again, I didn't have to write it up, same counts for the IND. This happened between us, if they'd wanted to make it visible they'd have contacted me in a Thread in the Role Play Section. They didn't so I didn't write it up. It was only for these both Factions too, it's something else if you want to ask for Weapons or Ships.

And no, I am still having my Opinion on the Junkers in Liberty and I'm feeling quite safe, because of the .86 Storyline. The IND was able to drop the Cardamine directly behind the Lawfuls and wouldn't be noticed, we got paid for helping them, there'd be really no Reason to be hostile towards them in the Past.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Primitive - 02-10-2011

' Wrote:And no, I am still having my Opinion on the Junkers in Liberty and I'm feeling quite safe, because of the .86 Storyline. The IND was able to drop the Cardamine directly behind the Lawfuls and wouldn't be noticed, we got paid for helping them, there'd be really no Reason to be hostile towards them in the Past.

You don't know the .86 storyline inRP until it happens. K ? K.

Quote:On more related note - For Schlurbi , LR are biggest criminal organization in Liberty for reference much bigger then Lane Hackers, so why would they need an shady huge corporation in their lives ? You have enough people to rob all supplies you need + your whole smuggler wing. I always wondered why were you friendly in first place. And it would be more profitable (which rogues only care about) to rob them, then to get one transport full of supplies rarely.

Nothing personal, but care to show that logs of RP just to convince me it has some justification for all rogues shoot by MM and other mercenaries ?

Every smuggler/pirate/unlawful organization are smuggling cardamine and slaves. To be even more accurate 80% people doing illegal trading are doing that (and CoC + LH + LR regular traders). Now I point above at my own quote up there... and no one other wanted you dead ( I don't care did Zelot went stupid, Zelot has nothing to do with it, maybe his char has but then you should both accept the consequences of you actions). So Rogues are now forgiving good people ? Or they would rather give some corporations to smuggle for them then rob them ?

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - schlurbi - 02-10-2011

I forgave Smugglers, that's what I did. I was taking every Opportunity to get Cardamine down into Liberty, by the Way, the Outcast are also neutral to the IND.

I also do know the Storyline.
Igiss' Liberty Storyline Pos Wrote:They gained a considerable advantage over the Junkers during the times when the Junker leadership lost most of its former reputation due to evident connection to the Junkers of Gallia. In the end, the new Junker leaders were heavily backed by the Rogues, and the number of Rogues appearing on Junker bases of Rochester and Beaumont has increased quite significantly.

Edit: I don't really want to discuss this, especially not in here.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Boss - 02-10-2011

I thought we were discussing the flagship.