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Class 9 Plasma guns - MarvinCZ - 03-10-2011

@Aeternus Doleo:
While these examples don't fit the categories and their properties, it's also hard to argue that they don't fit what was originally intended: Most of those are vanilla guns with vanilla characteristics. All of them, actually, except for the Gallic guns and the PG.

Class 9 Plasma guns - Syrus - 03-10-2011

' Wrote:This is how guns are balanced right now...
Guns are balanced?! o_O Did I miss something?

Eh, well...I'm with Aet on this.
Though I think Particle weapons should have a lower range than Tachyon.
Or Tachyon a higher speed...mhh...

Type      | Damage | Efficiency | Range | Speed | Refire
Plasma:   |     ++ |         +  |     - |     - |      -
Particle: |      o |         +  |     o |     o |      o
Tachyon:  |      o |         o  |     + |     + |      o
Neutron:  |      + |         o  |     - |     - |      o
Photon:   |      - |         -  |     + |     + |      +
Laser:    |     -- |         -  |     + |    ++ |      +
Something like that.

Class 9 Plasma guns - Blodo - 03-10-2011

' Wrote:Not really.

- High refire plasma weapon for the Hogosha (4.0 is double what that weapon type is for. Even with the range nerf 3.03 would have been better. Stats suggest Particle class weapon really)
- BHG and Outcast particle weapons at very high damage without any significant drawbacks (PG chaingun and Xeno at least have a severe efficiency nerf). Particle guns shouldn't be doing more damage then plasma guns, given the range and projectile speed comparison.
- Very low projectile speed photon weaponry for Kusari, Junkers and Gallic Brigands.
- Very low range Tachyon weapons for Coalition, Maquis (I suppose this can be explained by their exotic, non-sirian implementations of the tech)
This is all vanilla save for the Coalition and Gallia weapons (which were made specifically to be different from rest of Sirius). BHG guns sucked heavily before 4.85 due to lacklustre vanilla balancing, now they don't. Outcast guns we all know are still a tiny bit op. Hogosha gun is vanilla, but it used to be 500ms speed which was ludicrous... so that was only thing that was changed.

Weapon types follow a rough scheme, they don't adhere to the letter in everything. If they did, we have enough factions to actually have several factions having basically same guns because we only have 5 types. We'd need more types in that case.

Class 9 Plasma guns - chopper - 03-10-2011

While we'r at it, I think the balance concept is actually fine, but that the differences should be bigger.
For example, if some type has a + for range, range should be around 800-900 to really feel that improvement.
Of course, you'd feel it when fighting gunboats and transports, not fighters really.

Class 9 Plasma guns - dodike - 03-11-2011


Quote:This is a tachyon-based weapon that has the longest range of all energy-based weapons, but requires enormous amounts of power to fire.
Quote:This is a photon-based weapon which, though providing a high refire rate, requires enormous amounts of energy to deliver a significant damage output.
Quote:This is a laser-based weapon that provides a high refire rate at a reduced damage output.
Quote:This is a plasma-based weapon that delivers large amounts of damage, but cannot be refired quickly.
Quote:This is a particle-based weapon which, though delivers significant damage at a decent fire rate, requires enormous amounts of energy.
Quote:This is a neutron-based weapon which, though very energy efficient has a shorter effective range than most energy weapons.

So my table would look like something this:

Type      | Damage | Efficiency | Range | Speed | Refire
Plasma:   |     ++ |         +  |     - |   - - |      -
Particle: |      + |         -  |     o |     o |      o
Tachyon:  |      o |         -  |     + |     o |      o
Neutron:  |      o |        ++  |     - |     o |      o
Photon:   |      + |         -  |     o |     + |      +
Laser:    |     -- |         -  |     o |     + |      +

Then of course we have some faction specifics like Rogue guns have higher damage with lower efficiency, BH guns have higher efficiency, lower damage and so on.

Class 9 Plasma guns - Cond0r - 03-11-2011

keep them as they are right now, on 600ms speed. making them 500 would render them completely useless against anyone with a brain. it would be impossible to hit someone who can fly with them, unless he jousts you straight on.

yes I know they were already 500ms, but you cant compare that. at that time, both the ships and guns were different, the whole balance was.

Class 9 Plasma guns - Shardphoenix - 03-14-2011

' Wrote:Guns are balanced?! o_O Did I miss something?
Eh, well...I'm with Aet on this.
Though I think Particle weapons should have a lower range than Tachyon.
Or Tachyon a higher speed...mhh...

Type      | Damage | Efficiency | Range | Speed | Refire
Plasma:   |     ++ |         +  |     - |     - |      -
Particle: |      o |         +  |     o |     o |      o
Tachyon:  |      o |         o  |     + |     + |      o
Neutron:  |      + |         o  |     - |     - |      o
Photon:   |      - |         -  |     + |     + |      +
Laser:    |     -- |         -  |     + |    ++ |      +
Something like that.
Vanilla game was balanced without THIS in mind.

Class 9 Plasma guns - Syrus - 03-14-2011

' Wrote:Vanilla game was balanced without THIS in mind.
Vanilla was balanced? Did I miss something?

If you take the informations from the infocards, Dodikes sheet looks alright.
I don't see why Lasers should have necessarly a low energy efficiency, they already have a low dmg.
The question is, would they be balanced? It's very very difficult to actually balance the weapons because of the
many different ships we use and because of the beforementioned tech chart, which allows several factions to
fly other ships with their weapons or vice versa.

Class 9 Plasma guns - Curios - 03-14-2011

In my very opinion tizona\codes sabre is a way more cooler then 2.0 magma\codes sabre


Class 9 Plasma guns - mjolnir - 03-14-2011

' Wrote:It's very very difficult to actually balance the weapons because of the
many different ships we use and because of the beforementioned tech chart, which allows several factions to
fly other ships with their weapons or vice versa.

' Wrote:In my very opinion tizona\codes sabre is a way more cooler then 2.0 magma\codes sabre


Yes... all hail to 7 2.00 gun sabre.... tizona black dragon, inferno+nomad lasers Katana ..... ehhh