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Abnormal Beings and Official Factions. - Pinko - 02-20-2011

' Wrote:

But then again, there is a large difference between Aesopian personification, which is what you linked us to, and furries, which is what people commonly associate with Disco, if you look into both of them.

Abnormal Beings and Official Factions. - Hastings - 02-20-2011

' Wrote:But then again, there is a large difference between Aesopian personification and furries, if you look into both of them.

It was a response to "everybody wants to be a cat".

Because a cat's the only cat, who knows where it's at.

Oh yeahhhh.

Abnormal Beings and Official Factions. - lw'nafh - 02-20-2011

' Wrote:Now...does the society accepts homosexual admiral furies I wonder ?
That's a bit of an over generalisation...

Abnormal Beings and Official Factions. - BaconSoda - 02-20-2011

' Wrote:

I personally enjoy Les Miseranimals (~1:40).

Abnormal Beings and Official Factions. - DarthBindo - 02-20-2011

Like Dab said, it depends on the faction, and on the obviousness of the abnormality.
For instance, the Corsairs.
Furry? BURN. Alien? FIRE! Not completely human? DESTROY.
That, however, doesn't prevent Ezio Della Francesca from having a plant thingy in his head.
It simply means that it is kept hidden.

Abnormal Beings and Official Factions. - Anonymous User - 02-20-2011


how often i have to say it?

there are no furries in sirius.

just crazy people who think they are and wearing animal costumes.

poor beeings - ye.

maybe they fell on their head hardly in their childhood.

A good brain-doctor should try to explain them that nomads and phantoms are the only non-humans here.


voted no.

reason: see above stuff.

crazy people shouldn't fly a spaceship.

Abnormal Beings and Official Factions. - lw'nafh - 02-20-2011

' Wrote:[/RPmodeON]

how often i have to say it?

there are no furries in sirius.

just crazy people who think they are and wearing animal costumes.

poor beeings - ye.

maybe they fell on their head hardly in their childhood.

A good brain-doctor should try to explain them that nomads and phantoms are the only non-humans here.
Your character won't respond like that when they actually see one of them, I know that.

Abnormal Beings and Official Factions. - mwerte - 02-20-2011

' Wrote:By Abnormal Being, I also include Nomad controlled people and the likes, to make it clearer.
Nomads infecting high ranking humans is vanilla and an intregal part of Freelancer.

Furries and even A.I.s are player fiction.

Also; all infected humans in player factions are known by the faction leader.

Abnormal Beings and Official Factions. - Anonymous User - 02-20-2011

' Wrote:Your character won't respond like that when they actually see one of them, I know that.

if i know it by seeing the name ingame caja would do so. and if the furry goes on borthering her she pewpews (it thinks it is a alien? well then. we should kill it just to be sure)

Maybe i should make a order squad. for non-nomad/phantom/wilde alien threats:D

Abnormal Beings and Official Factions. - Anonymous User - 02-20-2011

' Wrote:Furries and even A.I.s are player fiction.

There are robot AIs in vanilla. some of them contact you if ya wanna dock. others are equiptmentdealers and such stuff.

so its just the next little step to connect a AI "brain" with a ship instead of a robot

/edit: surreh for double