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Opinions? - CzeReptile - 02-16-2011

Hogosha. Nuff said.

Opinions? - Lythor - 02-16-2011

' Wrote:I suggest at this point that you simply wait for said character to make a smuggler report to the authorities before you say anything. There might be a chance that the character won't bother reporting due to being lazy or simply forgetting the incident and that way no other Faction or Character would never find out about what happened.

In the future I also suggest you contact the respective authorities of the house space you travel through should you carry contraband but with a justified cause. If they are made aware in beforehand, there is a much higher chance you can conduct your business without the fear of violating a house law.

Yeah I'm obviously quite prepared to do that as long as my reasons are given suitable consideration and not just dismissed as 'smuggling' for the sake of it. Again this obviously comes down to the 'opinion' of whoever i am dealing with however.
The only other option is to use a researcher ID with gives my RP more credence, but I would be unwilling to give up flying my corvo, it suits the role of my character perfectly

Opinions? - Lythor - 02-16-2011

' Wrote:Hogosha. Nuff said.

Usually had good experience with Hogosha ( official faction anyway) even when they are requesting 'donations' from me.

Opinions? - SnakThree - 02-16-2011

No problem mate. I am myself guilty of being too stubborn sometimes.

As I now understood he was in a transport class ship?
If he was, you were the one who broke the rule. But it could be countered by 1.2 as he used loophole to disturb your pleasant time here.

Opinions? - Lythor - 02-16-2011

' Wrote:No problem mate. I am myself guilty of being too stubborn sometimes.

As I now understood he was in a transport class ship?
If he was, you were the one who broke the rule. But it could be countered by 1.2 as he used loophole to disturb your pleasant time here.

I thought it was a 'Big Dragon' but I'm not sure, it could of been a GB as I'm not familiar with kusari ships. Thinking about it, he fired CD, do they fit on Big Dragon?

I have just been reading rules and I see 'technically' that a CD is not considered an attack so I am guilty of breaking the rule by retaliating and will abide by any sanction enforced. I will say though that to expect me to sit there until he ran out of missiles and continued his verbal attack would be asking for a bit too much tolerance on my part or anyone elses, and as I am not allowed to log out when interacting with other players (even ones doing what this guy did) then I had few options. I only fired warning shots to drive him off. I made no serious attempt to destroy him

Opinions? - oZoneRanger - 02-16-2011

Quote:Anyway, the Hogosha in qustion just said I was a liar, he was the president of liberty and he would submit his scan to the KNF (not sure thats appropriate for a semi legal group, opinion again).

So this Hogosha is also the President of Liberty? Is that what you meant here? He really said that?

Quote:Just a constant stream of telling me I had no idea who he was, and I was so screwed now etc etc.

Did he do this in private communications or over system chat? If it was in PM's, you should have RP changing the Frequency and putting a block on his transmissions. Anything he wanted to RP with you should have at least been in Local Chat. If you don't give him authorization codes to your communications systems, he should not be allowed to broadcast anything he wants to you in PMs (secured transmissions).

Opinions? - Lythor - 02-16-2011

' Wrote:So this Hogosha is also the President of Liberty? Is that what you meant here? He really said that?

Did he do this in private communications or over system chat? If it was in PM's, you should have RP changing the Frequency and putting a block on his transmissions. Anything he wanted to RP with you should have at least been in Local Chat. If you don't give him authorization codes to your communications systems, he should not be allowed to broadcast anything he wants to you in PMs (secured transmissions).

It was in system chat, was almost funny at the time. Its no big deal. I have set the ball in motion to try and get official permission from the KSP to ship these goods thru Kusari, hopefully this will avoid the matter arising again. Not sure if I need to approach KNF too but I figure the Police are the civic authority so I'd go with them first.

EDIT: You dont think he really was the president? Cos i truly am screwed if it was:)

Opinions? - Coral Reaver - 02-16-2011

Haha, the character may have said he was the President of Liberty, but that certainly doesn't mean it's true. I think he was just joking, I mean come on, it was a Hogosha.

Oh boy, some people. xD

Opinions? - Lythor - 02-16-2011

' Wrote:Haha, the character may have said he was the President of Liberty, but that certainly doesn't mean it's true. I think he was just joking, I mean come on, it was a Hogosha.

Oh boy, some people. xD

Lol i obviously didnt inject enough sarcasm into that statement. I know he's not the president, cos i am........come on, its RP:)

Opinions? - Cond0r - 02-16-2011

I believe that the main problem here is this:

You are mad because he did not go along the RP guidelines you set out. Meaning, he did not RP it the way you wanted. And as a result we have this thread.

Its a common problem here.