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Dun dun - Ceoran - 02-20-2011

Join Samura|- and we will tell you (sun)

Sorry, but we trade factions have to advertise ourselves whereever we can:rolleyes:

Dun dun - Korny - 02-20-2011

Okay, I'm joining |-8 Now tell us-

Dun dun - A1t - 02-20-2011

High-temporary allow from Dresden, Leipzig station to nansei(10mills)
and niobium to Dresden on back way (another 10milla)

Dun dun - SpaceTime - 02-20-2011

In Omega-7 buy Silver Ore -> In Narita Outpost sell it and buy Mining Machinery -> In Java Station sell it and buy Niobium Ore -> In Planet New Berlin sell it and buy Mining Machinery -> Sell the Machinery in Elbich and buy Silver Ore

I think it's currently the most profitable run for traders, there isn't much piracy (except Omega-7) but you should find ore dealers.

Dun dun - ... kur nubėgo? - 02-20-2011

Not like uber powertrade but:

Quantum multiplexors from Shinjuku station in NT (samura) -> Tripoli station in gamma (Corsairs)
Spaceship crew from Tripoli in gamma (Corsairs) -> Planet Crete in gamma (Corsairs)
Artifacts from planet Crete in gamma (Corsairs) -> Planet New Tokyo in NT (KSP)
Mining machinery from planet New Tokyo in nt (KSP) -> Shinjuku station in NT (samura)


Dun dun - Werss™ - 02-20-2011

Supercondutors from Denver to Southempton Shipyard(London)...Ship Hull Panels from Trafalgar base(London or Planet Leeds/Leeds) to Denver...Circle(short route) ship 5000 cargo...nice profit

Dun dun - jxie93 - 02-20-2011

Corporations have the best trade routes, join Cryer and receive exclusive trade routes with 180 c/s average profit.:cool:

Dun dun - Sassafras - 02-20-2011

I like to fly through open space so I can do my laundry. The pirate train comes with a nice washer and dryer:

Casablanca Base to Fort McMurray: Black Market Munitions
Freeport 14 to Casablanca Base: Counterfeit Software

Dun dun - ProwlerPC - 02-20-2011

Bringing Plutonium to Pennsylvania from Fujiawa, Okinawa then returning with slaves from LPI to drop em off at Isehara in Okinawa all with my GMG|. (it's why LPI has them there, RM PoWs)