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How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - Printable Version

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How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - Coin - 03-21-2011

what are the stats on primary and secondary languages combined? reckon french would be lower down the list then.

How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - Canadianguy - 03-21-2011

' Wrote:what are the stats on primary and secondary languages combined? reckon french would be lower down the list then.

I think its 9th, but that is only what I think was said in some of my high-school history classes, I might be wrong.
Heck, I think english is actually second on that list, after chinese.

How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - Aphil - 03-21-2011

I understand WHY Quebec is passing this, but I think it's not a good idea to FORCE people to learn French. Encourage them, sure, but you shouldn't really be forcing people.

How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - DodgeOld24 - 03-21-2011

That's freakin lame. Should be allowed to study anything one wishes. But unable to study English ruining your life? Bit of an overreaction no?

How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - Jihadjoe - 03-21-2011

Why not have compulsory english and french classes in all schools in Canada, then require that all food packaging in canada is bi-lingual.

There, national level measures to ensure everyone can communicate with everyone else, can attent educational establishments everywhere within the country, while not sparking fears of "cultural erosion" (a concept I find bunk in the first place, there is no erosion, only evolution), by infact spreading the french canadian culture across the rest of the country.

Gosh... getting everyone involved through an inclusive central government policy? Revolutionary.

How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - Canadianguy - 03-21-2011

' Wrote:Why not have compulsory english and french classes in all schools in Canada, then require that all food packaging in canada is bi-lingual.

There, national level measures to ensure everyone can communicate with everyone else, can attent educational establishments everywhere within the country, while not sparking fears of "cultural erosion" (a concept I find bunk in the first place, there is no erosion, only evolution), by infact spreading the french canadian culture across the rest of the country.

Gosh... getting everyone involved through an inclusive central government policy? Revolutionary.
Right now, one of the things bill 101 says about school is that if your parents are either french speaking or speaking neither french nor english, you need to go to school in french. I think that part is a good idea, since it requires us to learn french properly. Not that you do not learn french properly if you go to english school, its just that you won't be able to learn as many of the subtleties of the french language, therefore if everyone would go to school in english, it would probably slowly kill french in Quebec.

In Quebec at least, if you go to french school, english classes are mandatory and if you go to english school, french classes are mandatory AFAIK.

I have to say though that your idea of making french classes mandatory in the whole country is a great idea, the only problem being that there happen to be some racist retards in the rest of the country who are anti-french. I am pretty sure these guys will probably complaint about thier child having to learn that "retarded" language.

The main problem with the culture in Quebec ATM is that a large part of the new generation of singers sing in english because its cool, even though many of them don't even understand what their are singing. But let say that I don't think anything will do much difference on that.

How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - Pinko - 03-21-2011

' Wrote:Why not have compulsory english and french classes in all schools in Canada, then require that all food packaging in canada is bi-lingual.

There, national level measures to ensure everyone can communicate with everyone else, can attent educational establishments everywhere within the country, while not sparking fears of "cultural erosion" (a concept I find bunk in the first place, there is no erosion, only evolution), by infact spreading the french canadian culture across the rest of the country.

Gosh... getting everyone involved through an inclusive central government policy? Revolutionary.

A problem: Bill 101 makes French the only official language of Québec. While everywhere else in Canada has both English and French as their official language, Québec passed this bill about 30 years ago to show that we,re different.

How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - Daedric - 03-21-2011

Utter bull crap if you ask me. I don't see how knowing a second language will hurt the local culture.

How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - teschy - 03-21-2011

While this is a completely retarded law, saying that it ruined your youth is a bit of an overstatement.

How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - Jeremy Hunter - 03-21-2011

' Wrote:While this is a completely retarded law, saying that it ruined your youth is a bit of an overstatement.

Can't come surf in the USA without a translator unless you know English.

Reading and hearing are completely different.

Bill 101 needs to be thrown into the Razgriz Black Hole.